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Hi to everyone!

My name is Amber and I'm a new first-time mom to Arlo, 4 weeks old as of

yesterday :) After much research, brain-prodding and hand-wringing, we have

decided not to vaccinate. Well, I've decided, in any case. My husband

hasn't looked into the matter very much and is, I believe, somewhat

skeptical about my concerns. Regardless, that's the route we're taking.

(Anyone have ideas on how to handle reluctant spouses?)

I do have a question... something that's been weighing on my mind lately.

I'm pretty concerned (okay, we'll say paranoid) about Arlo being around

people - I insist on hand-washing, don't allow much of " pass the baby " and

my insides churn whenever we're out and someone coughs or sneezes within a

50ft radius. I know that, at this point, this has little to do with the

whole vaccination issue.... I think it may just be that little nagging,

questioning voice that creeps up every now and again. SO, my question is

this: Do those of you who do not vaccinate take any special precautions as

far as exposing your kids to outsiders? I'm already breastfeeding (and plan

to continue for as long as he wants), so I know that's a plus. But what

else can I do to lower the odds that he'll catch some nasty illness?

Also, for any of you who have favorite books on children's health, natural

remedies, and alternative diets (for me... I think Arlo may have a dairy

sensitivity), I'd greatly appreciate your recommendations. I've just

finished school (for good!) and FINALLY have time to read!

Ah, and here's another: if the issue comes up (I, of course, won't be

raising it), how do you handle the grandparent factor?

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to conversing with and learning from

you all!

Take care,


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