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Re: Stats on rituxan, cyclophosphamide treatment?

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Adrienne, I have been treated twice with the combo of

Rituxan and Cytoxan. The first time was 4 yrs after dx

(1999), and also included high dose prednisone due to kidney

inflammation caused by cryoglobulemia, caused by CLL/SLL.

My numbers have trended to the SLL side of the equation,

with rather low WBC counts and very low lymphocyte counts.

I had two rounds of Rituxan (4x/mo, standard 375 dose)and 6

months of low dose cytoxan by mouth (100 mg/day, reduced to

50 mg/day). No side effects. This put me in a five year

remission. In 2009, due to dropping platelets (around 90 0r

80) and a falling Complement C4, I did another round of

treatment, which consisted of rituxan, same dose, but once a

month for six months, and cytoxan, 50 mg, for six months. I

immediately (upon completion) developed a respiratory

infection that hung in there for about 6 months, but

required no hospitalization. My numbers all went back

within normal range except for platelets which improved to

the 130 range. Which is where I am today, 2 yrs later. I

don't know of any studies and would be interested if anyone

does. It (R+C) is still my next plan, unless there is an

appropriate CAL101 trial out there or unless CAL101 gets

approved in the meantime.

Toby Hollander

Portland, ME

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About a year ago I came down with a severe case of AIHA. My

white cell count at the time was over 300,000, about 90%


After a failed attempt of Prednisone treatment, I was

treated with RCD (Rituxan, Cytoxan and Dexamethasone).

After 5 treatments, my HGB was up to 12.1 and my abs

lymphocyte count was in normal range. Now, about 6 months

after the treatments ended, I'm still in remission.

You might want to read a fairly recent article in the June

2009 issue of the journal Leukemia & Lymphoma (June 2009;

50(6): 892-899), titled : " A combination of rituximab,

cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone effectively treats immune

cytopenias of chronic lymphocytic leukemia "

Andy Gach

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Andy, thanks for your info...my wbc was 243000 when they

decided to start tx...the fact that it had doubled in 3 or 4

months helped too after the wbc was relatively slow and

steady upwards for the first part of the year i was going to

see dr. rai

However, two days after i went to see dr. furman...about

getting into the cal trial (rejected because i have a

pacemaker) Dr. F said my cll was now aggressive...dr rai

decided it was time to start tx...i had one iv of

fludarabine - (they didn't notice i had a positive coombs

test - ??)...but the next treatments were only with rcd...I

was able to do the iv part in one day...and took the

steroids orally at home...this protocol brought my wbc down

quite a bit each time...so far i have had 4 rounds...the

last one was almost left out but at the last minute dr rai

decided to go with the 4th...i am hoping that the extra

round will give me a longer remission but does anyone really

know...i did find this last tx had more issues for me.

I go for my 10 day visit...and am trying to formulate

questions and get information as to what happens next...what

to expect...what has this done to my body for now and in the

future, etc...hence my email to the group.

Thanks again


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