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Hospital-Based Policies for Prevention of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Diseas

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Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

Hospital-Based Policies for Prevention of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal

Disease --- United States, 1999

[MMWR 49(41):936-940, 2000. Centers for Disease Control]




Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the leading cause of sepsis, meningitis, and

pneumonia in newborns in the United States [1]. Because intrapartum

prophylactic antibiotics reduce mother-to-child GBS transmission [2], in

1996, CDC, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the

American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that hospitals adopt formal GBS

prevention policies [2--4]. From 1994 to 1997, the proportion of hospitals

with formal intrapartum GBS prevention policies increased from 39% to 59%

[5,6]; hospitals that implemented policies reported less GBS disease among

neonates [7]. In 1999, CDC's Active Bacterial Core Surveillance (ABCs) system

surveyed hospitals in eight states about their GBS prevention policies. This

report summarizes the results of that analysis and indicates that in 1999,

the proportion of hospitals with formal policies had not changed since 1997;

however, a higher proportion of hospitals have implemented measures to

improve policy compliance.

From October through December 1999, a structured questionnaire was mailed to

hospitals with obstetric services in the metropolitan statistical areas of

Atlanta, Georgia (n=30 hospitals; 20 counties); San Francisco, California

(n=21; three counties); Albany and Rochester, New York (n=23; 15 counties);

Minneapolis/St. , Minnesota (n=19; seven counties); Portland, Oregon

(n=13; three counties); Tennessee (n=31; five counties); and Connecticut

(n=29) and land (n=35). Nonrespondents were contacted by telephone or

fax. Survey responses were analyzed using Epi Info 6.0. Chi-square tests were

used to compare 1997 with 1999 survey responses. McNemar's test was used to

analyze responses from hospitals that participated in the survey in both

years. Some questions were not asked in the 1997 survey; therefore,

comparative data were not available.

Of the 201 hospitals surveyed in 1999, 187 (93%) responded; 117 (63%)

respondents reported having a formal GBS prevention policy, and 97 (86%) of

the 117 had written policies. In 1997, 177 (94%) of 189 responded; 103 (58%)

of 177 reported having a formal GBS prevention policy, and 82 (80%) of 103

had written policies (Table 1). From 1997 to 1999, 27 (23%) hospitals

established new policies and 22 (14%) revised their policies. Of 70 hospitals

without policies, 42 (60%) encouraged health-care providers to establish

their own policies, and 22 (34%) were developing an institutional policy.

Hospitals with policies were larger than hospitals without policies (median

births in 1998: 1432 versus 965; p=0.09), and 70 (60%) of 117 had a neonatal

intensive care unit (NICU). Twelve (6.4%) of 187 hospitals that had neither a

formal policy nor had addressed the issue with providers were less often

affiliated with an academic institution than hospitals with policies (8%

versus 44%; p=0.02) and were less likely to have a NICU (17% versus 60%;


Guidelines for GBS prevention recommended one of two strategies to identify

pregnant women for intrapartum prophylactic antibiotics: a screening-based

approach in which late prenatal cultures are collected and processed, or a

risk-based approach in which women are evaluated during labor for obstetric

risk factors (e.g., rupture of membranes >/=18 hours, maternal fever, or

prematurity). Of the 117 hospitals with formal policies, 62 (53%) used the

screening-based approach, 37 (31%) followed the risk-based strategy, and 16

(14%) reported recommending a combination of risk-based and screening-based

strategies (Table 1). Of the hospitals that recommended an agent for

intrapartum antibiotics, 87 (80%) of 109 recommended penicillin compared with

56 (60%) of 95 hospitals in 1997 (McNemar's test; p=0.04). In 1999, of the

hospitals that recommended an agent for patients allergic to penicillin, 81

(76%) of 106 recommended clindamycin. In 1999, 95 (59%) of 184 hospital

laboratories used selective broth media to culture GBS compared with 76 (47%)

of 161 laboratories in 1997 (McNemar's test; p=0.11).

In 1999, 89 (82%) of 108 hospitals provided information about the GBS policy

to physicians and nursing staff; 49 (43%) of 115 provided information to

patients. In 1999, 123 (76%) of 162 hospitals that used standardized forms

included GBS screening results versus 76 (45%) of 170 hospitals in 1997

(McNemar's test; p=0.016) (Table 2). The use of standing orders for GBS

prophylaxis also increased significantly from 65 (37%) of 176 hospitals to 88

(48%) of 182 hospitals in 1999 (McNemar's test; p=0.02).

Reported by: P Daily, MPH, L Gelling, MPH, G Rothrock, MPH, A Reingold, MD,

Emerging Infections Program, San Francisco; D Vugia, MD, Acting State

Epidemiologist, California Dept of Health Svcs. H Linardos, MPH, A Roome,

PhD, C Morin, MPH, Q Phan, JL Hadler, MD, State Epidemiologist, Connecticut

Dept of Public Health. W Baughman, MSPH, M Farley, MD, D s, MD,

Veterans Administration Medical Svcs and Emory Univ School of Medicine,

Atlanta; P Blake, MD, State Epidemiologist, Div of Public Health, Georgia

Dept of Human Resources. M Pass, MS, L on, MD, s Hopkins Univ,

Baltimore; JC Roche, MD, Acting State Epidemiologist, land State Dept of

Health and Mental Hygiene. J Rainbow, R Lynfield, MD, R Danila, PhD, State

Epidemiologist, Minnesota Dept of Health. B Damaske, D Morse, MD, N ,

MD, P , MD, State Epidemiologist, New York State Dept of Health. L Duke,

K Stefonek, MPH, M Kohn, MD, State Epidemiologist, State Health Div, Oregon

Dept of Human Svcs. B , MS, L Lefkowitz, MD, W Schaffner, MD, Dept of

Preventive Medicine, Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville; A Craig, Deputy

State Epidemiologist, Tennessee Dept of Health. Active Bacterial Core

Surveillance, Emerging Infections Program Network, Respiratory Disease Br,

Div of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Infectious

Diseases; and an EIS Officer, CDC.

Editorial Note

Although the proportion of hospitals with formal GBS prevention policies was

unchanged during the study period, neonatal GBS disease declined between 1997

and 1999 [8,9]. Increased compliance with hospital policies or increased

efforts by health-care providers in hospitals that have no institutional

policies may account for this discrepancy [10]. Provider surveys in two

states indicated that >90% of obstetricians had GBS prevention protocols by

1998 [10]. Further decreases in GBS incidence are possible if additional

hospitals adopt policies.

More hospitals have adopted a systemwide approach to the prevention of GBS;

approximately half the hospitals surveyed use standing orders for prophylaxis

and one third had forms to simplify recognition of mothers at risk for

transmitting GBS to their infants. Documentation of the critical elements of

a GBS prevention protocol can facilitate recognition of candidates for

intrapartum prophylaxis and improve compliance and policy success.

The findings in this report are subject to at least three limitations. First,

although the survey achieved a high response rate, hospitals within an active

surveillance system were surveyed, and most respondents previously had been

surveyed. Second, the policies of these facilities may not be generalizable

to hospitals in other locations. Third, the results represent the reported

policies of the obstetric programs; the services provided were not measured


Antibiotic chemoprophylaxis during the intrapartum period has contributed

substantially to the decrease in early-onset GBS disease [8,9]. However, with

10%--30% of pregnant women colonized with GBS at any given time [2],

continued adherence to prophylaxis recommendations is needed. Improved

adherence may be facilitated by educating women about GBS prevention.

Educational material and order forms for other information for prenatal-care

providers and patients are available on the World-Wide Web,

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/gbs or from CDC's National Center for

Infectious Diseases, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, Health

Communications Activity, A-49, 1600 Clifton Rd, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30333.

Orders for multiple copies are available at Public Health Foundation, 1220 L

Street, N.W., Suite 350, Washington, DC 20005, telephone (877) 252-1200, or

are available on the World-Wide Web, http://www.phf.org.




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Gynecologists. Prevention of early-onset group B streptococcal disease in

newborns. Washington, DC: American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists, 1996; committee opinion no. 173.

Committee on Infectious Diseases/Committee on Fetus and Newborn American

Academy of Pediatrics. Revised guidelines for prevention of early-onset group

B streptococcal (GBS) disease. Pediatrics 1997;99:489--96.

CDC. Adoption of hospital policies for prevention of perinatal group B

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practices for perinatal group B streptococcal disease: a multi-state

surveillance analysis. Obstet Gynecol 1997;89:28--32.

Factor SH, Whitney CG, Zywicki S, Schuchat A, ABC Surveillance Team. Effects

of hospital policies based on 1996 group B streptococcal disease consensus

guidelines. Obstet Gynecol 2000;95:377--82.

Schrag SJ, Zywicki S, Farley MM, et al. Group B streptococcal disease in the

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CDC. Adoption of perinatal group B streptococcal disease prevention

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MMWR 2000;49:228--32.

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