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Expert Says Vaccine Probable Cause of Polio Outbreak

A type 1 wild-vaccine recombinant poliovirus spread hundreds of kilometers in just 1 year in China, epidemiologists have documented. Dr. Hong-Mei Liu, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and associates there and in Beijing describe their epidemiological investigation in the December issue of the Journal of Virology. RNA probe hybridization showed isolates with nucleotide sequences consistent with wild type virus, as well as sequences derived from the Sabin type 1 oral poliovirus strain, the researchers say. They compared the calculated range of divergence times with the epidemiological record and concluded that the recombination event was likely to have occurred between mid-January and late March 1991. Isolates from March and April 1991 close in sequence to the earliest recombinant isolate were from two northern provinces. By June 1991, the recombinant lineages had spread to two more provinces. By the end of that year, recombinant viruses were circulating by multiple chains of transmission. Dr. Liu and associates performed sequencing on 33 additional vaccine-wild recombinants isolated from 10 provinces between 1991 and 1993. The results and the other data suggest that "the ancestral recombinant most likely arose during the mixed infection of one person," they say.

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