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Re: T3 and still hypo and in despair - advice needed please

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Hi Jacquie

I would come straight out with what you want to say and tell him

that you are no longer prepared to put up with the thyroid therapy he has


First, list all of the symptoms that you are suffering right now

and list all of your signs. Check these against those in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk under 'Hypothyroidism'. Next,

tell him that you have been doing research into why thyroid hormone may not be

working as it should and you can refer to the reasons given in the attached

document. Tell him that you need the tests in the attached document done in

case any of these are low in the reference range, which would show the thyroid

hormone is not being properly utilised. Tell him that the present therapy he

has recommended of 50mcgs T4 and only 20mcgs T3 is not working and your

symptoms are getting worse on a daily basis. Tell him that you know thyroxine

is a mainly inactive prohormone which has to convert to the active thyroid

hormone T3 in order for all the cells in your body and brain to function efficiently

and that you would like a trial of an increase of your T3 as a matter of

urgency. Tell him that this has been going on for long enough and that

you are now prepared to do whatever is necessary to get back your health. I

think if it was me, I would tell him at this stage that if he refuses to work

with you and give you a trial of an increase, that he gives you no alternative

but to buy some T3 yourself as I am at a point of sheer desperation, but that I

would much rather he worked with me, rather than against me, which is what it

feels like he is doing now.

At the bottom of the letter, ask that your letter of request be

placed into your medical notes and for him to contact you as a matter of


The NHS will not do a reverse T3 (rT3) test unfortunately, so

you would have to get that done privately, but I don't see that to be the

problem from the results below. I think it more that you are not on a

sufficiently high dose of T3 or you may be suffering with one of the conditions

in the attached document. What is your iron level - often hypothyroid patients

find they have very low iron and it is important you find this out.

I have sent the list of doctors to you - but you may have to be

prepared to travel to see the one of your choice.

Luv - Sheila

Can anyone advise me on the above results and what I should say to him. I

am due to see him again on 26-01-11 but need advice on what to say to him in an

email to get him to up my dose as I cannot go on this way and am totally worn

out, desperate and so alone (I have become socially isolated and a


Is there any chance that my receptors are blocked or that I am totally T4

resistant? Are the above results enough to warrant asking for a rT3

test.... I don't even know if he would consider it. I did ask for a

adrenal salivary test but he said that it was too expensive for the NHS's

current budget.


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Hi Sheila

Thank you for responding and for the attachment. I have covered most of what's

in it with him already. He KNOWS that I am T4 resistant and has continued to

leave me on 20mcg T3 and 50mcg T4 daily for three months now. I really don't

understand why unless he thinks my last tests taken were fine although this

doesn't make sense as he treats by symptoms not just tests.

I have been unable to write as my internet went down straight after posting my

message and I've been too ill today but called his secretary (she's been away on

sick leave) and she says he's on his annual leave until 4 January. She

suggested I see him privately but I said I couldn't afford it.... her other

suggestion was that I go to A & E but I've been down that route already begging

for an increase of T3 two weeks into my 74mcg T4 and 5mcg T3 regime and was

refused an increase because I was his patient and the Endo at the hospital said

she wouldn't interfere with his patients (he heads the endos at the hospital).

I have now decreased my T4 to 25mcg and increased T3 to 15 mcg in the morning

but am only left with 5mcg T3 for midday. His secretary said that she would

email him explaining my symptoms of sweating and internal shivering, painful

weak legs, no energy or stamina and that I am still very ill and hypo and that I

want an increase of T3 but she didn't think he would respond as he's on leave.

My next appointment with him is on the 26th January and he has provided a TFT

form requesting a ferritin test as well - my ferritin was high but in range at

116 (he didn't provide the ref range) and B12 was low but in range at 282 (again

the ref range wasn't provided). He says I don't have pernicious anemia and he

prescribed Vitamin B Strong Compound tablets for the low B12 of which I take 2 a

day. Should I request that he rule out haemachromatosis?

You asked what my iron level was... I have only ever been tested for ferritin...

is this not the same?

I don't want to get on the wrong side of him because I don't know anyone in my

area (Chislehurst/Bromley/BR7) who is willing to prescribe T3 or Erfa at my

request as I am too weak to travel far and don't have a car and he seems to be

the only consultant I know here who believes that one's TSH should be around 1.

There's also still no word from the PCT permitting him to prescribe me Erfa and

he wrote to them months ago. He somehow seems to believe muscle weakness is a

cause of too much T3 when I know it's because it's a lack of T3.

Sorry for being so emotive but I'm too ill to have to deal with this and feel

I'm banging my head against a brick wall. He also mentioned to me on our first

meeting that he thinks that my symptoms may be multifactoral and that there was

a possibility I would never be completely well again!?

I will see if I can find the words to write to him.




> The NHS will not do a reverse T3 (rT3) test unfortunately, so you would have

> to get that done privately, but I don't see that to be the problem from the

> results below. I think it more that you are not on a sufficiently high dose

> of T3 or you may be suffering with one of the conditions in the attached

> document. What is your iron level - often hypothyroid patients find they

> have very low iron and it is important you find this out.


> I have sent the list of doctors to you - but you may have to be prepared to

> travel to see the one of your choice.


> Luv - Sheila




> Can anyone advise me on the above results and what I should say to him. I

> am due to see him again on 26-01-11 but need advice on what to say to him in

> an email to get him to up my dose as I cannot go on this way and am totally

> worn out, desperate and so alone (I have become socially isolated and a

> recluse).


> Is there any chance that my receptors are blocked or that I am totally T4

> resistant? Are the above results enough to warrant asking for a rT3 test....

> I don't even know if he would consider it. I did ask for a adrenal salivary

> test but he said that it was too expensive for the NHS's current budget.





> _,___


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On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 16:28:33 -0000, you wrote:

>I don't want to get on the wrong side of him because I don't know anyone in my

area (Chislehurst/Bromley/BR7) who is willing to prescribe T3 or Erfa at my

request as I am too weak to travel far and don't have a car and he seems to be

the only consultant I know here who believes that one's TSH should be around 1.

There's also still no word from the PCT permitting him to prescribe me Erfa and

he wrote to them months ago. He somehow seems to believe muscle weakness is a

cause of too much T3 when I know it's because it's a lack of T3.

Can I mail you privately please??


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Can anyone tell me if the TFTs below would have been a true reflection since I wasn't allowed to take any of my other medications ie diazepam, moclobemide, calcium tablets, omreprozole, diclofenac etc and was only offered a chicken sandwich, small pot of yoghurt and small cup of orange juice the whole day. Normally at home I would have drunk tea and eaten titbits throughout the day?Thank you!Jacquie23-11-10Planned Investigation Unit (I took no thyroid meds for 24 hours prior testing)Time fT4 (9.4 - 22.7) fT3 (3.5 - 6.5) TSH (0.35 - 6.5)10h55 (before any meds) 12.7 3.0 0.1313h55 (after 50mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 at 10h55 13.8 4.5 0.1116h55 (after 5mcg T3 taken at 13h55) 13.7 4.3 0.12ECG

fine except for slight saddle shaped ST changes in inferior and lateral

leads. BP no higher than 128/83 and heart rate between 60 and 83. Vital signs normal.

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Thank you for responding and for the

attachment. I have covered most of what's in it with him already. He KNOWS that

I am T4 resistant and has continued to leave me on 20mcg T3 and 50mcg T4 daily

for three months now. I really don't understand why unless he thinks my last

tests taken were fine although this doesn't make sense as he treats by symptoms

not just tests.

It looks like you

may need to take your thyroid health into your own hands if this

endocrinologist is not going to bend. You should not be left with such

suffering when it is obvious you are not being replaced with the correct

hormones that you need.

I have been unable to write as my internet went

down straight after posting my message and I've been too ill today but called

his secretary (she's been away on sick leave) and she says he's on his annual

leave until 4 January. She suggested I see him privately but I said I couldn't afford

it.... her other suggestion was that I go to A & E but I've been down that

route already begging for an increase of T3 two weeks into my 74mcg T4 and 5mcg

T3 regime and was refused an increase because I was his patient and the Endo at

the hospital said she wouldn't interfere with his patients (he heads the endos

at the hospital).

I doubt that A and E will do anything apart from telling you to

make an appointment with your endocrinologist.

I have now decreased my T4 to 25mcg and

increased T3 to 15 mcg in the morning but am only left with 5mcg T3 for midday.

His secretary said that she would email him explaining my symptoms of sweating

and internal shivering, painful weak legs, no energy or stamina and that I am

still very ill and hypo and that I want an increase of T3 but she didn't think

he would respond as he's on leave.

Good, and I hope you start to feel the benefit. Why are you

taking 15mcgs in the morning though and only 5mcgs in the afternoon. Take

10mcgs morning and 10mcgs later. It sounds as if you are suffering with low

adrenal reserve and you need to get this checked out. Do the Adrenal

Questionnaire in our Files section and also do the Home Testing for Adrenals.

You will find these in the Folder entitled 'Adrenals' Also, take your

temperature according to Dr Rind http://www.drrind.com/therapies/metabolic-temperature-graph

as this is a quick and easy way to track your metabolic health. You need to

keep a graph of these. I would get the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile done by

Genova Diagnostics as a matter of urgency. Again, see our Files section under

'Discounts on Tests and Supplements' and click on the 'Genova' file and follow

the instructions there and you will get a discouont by being a TPA member. If it

is found this is your problem (and I am 99% certain it is) then you would need

to get some form of Adrenal supplements, but you would have to stop your

thyroid hormone for a week and just take your adrenal glandulars to boost your

adrenals. No amount of T3 can get into the cells if your adrenals are fatigued

until they have been boosted.

My next appointment with him is on the 26th January and he has provided a TFT

form requesting a ferritin test as well - my ferritin was high but in range at

116 (he didn't provide the ref range) and B12 was low but in range at 282

(again the ref range wasn't provided). He says I don't have pernicious anemia

and he prescribed Vitamin B Strong Compound tablets for the low B12 of which I

take 2 a day. Should I request that he rule out haemachromatosis?

Did he ask for vitamin D3, folate, magnesium, copper and zinc to

be tested. If not, ask for these again as once more, thyroid hormone cannot be

absorbed if these are not where they should be in the reference range.

You asked what my iron level was... I have only

ever been tested for ferritin... is this not the same?

No, ferritin is your STORED iron. You need a full blood test. It

is VERY important to get your iron levels tested because if you have adrenal

fatigue, often the reason is that you are suffering with low iron levels and

these must be boosted.

I don't want to get on the wrong side of him

because I don't know anyone in my area (Chislehurst/Bromley/BR7) who is willing

to prescribe T3 or Erfa at my request as I am too weak to travel far and don't

have a car and he seems to be the only consultant I know here who believes that

one's TSH should be around 1. There's also still no word from the PCT

permitting him to prescribe me Erfa and he wrote to them months ago. He somehow

seems to believe muscle weakness is a cause of too much T3 when I know it's

because it's a lack of T3.

Tell him that you have been studying the functioning of the

thyroid/adrenal system and want to do whatever is possible to regain your

normal health again and that you would very much appreciate his guidance in

doing this, but that you do realise that doctors and patients should listen to

each other and be guided by each other and therefore, can you work together on

this. I would telephone the PCT and tell them that your endocrinologist is

waiting to hear from them regarding their funding of Erfa thyroid as you are

unable to tolerate synthetic thyroid hormone replacements. It won't do you much

good right now over the Christmas holidays, but make this a New Year's resolution.

Don't ever think of doctors as 'god' because they are not and never will be.

They are supposed to be there to make us better, and we too have a brain and

capable of studying what could be the problem, and trying whatever experiment

is necessary to see if that is the answer.

Sorry for being so emotive but I'm too ill to

have to deal with this and feel I'm banging my head against a brick wall. He

also mentioned to me on our first meeting that he thinks that my symptoms may

be multifactoral and that there was a possibility I would never be completely

well again!?

This is a cop-out for doctors when they don't know what to do with

their patients. We all know that symptoms of hypothyroidism are not 'specific'

but a bunch of them altogether ARE specific and then there are 'signs' of

hypothyroidism which they don't take into account. A slow Achilles Tendon

Reflex, for instance, is specific to hypothyroidism, but I get he never tested


He also needs to take on board that a thyroid gland may be

secreting sufficient thyroid hormone but what doctors do not understand, is

that the thyroid hormone does nothing in the blood, it has to be utilised in

the cells. If it lies in the blood with nowhere to go, you get symptoms of

toxicity - and this is when doctors tell you " It's all in your head " .

They NEVER do any tests or checks to find out whether you are suffering with

peripheral thyroid hormone deficiencies.

I will see if I can find the words to write to


If you need any help with this, please let me know Jacquie and I

will do what I can.




> The NHS will not do a reverse T3 (rT3) test unfortunately, so you would


> to get that done privately, but I don't see that to be the problem from


> results below. I think it more that you are not on a sufficiently high


> of T3 or you may be suffering with one of the conditions in the attached

> document. What is your iron level - often hypothyroid patients find they

> have very low iron and it is important you find this out.


> I have sent the list of doctors to you - but you may have to be prepared


> travel to see the one of your choice.

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Of course you can Nick. Thank you!


> >I don't want to get on the wrong side of him because I don't know anyone in

my area (Chislehurst/Bromley/BR7) who is willing to prescribe T3 or Erfa at my

request as I am too weak to travel far and don't have a car and he seems to be

the only consultant I know here who believes that one's TSH should be around 1.

There's also still no word from the PCT permitting him to prescribe me Erfa and

he wrote to them months ago. He somehow seems to believe muscle weakness is a

cause of too much T3 when I know it's because it's a lack of T3.


> Can I mail you privately please??


> Nick


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Hi Sheila

I have just received a call from my endo's secretary and he had dictated a

letter to my GP copying me which is being posted today.

She read it out to me and he says that he is very concerned that I am perspiring

and having muscle weakness which are signs of too much T3 and that he had warned

me of the dangers of T3 and that he cannot continue to prescribe me more. He is

finding it difficult to treat me because I keep changing the doses and that I

was told to go to A & E but had refused (this is taken out of context as I was

under the impression that I would be seeing a certain consultant which had

refused to treat me last time and had been extremely rude to the point of

upsetting me for days). He also said that he would be seeing me in January and

would take it up with me then.

I cannot remember the rest but was advised to go to A & E today. I told his

secretary that I have been ill for the best of 6 years and am going on the

fourth year of being housebound and bedridden but she said that he was the

consultant and she could do nothing more. I also said that I was so desperate I

was considering self medicating and she advised against it and told me to go to

A & E today and if too ill to call for an ambulance.

I asked her to withdraw sending the letter until I had written to him but she

said she couldn't but that I should write down my concerns and she would send it

on to him.

I don't know what to do! Do I go to A & E? Any suggestions?




> He also needs to take on board that a thyroid gland may be secreting

> sufficient thyroid hormone but what doctors do not understand, is that the

> thyroid hormone does nothing in the blood, it has to be utilised in the

> cells. If it lies in the blood with nowhere to go, you get symptoms of

> toxicity - and this is when doctors tell you " It's all in your head " . They

> NEVER do any tests or checks to find out whether you are suffering with

> peripheral thyroid hormone deficiencies.


> I will see if I can find the words to write to him.


> If you need any help with this, please let me know Jacquie and I will do

> what I can.




> Love

> Jacquie



> >


> > The NHS will not do a reverse T3 (rT3) test unfortunately, so you would

> have

> > to get that done privately, but I don't see that to be the problem from

> the

> > results below. I think it more that you are not on a sufficiently high

> dose

> > of T3 or you may be suffering with one of the conditions in the attached

> > document. What is your iron level - often hypothyroid patients find they

> > have very low iron and it is important you find this out.

> >

> > I have sent the list of doctors to you - but you may have to be prepared

> to

> > travel to see the one of your choice.


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On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 10:59:07 -0000, you wrote:


>I have just received a call from my endo's secretary and he had dictated a

letter to my GP copying me which is being posted today.


>She read it out to me and he says that he is very concerned that I am

perspiring and having muscle weakness which are signs of too much T3 and that he

had warned me of the dangers of T3 and that he cannot continue to prescribe me


Nightmare person, to me those symptoms both sound adrenal, are your

temperatures stable??

For me adrenals give me an aching feeling in my legs as though I had

the flu.

>He is finding it difficult to treat me because I keep changing the doses and

that I was told to go to A & E but had refused (this is taken out of context as I

was under the impression that I would be seeing a certain consultant which had

refused to treat me last time and had been extremely rude to the point of

upsetting me for days). He also said that he would be seeing me in January and

would take it up with me then.

In the mean time he puts your life on hold


>I cannot remember the rest but was advised to go to A & E today. I told his

secretary that I have been ill for the best of 6 years and am going on the

fourth year of being housebound and bedridden but she said that he was the

consultant and she could do nothing more. I also said that I was so desperate I

was considering self medicating and she advised against it and told me to go to

A & E today and if too ill to call for an ambulance.

And what are A & E meant to do??


>I asked her to withdraw sending the letter until I had written to him but she

said she couldn't but that I should write down my concerns and she would send it

on to him.


>I don't know what to do! Do I go to A & E? Any suggestions?

I don't see A & E doing anything apart from making you wait for hours!

remind me where you are coming from, in particular:-

Did anything trigger feeling like this, an infection you didn't

recover properly from or anything?

Iron labs, ferritin and any other iron results you have

Adrenal saliva labs if you have them plus any treatment you are on for

adrenals, temperatures, both on waking and as per Dr rind for a few


Any thyroid labs you have and what treatment you were on at the time?

Sorry if you've already gone through these, I see so many people on

line that I don't remember who is who.

20 of T3 is a very low dose, are you splitting it or taking it all at


There is no way it will be hyper on that but you may be suffering

intolerance, usually adrenal or iron related


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Jacquie - who suggested that you should have your thyroid

function testing before any medication, after 50mcgs T4 and 10mcgs T3 and again

after 5mcgs T3? I don't even understand the logic behind these. I doubt not

taking your medications as listed, or having such a small quantity of food

would make any difference to your thyroid function test results. The results

below show you most definitely are not suffering with hyPERthyroidism by taking

too much T3, in fact, your free T3 readings should be much higher when taking

T3. They should be in the upper third of the reference range. However, not

taking any TH for 24 hours before the blood test would make the results look

lower. T3 peaks in the blood between 2 to 4 hours after taking the medication,

and certainly your results show your T3 is working, but not well enough, so

there is obviously a need for an increase in dose.

However, if you have low levels of ferritin, vitamin B12,

vitamin D3, folate, magnesium, copper and zinc, these will stop the T3 from

getting into your cells leaving you to suffer the continuing symptoms of

hypothyroidism. Show your doctor the attached

document to show that patients are being denied adequate relief

from symptoms because less than half of the greater thyroid system is being

considered. This chart illustrates the flow through the system starting at the

top of the chart with signals from your brain to the bottom of the chart where

the symptoms are sensed. There are many functions after the 'customary practice

laboratory tests', but they are not recognised. Adrenal fatigue is one function

that is not recognised also. http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/greater_thyroid_system_table.pdf

Luv - Sheila


Planned Investigation Unit (I took no thyroid meds for 24 hours prior testing)


fT4 (9.4 - 22.7) fT3 (3.5 - 6.5) TSH (0.35 -


10h55 (before any





13h55 (after 50mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 at





16h55 (after 5mcg T3 taken at





ECG fine except for slight saddle shaped ST changes in inferior and lateral

leads. BP no higher than 128/83 and heart rate between 60 and 83.

Vital signs normal.

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On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 13:59:05 +0000, you wrote:

>remind me where you are coming from, in particular:-


>Did anything trigger feeling like this, an infection you didn't

>recover properly from or anything?


>Iron labs, ferritin and any other iron results you have


>Adrenal saliva labs if you have them plus any treatment you are on for

>adrenals, temperatures, both on waking and as per Dr rind for a few



>Any thyroid labs you have and what treatment you were on at the time?

Back home now and read back the rest of the thread as it wasn't on the

PC at work

These labs were there


>Planned Investigation Unit (I took no thyroid meds for 24 hours prior



>fT4 (9.4 - 22.7) fT3 (3.5 - 6.5) TSH (0.35 - 6.5) 10h55 (before any meds)

>12.7 3.0 0.13

>13h55 (after 50mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 at 10h55

> 13.8 4.5 0.11

>16h55 (after 5mcg T3 taken at 13h55)

> 13.7 4.3 0.12


Reformatted so they come out

By those labs you are hypo even on blood draws straight after taking


WHY were they doing bloods 3 times a day, I've never heard of this


>ECG fine except for slight saddle shaped ST changes in inferior and

>lateral leads. BP no higher than 128/83 and heart rate between 60 and

>83. Vital signs normal.

They are basically proving you are hypo

Ideal labs on a full replacement dose of T4/T3 combination would be

FT4 of half way up the range and FT3 top of range. TSH would then be

about 0.01

Most people taking T3 only do best on 4 or 5 identical doses a day, if

you were taking T4 with it then you could take that once a day as

levels change slowly

If you are feeling little from the T4 then you may as well drop it and

ramp up the T3 every few days as the T4 levels decay away

What was your last Ferritin?

Have you had saliva labs or looked at temperature averages??


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> > >> >I have just received a call from my endo's secretary and he had dictated a letter to my GP copying me which is being posted today. > >> >She read it out to me and he says that he is very concerned that I am perspiring and having muscle weakness which are signs of too much T3 and that he had warned me of the dangers of T3 and that he cannot continue to prescribe me more. > > Nightmare person, to me those symptoms both sound adrenal, are your> temperatures stable??I have started logging them today as per Dr RindSo far: 09h30 35.6C 12h30 36.6C 15h30 36.6C (this one taken at A & E) 18h30 36.4C> > For me adrenals give me an aching feeling in my legs as though I had> the flu.> That's more or less how I'm feeling - achy, heavy (treacly) and unsteady > >He is finding it difficult to treat me because I keep changing the doses and that I was told to go to A & E but had refused (this is taken out of context as I was under the impression that I would be seeing a certain consultant which had refused to treat me last time and had been extremely rude to the point of upsetting me for days). He also said that he would be seeing me in January and would take it up with me then.> > In the mean time he puts your life on holdI know....I''m mentally and emotionally exhausted and have so little fight left in me!!> >> >I cannot remember the rest but was advised to go to A & E today. I told his secretary that I have been ill for the best of 6 years and am going on the fourth year of being housebound and bedridden but she said that he was the consultant and she could do nothing more. I also said that I was so desperate I was considering self medicating and she advised against it and told me to go to A & E today and if too ill to call for an ambulance. > > And what are A & E meant to do??> >> >I asked her to withdraw sending the letter until I had written to him but she said she couldn't but that I should write down my concerns and she would send it on to him.> >> >I don't know what to do! Do I go to A & E? Any suggestions?> > I don't see A & E doing anything apart from making you wait for hours!I went to A & E as I honestly didn't want my endo to think I was purposely being difficult. I explained to the doctor as much as possible how long I'd been ill, my symptons and that I felt undermedicated but that I had come at the advice of my endo (it's the same hospital he works at) because he felt that I was hypErthyroid because of my hot flashes, perspiring and night sweats. I mentioned that I was measuring my metabolic temperature and that it had been 35.6C this morning. He took my temperature and it read 36.6C which he confirmed as normal. He obviously didn't understand that it has to taken every 3 hours 3 times a day for several days. He said he didn't know what was expected from him and would refer me back to my endo. I said that was exactly what I said would happen but he had insisted on me coming to A & E and here I am having wasted my time and there's. He said he would run some blood tests. I asked which ones and he said TFT. I told him that I had taken my medication a couple of hours ago and couldn't see what good that would do. I also mentioned that I needed the necessary tests ie iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, B12, Ferritin, Selenium, D3 and folate to be done because if any of these were low in range I would be unable to absorb thyroid hormones into my cells thereby giving normal readings yet leaving me symptomatic. I also mentioned that I needed an ASI test as I believed I had low adrenal reserves which could also be the cause of me feeling so poorly. He said he couldn't do that at A & E. Anyway, my blood was taken and I saw that they hadn't filled in fT3 in the box below or that I was on T3. I was told that they couldn't afford the fT3 test. I tried explaining it was worthless without the fT3 since I was on T3! A few other boxes were ticked and later a consultant came back with the results which he wrote down on a piece of paper but with no ranges even though I insisted but he said not to worry as they were all normal except for the urea:WBC 5.6Hb 13.3Platlet 261Sodium 139Potassium 4.6Urea 10.8 (suggested I drink more water)Creat 95Total Protein 70Albumin 44Alk Phosp 94AST 34Bilorbi? 6 (couldn't read his writing)TSH 0.10 (o.35 - 5.50)fT4 12.4 (9.4 - 22-7)I was incredulous... they had just spent NHS money on taking all these tests which I had had done many times already and the ones that were really needed weren't done. He said he understood where I was coming from but he didn't order the tests and he could understand my frustration. He tried calling my endo's secretary but she had left for home. He suggested I take it up with my doctor (which I don't have yet) or my endo's sec tomorrow and explain that I'm in no danger and that my tests are normal but that maybe I should raise my T4 from 25mcg to 35mcg to raise the results and when I saw my endo to talk to him them (I've only lowered my T4 from 50mcg to 25mcg yesterday and today). I said I had tried but my endo didn't seem to understand. He sat with me for a long while but was just as frustrated that he couldn't help me.> > remind me where you are coming from, in particular:-> > Did anything trigger feeling like this, an infection you didn't> recover properly from or anything?No, except that I stopped taking my oestrogen pill about 7 weeks ago and haven't menstruated since. I was taking it to regulate my periods but was concerned that it may be interfering with the thyroid meds so decided to stop - I had no idea that I would stop menstruating too!Oh, and also after having spent the day in the Planned Investigation Unit on 23-11-10 having all those tests my endo wanted me to have. I was so cold I had to keep asking for more blankets. About a week later I started having internal shivering, sweating profusely and hot flashes.> > Iron labs, ferritin and any other iron results you haveNo iron but on 06-05-10 blood results were given to me in a letter without ranges: Ferritin 116B12 282folate 5.4adjusted magnesium 0.85creatine 94liver function test normal except for elevated gamma GT of 34TSH 5.24 (0.35 - 6.5)fT4 14.8 (9.4 - 22.7)TPO Antibodies normalFSH 1.7He writes:"Thus these results are essentially normal with the exception of the TSH being at the upper limit of normal (some people do better with a TSH closer to 1). Although Cushing's is unlikely I would like to exclude the possibility of adrenal insuffuciency before increasing the dose of thyroxine. I could not see that there was a 9.00am cortisol included in her blood test so I will organise this for her. Once we hae the results I would suggest that she have an additional 25 mcg of Thyroxine with repeat thyroid function test in 6 weeks time which I am happy to organise for her."A later letter on 11-06-10:"Ms Falkowski's short synacthen test is normal - baseline cortisol was 845nmol/l. I would advise that she increase the dose of Thyroxine by 25mcg daily and I will send her a for to have repeat TFT 6 weeks later."> > Adrenal saliva labs if you have them plus any treatment you are on for> adrenals, temperatures, both on waking and as per Dr rind for a few> days?Am doing the Dr Rind at the moment but haven't done the ASI test yet - planning to do the glass test.> Any thyroid labs you have and what treatment you were on at the time?I'm on no other treatment than 2 Vitamin B Strong Compound tablets a day and my meds ie, diazepam, moclobemide, diclofenac, omreprezole, hydrocortizine, and others for Oral Lichen Planus. Also have FM.> 1st TFT my GP of 8 years ever did after complaining for a year and a half:31-07-2008TSH 6.74 (0.35 - 5.50) believed this to be normal!?fT4 15.5 (9.4 -22.7)22-09-2009TSH 6.52 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 15.5 (9.4 -22.7)17-11-2009TSH 5.53 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 15.1 (9.4 -22.7)18-01-2010 (finally on meds... 25mcg T4)TSH 5.10 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 15.9 (9.4 -22.7)15-03-2010TSH 6.47 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 13.8 (9.4 -22.7)12-04-2010 (increased to 50mcg T4)TSH 3.68 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 18.2 (9.4 -22.7)fT3 3.5 (3.5 - 6.5)02-07-2010 (increased to 100mcg T4)TSH 2.99 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 16.8 (9.4 -22.7)fT3 2.9 (3.5 - 6.5)04-08-2010 (increased to 125mcg T4)TSH 1.23 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 20.6 (9.4 -22.7)fT3 2.7 (3.5 - 6.5)27-08-2010 (75mcg T4 and 5mcg T3)TSH 2.15 (0.35 - 5.50)fT4 17.6 (9.4 -22.7)fT3 3.0 (3.5 - 6.5)04-10-2010 (50mcg T4 and 20mcg T3) - he meant to prescribe 10mcg T3 but I stuck to my gunsTSH 3.04 (0.35 - 5.50fT4 14.6 (9.4 -22.7)fT3 3.0 (3.5 - 6.5)23-11-2010 PLANNED INVESTIGATION UNIT (think you've replied to this - I had a mild stroke 12-09 - I was terribly ill with hypo symptoms and he's was nervous me taking the 20mcg T3- said he was liable if anything went wrong so I had to do this test! It cost the NHS £300!!)(I took no thyroid meds for 24 hours prior testing)Time fT4 (9.4 - 22.7) fT3 (3.5 - 6.5) TSH (0.35 - 6.5) 10h55 (before any meds) 12.7 3.0 0.1313h55 (after 50mcg T4 & 10mcg T3 at 10h55) 13.8 4.5 0.1116h55 (after 5mcg T3 taken at 13h55) 13.7 4.3 0.1223-12-2010 (today at A & E)TSH 0.10 (o.35 - 5.50)fT4 12.4 (9.4 - 22-7)> Sorry if you've already gone through these, I see so many people on> line that I don't remember who is who.> > 20 of T3 is a very low dose, are you splitting it or taking it all at> once??Splitting it. Originally I took 5mcg with 50mcg T4 when I woke up; then 5mcg 2pm and 10mcg just before my head hit the pillow/lights out. I felt I had to do it this way because I couldn't wake up in the mornings. Even so, I would wake up any time around 10-12pm and then want to go back to sleep between 3pm and 5pm - I could sleep up to 5 hours. It was so frustrating. I am now taking 10mcg with the 25mcg T4 in the morning and 10mcg around 12 - 1pm. I still feel lethargic but tend not to sleep as much as before. > > There is no way it will be hyper on that but you may be suffering> intolerance, usually adrenal or iron relatedI know I have to to the ASI but finances are tight and I don't know if he would take the results on board and also need to have all the other essential tests done for them to be relevant.> Thanks for taking the time! My heads pounding!! Jacquie>

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Just looking through the post and your B12 and folate are too low.... The NHS

won't treat B12 until it drops to 200 according to my doctor, but ideally you

need to be around 8 or 900 for the B12.

You can buy B12 and folate over the counter, your stomach may not be

absorbing it so might be worth trying B12 that dissolves under the tongue...

(solgar sublingual nuggets), or you can get B12 injections.


> > Iron labs, ferritin and any other iron results you have

> No iron but on 06-05-10 blood results were given to me in a letter

> without ranges:

> Ferritin 116

> B12 282

> folate 5.4

> adjusted magnesium 0.85

> creatine 94

> liver function test normal except for elevated gamma GT of 34


> TSH 5.2

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Hi Nick and SheilaHave responded to your questions as thorough as possible in your last post. The only thing I didn't mention is that I have had a front tooth infection for at least a year caused by Oral Lichen Planus and am treating it with 500mcg Betnesol soluble tablets as a mouthwash 3x p/d and Pulmicort CFC-free Inhaler 200 mcg for lesions and ulcer.I had been undiagnosed for years and was debilatingly hypo with chronic chest pains (which my GP shrugged off for more than a year), night sweats, perspiration, palpitations and every other symptom possible, and finally suffered a mild stroke in December 2009. My endo has taken this (perhaps too) seriously and hence having me admitted to the PIU for ECGs and TFTs. There was further confusion when I saw my Endo on 04-10-10 and he asked me what dose I was on and I told him I was taking 10mcg T3 p/d instead of 5mcg T3, in error. I did explain that I had felt an improvement but was still very symptomatic. He said that he had seen many people with terrible side effects on T3. Unfortunately, in my haze, I responded that I knew all about it. What I really meant was that I had suffered so long on such a low dose of 5mcg T3 and being so undermedicated - I was exhausted and weak getting to the consultation and my brain wasn't functioning. The mind boggles why he asked a sick person what their dose was when he should have known from my notes. Anyway, I explained my error the following day when it dawned on me but did receive his letter with a revised dose of 10mcg T3/50mcg T4 until several weeks later without consulting me. I had already started on his new script of 20mcg T3 and 50mcg T4 having not received his letter and when it arrived I was distraught to find that he wanted me to reduce my T3 when I was having raging hypo symptoms. I emailed and said I couldn't reduce to 10mcg T3 as I was still too symptomatic and had felt I'd been left undermedicated for too long on 5mcg T3 (I was on it for 2 months with terrible hypo symptoms). His secretary called me and told me that he would do so but that he wanted me seen in the Planned Investigation Unit the next day to assess my body's response to T3 therapy and make sure that there were no overt cardiac side effects. I finally had to make these arrangements myself as the head of the PIU was away and then his secretary went on leave delaying this visit by a couple of weeks till 23-11-10. If anyone can draw light on this procedure I would be interested to hear!It was only officially recorded in my medical notes of my new dose on 16-12-10. By this time, I had been on 20 T3 and 50 T4 for 10 weeks!! It seems you both concur that I am hypo and not hyper which he seems to think I am, and also have adrenal fatigue. I am also extremely stressed because I have to have an operation on my right hand and also have my home rewired but am too ill for both. I have delayed this now for 3 years.I'm so tired now from my ordeal at A & E yesterday. Woke up at 5.30am drenched with perspiration and currently feel totally drained, headachy, no energy and weak. I have to write to his secretary today that I went to A & E but I feel I'm only capable of going straight back to sleep.Love, Jacquie> >remind me where you are coming from, in particular:-> >> >Did anything trigger feeling like this, an infection you didn't> >recover properly from or anything?> Back home now and read back the rest of the thread as it wasn't on the> PC at work> > These labs were there> > >23-11-10> >Planned Investigation Unit (I took no thyroid meds for 24 hours prior> >testing)> >Time> >fT4 (9.4 - 22.7) fT3 (3.5 - 6.5) TSH (0.35 - 6.5) 10h55 (before any meds) > >12.7 3.0 0.13> >13h55 (after 50mcg T4 and 10mcg T3 at 10h55> > 13.8 4.5 0.11> >16h55 (after 5mcg T3 taken at 13h55) > > 13.7 4.3 0.12> >> Reformatted so they come out> > By those labs you are hypo even on blood draws straight after taking> meds> > WHY were they doing bloods 3 times a day, I've never heard of this> before> > >ECG fine except for slight saddle shaped ST changes in inferior and> >lateral leads. BP no higher than 128/83 and heart rate between 60 and> >83. Vital signs normal.> > They are basically proving you are hypo> > Ideal labs on a full replacement dose of T4/T3 combination would be> FT4 of half way up the range and FT3 top of range. TSH would then be> about 0.01> > Most people taking T3 only do best on 4 or 5 identical doses a day, if> you were taking T4 with it then you could take that once a day as> levels change slowly> > If you are feeling little from the T4 then you may as well drop it and> ramp up the T3 every few days as the T4 levels decay away> > What was your last Ferritin?> > Have you had saliva labs or looked at temperature averages??> > Nick>

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Hi Jacquie

Unfortunately I can't help with a GP in Chislehurst, but am saying hello from

nearby Sidcup :-)

I've seen two local endoprats and both of them were a waste of space. You'll

get far more help and advice on here.


> PS: If anyone knows of a good GP in the BR7, Chislehurst area, I would

> be truely grateful!


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How wonderful to know there is someone nearby. Thank you and hello back from

Chislehurst. :-)

I'm busy writing a letter to my endo right now hoping Sheila will be kind enough

to edit it when she's free :). Processing all the info from Sheila, Nick and

everyone elso on here is exhausting but so appreciated. I'm giving this one last

chance as I don't know how his ego will take it. What gets me is that I have

printed info from here and also from the STTM website which he has willing

accepted and read and yet he won't join up and do the research himself?!

I'm realising this more and more, . I'm bowled over by the quick

responses, amount of support and tremendous acts of kindness.

My email's open to you anytime!


> >

> > PS: If anyone knows of a good GP in the BR7, Chislehurst area, I would

> > be truely grateful!

> >


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Hi Jacquie

The trouble with endoprats is that they think they are God! They especially

hate it when we know more than them too. The last one I saw told me that he

didn't know how to prescribe natural desicated thyroxine, but still insisted

that my TSH was too low. When I said that TSH would be suppressed on NDT, he

just stabbed his fountain pen on the sheet of test results and kept saying that

my TSH was too low. I'm on T3 only now so he'd probably have a heart attack if

he saw my latest results! :)

If you want to email me the name of the endo you're seeing, I'll tell you if

it's one I've seen. Don't publish his name on here though, as we don't write

their names in full - don't want you getting done for libel!

Best wishes


> Hi


> How wonderful to know there is someone nearby. Thank you and hello back from

Chislehurst. :-)


> I'm busy writing a letter to my endo right now hoping Sheila will be kind

enough to edit it when she's free :). Processing all the info from Sheila, Nick

and everyone elso on here is exhausting but so appreciated. I'm giving this one

last chance as I don't know how his ego will take it. What gets me is that I

have printed info from here and also from the STTM website which he has willing

accepted and read and yet he won't join up and do the research himself?!


> I'm realising this more and more, . I'm bowled over by the quick

responses, amount of support and tremendous acts of kindness.


> My email's open to you anytime!


> Jacquie

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Help! I'm was so ill last night and also today, in such chronic pain with

stomach cramps, bad dry cough ~(tastes like blood in my mouth with something

stuck in my throat and also tickly), feeling freezing cold and unable to get

warm and then drenching night sweats although woke up cold - I honestly nearly

called it a day. My temps yesterday were 7.00am 35.9C... 11h30 35.7C... 19h00

37.1C... 22.10 36.4. Took 25 T4 and 20 T3 instead of 25 T3 because I woke up at

3am yesterday morning and couldn't get back to sleep until the early hours this


Today I woke up freezing cold (even though the heating was on all night at 23C).

I honestly don't know what to do. I'm absolute freezing and can't stop shivering

even though I've ramped the thermometer up and am under a 13 tog duvet. My temp

at 10h30 wass 38.1C and have just taken it again, 10h50C and it's 38.3C. Took 25

T4 and 10 T3 on waking.

I know my adrenals are shot but am too ill to do anything, even bathe. And my

sleep is out of sync. Also had a bad fall a few days ago and my ribs and

stomach are badly bruised making it difficult to get comfortable. Is it

possible i have caught flu or is it thyroid?

Don't know what to do anymore!



PS: , have sent you an email with endo's name. x

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > How wonderful to know there is someone nearby. Thank you and hello back

from Chislehurst. :-)

> >

> > I'm busy writing a letter to my endo right now hoping Sheila will be kind

enough to edit it when she's free :). Processing all the info from Sheila, Nick

and everyone elso on here is exhausting but so appreciated. I'm giving this one

last chance as I don't know how his ego will take it. What gets me is that I

have printed info from here and also from the STTM website which he has willing

accepted and read and yet he won't join up and do the research himself?!

> >

> > I'm realising this more and more, . I'm bowled over by the quick

responses, amount of support and tremendous acts of kindness.

> >

> > My email's open to you anytime!

> >

> > Jacquie


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Hi Jacquie - Is there a possibility you could be suffering with

'flu with such a high temperature? Can you telephone the doctor on call - or if

not, telephone NHS Direct http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/

.. The fact that you have had such a very low temperature and now it has shot up

so high needs investigation. Let us know what they say. Have you anybody there

who could get you to A and E?

Luv - Sheila

Help! I'm was so ill last night and also today,

in such chronic pain with stomach cramps, bad dry cough ~(tastes like blood in

my mouth with something stuck in my throat and also tickly), feeling freezing

cold and unable to get warm and then drenching night sweats although woke up

cold - I honestly nearly called it a day. My temps yesterday were 7.00am

35.9C... 11h30 35.7C... 19h00 37.1C... 22.10 36.4. Took 25 T4 and 20 T3 instead

of 25 T3 because I woke up at 3am yesterday morning and couldn't get back to

sleep until the early hours this morning.

Today I woke up freezing cold (even though the heating was on all night at

23C). I honestly don't know what to do. I'm absolute freezing and can't stop

shivering even though I've ramped the thermometer up and am under a 13 tog

duvet. My temp at 10h30 wass 38.1C and have just taken it again, 10h50C and it's

38.3C. Took 25 T4 and 10 T3 on waking.

I know my adrenals are shot but am too ill to do anything, even bathe. And my

sleep is out of sync. Also had a bad fall a few days ago and my ribs and

stomach are badly bruised making it difficult to get comfortable. Is it

possible i have caught flu or is it thyroid?

Don't know what to do anymore!



PS: , have sent you an email with endo's name. x

> >

> > Hi

> >

> > How wonderful to know there is someone nearby. Thank you and hello

back from Chislehurst. :-)

> >

> > I'm busy writing a letter to my endo right now hoping Sheila will be

kind enough to edit it when she's free :). Processing all the info from Sheila,

Nick and everyone elso on here is exhausting but so appreciated. I'm giving

this one last chance as I don't know how his ego will take it. What gets me is

that I have printed info from here and also from the STTM website which he has

willing accepted and read and yet he won't join up and do the research


> >

> > I'm realising this more and more, . I'm bowled over by the

quick responses, amount of support and tremendous acts of kindness.

> >

> > My email's open to you anytime!

> >

> > Jacquie


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Hi Sheila

No, I have nobody to take me. I'm a total recluse because of this illness and

have lost everyone from being undiagnosed for so many years. So I am really

totally alone.

I have been trying to sweat it out, burying my head under the duvet and have

just checked my temp again at 13h00 and it's fallen to 37.7C If it is flu I

must have caught it when I went to A & E at my endo's instructions as I rarely go

out. I have written a letter to my endo but it needs editing and would be

grateful if you could help me by looking at/edit it/make suggestions when I'm

strong enough to send it to you. It feels so trivial now when I look at it - I

hate what they've done to me. Unfortunately, being alone has it's disadvantages

because they think they can ride roughshod over me.

I don't have a good relationship with any of my GPs at my surgery - they are

totally ignorant and rude - and I'd be too ashamed for anyone to come to my home

because it's in such a state from being too ill to keep it together.

I'm also drenched in perspiration now, hair matted to my face and look a wreck

and if I call an ambulance they will only take me to A & E but will not take me

home, and I'd never make it home alone.

My oral lichen planus seems to have flared up and my mouth is on fire. Also

sore throat. Not vomiting though so doesn't seem I have this latest virus. Just

very achy!

I shall try to have a bath and then sweat it out some more. Hopfully, this will


I'm afraid of all meds now. This has really given me a scare.

Thank you, Sheila, for being such a rock... I shall keep you posted.



> had such a very low temperature and now it has shot up so high needs

> investigation. Let us know what they say. Have you anybody there who could

> get you to A and E?


> Luv - Sheila






> Help! I'm was so ill last night and also today, in such chronic pain with

> stomach cramps, bad dry cough ~(tastes like blood in my mouth with something

> stuck in my throat and also tickly), feeling freezing cold and unable to get

> warm and then drenching night sweats although woke up cold - I honestly

> nearly called it a day. My temps yesterday were 7.00am 35.9C... 11h30

> 35.7C... 19h00 37.1C... 22.10 36.4. Took 25 T4 and 20 T3 instead of 25 T3

> because I woke up at 3am yesterday morning and couldn't get back to sleep

> until the early hours this morning.


> Today I woke up freezing cold (even though the heating was on all night at

> 23C). I honestly don't know what to do. I'm absolute freezing and can't stop

> shivering even though I've ramped the thermometer up and am under a 13 tog

> duvet. My temp at 10h30 wass 38.1C and have just taken it again, 10h50C and

> it's 38.3C. Took 25 T4 and 10 T3 on waking.


> I know my adrenals are shot but am too ill to do anything, even bathe. And

> my sleep is out of sync. Also had a bad fall a few days ago and my ribs and

> stomach are badly bruised making it difficult to get comfortable. Is it

> possible i have caught flu or is it thyroid?


> Don't know what to do anymore!


> Love

> Jacquie


> PS: , have sent you an email with endo's name. x



> > >

> > > Hi

> > >

> > > How wonderful to know there is someone nearby. Thank you and hello back

> from Chislehurst. :-)

> > >

> > > I'm busy writing a letter to my endo right now hoping Sheila will be

> kind enough to edit it when she's free :). Processing all the info from

> Sheila, Nick and everyone elso on here is exhausting but so appreciated. I'm

> giving this one last chance as I don't know how his ego will take it. What

> gets me is that I have printed info from here and also from the STTM website

> which he has willing accepted and read and yet he won't join up and do the

> research himself?!

> > >

> > > I'm realising this more and more, . I'm bowled over by the quick

> responses, amount of support and tremendous acts of kindness.

> > >

> > > My email's open to you anytime!

> > >

> > > Jacquie

> >


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What are you doing about the low B12? he B12 is low, it doesn't matter how

much T3 or T4 you take, you won;t be able to make full use of it....


> Help! I'm was so ill last night and also today, in such chronic pain with

stomach cramps, bad dry cough ~(tastes like blood in my mouth with something

stuck in my throat and also tickly), feeling freezing cold and unable to get

warm and then drenching night sweats although woke up cold - I honestly nearly

called it a day

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, I've still got a terrible fever from this awful flu. My GP surgery is

closed and NHS Direct is inundated. They have a message telling me to go to my

pharmacy for meds... but to also stay indoors and keep warm!!... and if it

hasn't cleared up in 10 days to seek GP assistance.

I've done nothing so far about the B12. Unfortunately, because of this illness,

I have been unable to work since 2007 and am barely getting by but am prepared

to buy the Solgar except that I'm concerned my iron panel and D3, folate,

magnesium, copper and zinc are low and am not sure if fixing the B12 only will

get me onto the road to recovery. How much would I have to take a day before I

felt a result?

I have also completed the Adrenal Stress Questionaire and my results came back


I was also in the middle of doing the Dr Rind temperature graph but then this

awful flu virus hit me. My temps have been continually high these last 3 days

which won't give a true reflection so I will have to start againn when I am over




> >

> > Help! I'm was so ill last night and also today, in such chronic pain with

stomach cramps, bad dry cough ~(tastes like blood in my mouth with something

stuck in my throat and also tickly), feeling freezing cold and unable to get

warm and then drenching night sweats although woke up cold - I honestly nearly

called it a day


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No... sorry, just fixing one thing on it's own will never work. If everything

is down and the adrenals are in a mess, you have to take it slow and fix them

all. Lots of B vitamins for the adrenals, nutri adrenal extra if you can run

to it, definately tons of vitamin C,. The copper and zinc you can get together

from Holland and Barrat and the B12 is available in 1000 Ug nuggets from solgar.

You take one a day, but I just read that 1 a day, taken for a month is the

equivalent of one, 1000 ug intra muscular injection per month.

Sounds like everything has just been allowed to slide.... Ok.. it can't get

worse, so you have to start doing something about it all. How about writing to

the endo who was supposed to be looking after you and explaining that you are,

in fact, worse than when he started and ask whether he is prepared to work with

you as you have followed his regime and it isn't working for you.

I don't know how much B12 you need to take to feel better, I think it depends on

whether it is causing a problem....... Does any one else know?



> I've done nothing so far about the B12. Unfortunately, because of this

illness, I have been unable to work since 2007 and am barely getting by but am

prepared to buy the Solgar except that I'm concerned my iron panel and D3,

folate, magnesium, copper and zinc are low and am not sure if fixing the B12

only will get me onto the road to recovery. How much would I have to take a day

before I felt a result?


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you have 'flu then do not go out to the pharmacy, but see if there is somebody

you can telephone who will collect your prescriptions for you and bring them to

the house - also, you do not want to be responsible of passing your 'flu onto

any other unsuspecting passer-by. You will be feeling pretty horrible with the

symptoms of 'flu and probably are quite unable to tell which symptom belongs to

which illness, 'influenza, B12 deficiency, adrenal fatigue. low ferritin or

anything else and I would wait until you have fully recovered from the 'flu

before deciding what you need to do. As soon as you feel better, start

doing Dr Rind's temperature graph again and give us a record of what is happening.


B12 only will not make you well, but is a step in the right direction. Wait

until you have all your blood test results back and we can take it from there.

If your adrenal fatigue is severe, then it is very important that you start on some

form of adrenal supplement such as Nutri Adrenal Extra and build up the amount

you take daily on a weekly basis.


- Sheila

, I've still got a terrible fever from

this awful flu. My GP surgery is closed and NHS Direct is inundated. They have

a message telling me to go to my pharmacy for meds... but to also stay indoors

and keep warm!!... and if it hasn't cleared up in 10 days to seek GP


I've done nothing so far about the B12. Unfortunately, because of this illness,

I have been unable to work since 2007 and am barely getting by but am prepared

to buy the Solgar except that I'm concerned my iron panel and D3, folate,

magnesium, copper and zinc are low and am not sure if fixing the B12 only will

get me onto the road to recovery. How much would I have to take a day before I

felt a result?

I have also completed the Adrenal Stress Questionaire and my results came back


I was also in the middle of doing the Dr Rind temperature graph but then this

awful flu virus hit me. My temps have been continually high these last 3 days

which won't give a true reflection so I will have to start againn when I am

over it.



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Tests taken at A & E on 23 December 2010 for anyone who is able to interpret.

Unfortunately, I do not have ranges for AST and Total Protein. Sorry!

WBC 5.6 (4.0-11.0 x10ˆ9), HB 13.3 (12.0-15.0 g/dl), Platlet 261 (150-400

x10ˆ9), Sodium 139 (135-145 mmol/L), Potassium 4.6 (3.5-5.0 mmol/L), Urea 10.8

(1.7-8.3 mmol/L), Creatinine 95 (45-84 umol/L), Total Protein 70 (?), Albumin 44

(40-52g/L), Alk Phosp 94 (35-129 lU/L), AST 34 (?), Bilirubin 6 (0-21 umol/L),

TSH 0.10 (0.35-5.5), fT4 12.4 (9.4-22.7).

They wouldn't take fT3 due to funding - even though I'm on T3!!!



> >

> > There is no way it will be hyper on that but you may be suffering

> > intolerance, usually adrenal or iron related

> I know I have to to the ASI but finances are tight and I don't know if

> he would take the results on board and also need to have all the other

> essential tests done for them to be relevant.

> >

> Thanks for taking the time! My heads pounding!! [#-o]


> Jacquie

> >


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WBC 5.6 (4.0-11.0 x10ˆ9), HB 13.3 (12.0-15.0 g/dl), Platelet 261 (150-400 x10ˆ9), Sodium 139 (135-145 mmol/L), Potassium 4.6 (3.5-5.0 mmol/L), Urea 10.8(1.7-8.3 mmol/L), Creatinine 95 (45-84 umol/L), Total Protein 70 (?), Albumin 44(40-52g/L), Alk Phosp 94 (35-129 lU/L), AST 34 (?), Bilirubin 6 (0-21 umol/L),TSH 0.10 (0.35-5.5), fT4 12.4 (9.4-22.7).

Hi Jacquie,

What jumps out at me from the above are your Urea and Creatinine.... both are elevated and that indicates that your kidney function might be compromised, which could have the effect of making you feel pretty awful as toxins are building up in your body. Please ask your GP to re-check and if necessary investigate your kidney function further.

Best wishes,

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