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RE: Re: Allergic to synthetic thyroxine, what do you think Sheila?

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Hi Angie, many patients suffer with pain who have the symptoms

of hypothyroidism. Often this is because the thyroid hormone their body is

craving is not being given. Such pains are referred to as fibromyalgia which

are often relieved when adding some synthetic T3 to the thyroxine (T4), or they

are started on natural thyroid extract. Thyroid extract contains T4, T3, T2, T1

and calcitonin.

T4 is a prohormone that has little action. It has to convert to

the active thyroid hormone T3 mainly through the liver, kidneys, brain, but through

hundreds of other thyroid hormone receptors throughout the body. Unfortunately,

for many of us, we are unable to convert for many and varied reasons. T4 can

build up in the blood which can cause symptoms of toxicity and this, with the

lack of T3 at cellular level can affect every part of your body, in many cases

causing muscles to go into severe spasm.

How do you know you are converting all the T4 into T3 Angie?

Even if you have been lucky enough to get your free T3 tested, that ONLY shows

the amount of T3 in the blood, but this doesn't show whether all the T3 is

being used at cellular level.

Have you asked your GP if he will give you a trial of

combination therapy? You may have to travel to find an endocrinologist (check

out my list I sent you) who will do this, but it would be worth the effort. If

not, you may need to think about going down the self-treatment route, which

many of us have been forced to do.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Ann, I was just reading your message, i have the same problem lots of

inflammation but have been tested and i havent got rhumatoid arthritis. Can i

please ask you did you have any of the pains before you started on

levothyroxine? I did have but since being on levothyroxine only my pains are

worse but i was only diagnosed hypothyroid after being very poorly for ages. I

also have hair loss weight gain btain fog and lots of other horrible

hyposymptoms despite being on 225mcg levothyroxine. I also know i convert to

T3. Its obviously not going into my cells though. Im trying to find an

endocrinologist in Lancs Bolton or Greater Manchester or further if need be

that will prescribe natural dessicated thyroid as hopefully it may improve my

situation, So glad you are better now that inspires others to think that we can

be well again. Thanks Angie

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Do you think this severe reaction to synthetic T3 was caused

because of the fillers Ann?

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila, I tried adding T3 when my blood test showed that

Free T3 was normal and I had a severe reaction and wouldn't want to go through

that again. I can't express enough times that the ONLY thing that has made me

feel 100% well again is Natural Dessicated Pigs Thyroid Gland. I do not know

why this is the case but I hope that everyone that can't get on with synthetic

thyroxine gives the natural path a go before going on another synthetic

chemical called T3 when NDT has everything in it. Luv Ann.

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Brilliant! Just imagine what a different world we would be

living in if doctors would only prescribe natural thyroid extract for ALL their

patients suffering symptoms of hypothyroidism - like they used to before the

middle of the 1970's. I am so pleased Ann that you are getting your life back

at last.

No idea what I would do without my NDT - I do know that there

would be no TPA had I been left on the RCP, BTA treatment protocol.

Luv - Sheila

No I have checked other drugs I have been on

for ages and they have the same fillers. Everything I need at present to make

me feel 100% o.k. is in Erfa, I haven't felt so good for ages, I am now losing

weight o.k. and doing exercise, I have my energy coming back and I really feel

hopeful now about my health for the first time in about four years, the NDT

seems to be the sole answer to all my problems at the moment. Ann

> Do you think this severe reaction to synthetic T3 was caused because of


> fillers Ann?

> Luv - Sheila

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