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Re: Dog tired

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Hi Ali,

Maybe your thyroid-adrenal status isn't the problem? I see that you are limiting

your intake of calories. Please consider limiting your intake of carbohydrates

instead, i.e., paleolithic type diet with plenty of veggies. Everyone benefits

when they eliminate sugar from their diet. This means also eliminating most

starches, because they turn to sugar in your body. Carbohydrate intake spikes

the insulin levels, and some people subsequently have low blood sugar and feel

very tired.

Also, because you seem to be wanting to lose weight, I'd like to tell you that

fat intake isn't the culprit that makes us fat; carbohydrates intake is the

culprit because the resultant insulin spike provokes fat storage.

This deserves to be emphasized: INSULIN IS THE FAT STORAGE HORMONE.

Protein and fat intake help to moderate our zig-zagging insulin levels. If you

must eat sugar or starch, eat only a small amount, and take protein and/or fat

with it.

I hope you feel better soon,


> I seemed to have be doing okay for quite a while, until recently- >

> 2) I lost one stone plus on Rosemary Conley before Xmas,did not manage to

stick to it; but went back onto diet of 1200 kcals per day for four days

recently to get back on track (I realise this may have slowed my metabolism)


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> 2) I lost one stone plus on Rosemary Conley before Xmas,did not manage to

stick to it; but went back onto diet of 1200 kcals per day for four days

recently to get back on track (I realise this may have slowed my metabolism)


that's starvation levels?

at 18st 10lb, i appreciate as much as anyone, the need to lose weight and the

urgency, and of course the improvements this will bring. that said, i'm not

going to resort to extreme lengths to lose weight.

helpfully told me about Dr ' diet recently - it is a higher fat

lower carb diet, moderate protein i think. i did find it once by google but

can't at moment. it is in ' book.

i agree with the other poster about carbs and insulin.

there are other options like www.bodyforlife.com which give you options to eat

6 x a day and lose weight - 6 small meals of a carb, a protein, and maybe a veg

or a bit of fat with some of the meals. this is supposed to improve metabolism

(i guess it'd help with blood sugar too) - should help manage insulin levels as

no great big spikes of blood sugar either.

who are best at losing weight? anorexic people and bodybuilders (i don't say

that flippantly, i realise anorexia is a very serious illness and have great

sympathy with people who have it). who's healtheir out of those two?

there are also things like food intolerance to consider, too. this is said to

cause problems with weight. i have heard a lot of people having success with

paleo diets

the only diets that have ever wroked for me - ie i could stick to and get

results were - cambridge diet (550cals a day), naturally slim which is a bit

like mckenna, but you balance your blood sguar by drinking very diluted OJ

inbetween meals to keep your blood sugar stable - you eat only when you're

hungry and what you want and stop when you're full. and also a 6x a day

bodybuilding type diet.

each diet has one thing in common : insulin and blood sugar levels were

controlled one way or another.


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Ali, have you tried splitting your HC 3 times daily instead of

twice daily as it has a short half life, like T3. Have you had a recent thyroid

function test to see where your levels of fT4, fT3 and TSH lie? Can you ask

your GP to test your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium,

folate, copper and zinc. These are VERY important because if any of these are

low, the thyroid hormone cannot be properly absorbed at cellular level until

whatever you are low in is supplemented. Are you taking 200mcgs Selenium and

15mgs Zinc daily?

Luv - Sheila

The problem is I have been feeling sooo tired, I thought it was the lack of t3;

but now not so sure. I have also been feeling like I have a gritty right eye

(like I have something stuck in it; but do not) Plus right side muscular pain,

lack of confidence, difficutly coping at work and feeling on occasions very

cold, feeling like a fog is hanging over me and feet feeling puffy and funny

(in the past I have always associated any feet symptoms with adrenal fatigue)

I have increased the HC (generic) and am now on 40 mcg - I increased back up to

20 mcg was on that dose for a week, or so then took an extra 20 mcg stress dose

as really really struggling on the way to work the other day. Now taking 20 mcg

am with breakfast and 20 mcg with lunch.

Any help, ideas would be most appreciated.

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Hi ,

Thank you for your reply. I only managed to stick to the diet for four days,

Rosemary Conley emphasises nothing with more than 5 per cent fat; but like you

say maybe the problem is carbs, I know especially refined ones are bad.. I was

thinking the problem could be to do with what I am eating, I do eat fairly

healthy; but will try to reduce carbs, anything that will give me more energy is

worth a try.

Love Ali xxxx


> Hi Ali,

> Maybe your thyroid-adrenal status isn't the problem? I see that you are

limiting your intake of calories. Please consider limiting your intake of

carbohydrates instead, i.e., paleolithic type diet with plenty of veggies.

Everyone benefits when they eliminate sugar from their diet.


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I was at 14 stone 10 lbs before the diet and did feel better for losing the

excess, I did 1200 kcals per day for about ten days then 1550 kcals per day; but

now I am more bothered about having enough energy to function. I like high

protein meals - on ocassions when I have had just protein and veg for a meal it

does fill me up, I think it is just psychologically thinking I need carbs with

it too; but in fact it is not always necessary.

Thankfully I am not feeling so bad today. Got stocked up on co q10, and liquid

Iron, so hopefully that should help.

Take care Love Ali xx

> > 2) I lost one stone plus on Rosemary Conley before Xmas,did not manage to

stick to it; but went back onto diet of 1200 kcals per day for four days

recently to get back on track (I realise this may have slowed my metabolism)

> >



> that's starvation levels?


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Hi Sheila,

Thank you for your reply. I have not had my thyroid levels checked for a long

time - It sounds silly but I think my TSH will show up too high (as I am on

Nutri Thyroid) and I don't want this going onto my records as I am applying for

a job where I have to fill in a medical questionnaire, as far as they are aware

I am taking thyoxine 100 mcgs daily; but I am not, all very complicated and

hopefully I will be able to discuss it with Dr P soon.

I have just bought some liquid iron supplement, Co q10 and will consider the

other supplements you mentioned. I will also split the HC.

I am feeling a bit better today...

Take care,

Love Ali xx


> Ali, have you tried splitting your HC 3 times daily instead of twice daily

> as it has a short half life, like T3. Have you had a recent thyroid function

> test to see where your levels of fT4, fT3 and TSH lie? Can you ask your GP

> to test your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate,

> copper and zinc. These are VERY important because if any of these are low,

> the thyroid hormone cannot be properly absorbed at cellular level until

> whatever you are low in is supplemented. Are you taking 200mcgs Selenium and

> 15mgs Zinc daily?


> Luv - Sheila


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I thought you were on T3 but ran out, and then started taking it again? T3

usually knocks the tsh right down. If you haven't been checked for a while,

why don't you have private testing of TSH, T4 and T3, then at least you'll know

where you are and won't need to worry for medicals for work... Details of

Private tests are in the files section of the forum.

thyroid treatment



> Hi Sheila,


> Thank you for your reply. I have not had my thyroid levels checked for a long

time - It sounds silly but I think my TSH will show up too high (as I am on

Nutri Thyroid)

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Thanks ,

Thats a good idea to get privately tested, also hopefully seeing Dr P in


Love Ali xx


> Ali,


> I thought you were on T3 but ran out, and then started taking it again? T3

usually knocks the tsh right down. If you haven't been checked for a while,

why don't you have private testing of TSH, T4 and T3, then at least you'll know

where you are and won't need to worry for medicals for work... Details of

Private tests are in the files section of the forum.

> thyroid treatment


> x


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