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FW: Judge's decision yesterday

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From: McDonagh


Sent: 12 February 2011 10:29


Subject: Judge's decision yesterday





far, I have not heard anything on the national news though the BBC film-interviewed

many of us outside the Royal Courts of Justice after the event. The above

link gives a pretty fair description of what happened.



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Hi all, this was a bad day for these people who are forced to drink water with fluoride added. the only coarse open is to use bottle water or some sort of filtering. nor perfect but better than what is potentially bad water.Angel.

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It is very strange that in a democracy that the people have no say in what is

forced upon them, in the way of a medication that will for sure make many more

people ill with thyroid problems. We may not be as free as we are told we are,

and maybe we live in a dictatorship where the elite have the power and the

motivation to ruin lives.

It will be difficult to avoid this mass medication that 'they' are rolling out,

and bottled water is only a small part of the solution. The fluoride can seep

into the system through the skin as you soak in a bath, I have read that this

was a treatment for hyperthyroid patients at one time. If you put epsom salts

into the bath water it could help counter this, though I can't remember where I

read this.

Where I live we have the most dreadful water because it contains vast amounts of

chlorine, which is carcenogenic. It forms a gas that is breathed in as the tap

runs to do dishes etc, and evaporates from the toilet bowl into the house, it is

essential to get plenty of ventilation to stop it building up. Every time we go

away and return home I notice how foul the water is, the worst I have ever come

across! I would rather drink the municipal swimming pool as it has less

chlorine in it than the stuff that comes out of my taps. It is possible to

filter it out and I do have a jug filter, but the reverse osmosis filter that

would get rid of it throughout the house is too extravagant on water as it

rejects a lot of it during the filtering process.

love janet

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If you're concerned more about chlorine than fluoride, an activated charcoal

" filter " will adsorb chlorine but not fluoride out of water. Reverse osmosis

removes virtually everything. A charcoal " filter " has to be regenerated every

once in a while by backflushing or charcoal replacement. (I put the term

" filter " in quotes because these charcoal devices are not meant to remove fine

solid particles, as true filters do, but rather attract and hold dissolved

substances out of the water. Most laypersons and even plumbers use the term

filter to mean any device that removes something from water.)

Letting water stand will remove chlorine from water by dissipation into the air

and by light-catalyzed reaction with anything organic (carbon-containing) in the

water or settling out of the air into the water (dust, for instance).




> Where I live we have the most dreadful water because it contains vast amounts

of chlorine, which is carcenogenic. It is possible to filter it out and I do

have a jug filter, but the reverse osmosis filter that would get rid of it

throughout the house is too extravagant on water as it rejects a lot of it

during the filtering process.


> love janet


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It is indeed a bad day. I actually thought they had studies that had proven

that fluoride has very little if any affect on dental health and that the

detrimental effects outweigh the good. I'm pretty sure there is no real

democracy if 78% of people can oppose this and still have their only water

supply essentially poisoned as if their opinions and health do not matter.

I'm going to go now before I start ranting on but this really really annoys me -

my hypothyroid cousin lives in a fluoridated area in Birmingham and already has

to go the whole bottled water route that she can ill afford as she is off sick

and on benefits just to have water she can actually drink. The fact that this

decision could help it being rolled out nationwide is just terrifying.


> Hi all, this was a bad day for these people who are forced to drink water with

> fluoride added. the only coarse open is to use bottle water or some sort of

> filtering.

> nor perfect but better than what is potentially bad water.Angel.


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