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No, a reverse osmosis system does NOT remove fluoride!!!!! There is not a

system on the market that will say that it removes fluoride let alone does it.


> Flouride unless its naturally occuring is also a cumilative toxic poison


> Flouride is implicated in numerous cancers and for triggering Thyroid Diseases


> The only way to really remove it from your water supply is to fit an expensive

Reverse Osmosis Filtering system


> Pat



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Which is why we are on the IODINE protocol and salt loading protocol everyday.

The halides are all around us which is why I always speak specifically about

Bromide/Bromine. We can't get away from it because it's in everything. Floride

is also in toothpaste. If you are using a natural toothpaste or making your own,

this is best. Even though we don't swallow toothpaste, it still enters our

systems. The best we can do is to do the protocols every day for maintenance.

=== " Is there a practical and simple way to lower the body's burden of fluoride

and bromide? It has been known for sometime now that bromide competes with

chloride in the extracellular space and that the total molar concentration of

bromide plus chloride remains constant. (8) This concept has been used to

decrease extracellular bromide levels by saline loading. However, the presence

of bromide in the thyroid gland (9) and the central nervous system (10) suggests

that there is another intracellular " pool " of bromide, not responding to

chloride. In the thyroid gland, bromide competes with Iodide for uptake,

oxydation and organification.

" Therefore, increasing iodide intake should lower bromide levels in the thyroid,

preventing and reversing its thyrotoxic and goitrogenic effects. The same

applies to fluoride. Galletti and Joyet (12) evaluated the effect of 5-10 mg

fluoride on thyroid functions in hyperthyroid patients. Although fluoride

inhibited the iodide-concentrating mechanism of the thyroid, fluoride did not

accumulate in the thyroid. Based on their radioactive tracer studies, they

concluded " Fluorine does not impair the capacity of the gland to synthesize

thyroid hormones when there is an abundance of iodide in the blood. " Therefore,

fluoride toxicity depends on iodide supply. "

" Following supplementation with the iodine/iodide preparation, there was a

progressive increase in the excretion of fluoride and bromide. With 3 tablets,

the 24h excretion of fluoride was 17.5 times baseline level; and for bromide, 18

times baseline level. These high levels persisted even after one month of

supplementation at 3 tablets/day, being 15 times baseline level for fluoride,

and 16 times for bromide. After one month, the estimated total amount of halide

excreted was 24 mg fluoride and 8700mg bromide. It is unlikely that such large

amounts of halides came from the thyroid gland. It would seem that the whole

body is being detoxified. Orthoiodosupplementation could be used under medical

supervision to detoxify the body from unwanted halides in a manner similar to

the use of EDTA for the detoxification of heavy metals.===




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