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You tube and Endos

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I told my daughter to send that You Tube piece to the Endo and i know where i would like to shove it !

It really is time the entire bunch of them got a bloody nose

The rhuematologists are as bad

My daughter has in the last year had so many tests done its crazy

She is on both T3 and T4 ...........on 60mcg of T3 her T3 level is right at the top of the range

No matter how much T3 or T4 she takes it makes no difference

She has horrendous bouts of iritis

Add on severe Fibromyalgia

exhaustion,brain fog ,poor sleep

and what does the endo say .................i have loads of patients like you

You all have a Chronic Disease

Oh boy would i like to see him suffer the same


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Dear Pat, spring will be here shortly and maybe your daughter can arrange to

have regular exposure to sunshine to help her vitamin D levels. Fibromyalgia

patients as a group have lower levels of vitamin D. If she can get her levels up

to 70-80 ng/mL on the 25(OH)D test, this should reduce her inflammation

(fibromyalgia and iritis) and help her thyroid function. If she wants to take a

supplement, she should take vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), probably no less than

5,000 units per day during the sunless UK winter. If she supplements, she should

have her 25(OH)D levels checked a couple of times a year so that she can adjust

her supplementation to keep the levels in range. She could also consider taking

magnesium orotate 500 mg per day. Don't take my word for it, read about the

marvelous effects of vitamin D3 and magnesium. Here are a couple of links to get

you started.




Hope she does well!




> She is on both T3 and T4 ...........on 60mcg of T3 her T3 level is right at

the top of the range

> No matter how much T3 or T4 she takes it makes no difference

> She has horrendous bouts of iritis

> Add on severe Fibromyalgia

> exhaustion,brain fog ,poor sleep



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I thought about sending the cartoon to my endo, but then I realised that the NHS

filters would not let the e-mail through so there is no point really.

I have the same problems, I avoid blood tests as much as possible because once

the results are in the only thing my endo cares about are the numbers on the

screen, he stops listening to me and even goes back on what he has said before

the blood results came in!!


> I told my daughter to send that You Tube piece to the Endo and i know where i

would like to shove it !


> It really is time the entire bunch of them got a bloody nose

> The rhuematologists are as bad

> My daughter has in the last year had so many tests done its crazy

>> Oh boy would i like to see him suffer the same


> Pat


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Hi there,

I went to 5 different consultants in one week when I was ill with Lupus - and they all did the same tests again ......................and again and again..........it was a disgrace. What a waste of money.......apart from anything else.

Pat I had the same - and even though I was on T4 etc. - I needed cortisol (or some form of adrenal support) - most if not all of my symptoms disappeared when I took cortisol and changed to Armour/Erfa - I am now in remission on the Lupus and my thyroid symptoms are under control.

So hang on in there and try to get onto some form of adrenal support.

This can't continue - the message must get through about these idiots.

Best wishes


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