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RE: Re: Advice please on Saliva test results/some results in

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Well done - I only hope that you have found that

missing link for 's daughter.

Luv - Sheila

....the mention of meningitis always makes me go cold as

my daughter had this when she was 6 weeks old.....


think we may have just stumbled upon the answers to a lot of questions......I

have googled the `after effects of Meningitis' and found plenty which may apply

to your daughter's case.



is just possible that many of her signs and symptoms are related to her

neonatal meningitis. (- down to her current eye problem). However, at

least half of the symptoms mentioned for after effects of meningitis coincide

also with signs and symptoms for Hypothyroidism....


I then googled `hypothyroidism resulting from meningitis' and this very

interesting article came up. (see " secondary or tertiary

hypothyroidism " )

http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sIJETX3z_4IC & pg=PA272 & lpg=PA272 & dq=Hypothyroidism+as+a+result+of+meningitis & source=bl & ots=w_lEenukox & sig=ZoxG_OqxHUuQDXOmv2uxDGt5MuA & hl=en & ei=RXtOTbzHDsnDhAfB8I3wDg & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=10 & sqi=2 & ved=0CFkQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage & q=Hypothyroidism%20as%20a%20result%20of%20meningitis & f=false


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