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can you elaborate on the difference between tissue salts and a typical


are tissue salts okay to take on a regular/daily basis?



: I believe that Tom's of Maine is Calcium Fluoride..... But it is


: minute amounts.. This is a natural form of fluoridation but it can


: dangerous as well. If you read any homeopathic Materia Medica on


: Fluoricum you will see...tooth decay, necrosis of the bone and teeth


: (decaying of the jaw bone under the decaying tooth)... Bone

: deformities....a build up of extra bone material on the bone itself is


: an indication of Calcarea Fluoricium. Meaning that the remedy would


: with someone who was dealing with an over abundance of Calcium

Fluoride in

: the system (probably through ground water contamination) or who is

: experiencing the " symptoms " that are similar to that of a person who


: direct exposure to Calcium Fluoride... What I am saying is.....I do


: use Tom's of Maine with Fluoride at all..


: Now on the other hand, there was an allopathic study that found that


: amounts of Calcium Fluoride and Calcium phosphate given to elderly


: will reverse osteo perosis.... Homeopathy has been using Calcarea

: Fluoricum and Calcarea Phosphoricum in 6x tissue salts doses for years

as a

: calcium supplement for the elderly and for babies that seem to have a


: time cutting teeth or even cutting teeth that are decayed.... So the

: allopathic study just validates what homeopathy has known for over 100

: years..



: ----- Original Message -----

: From: " DeMaio " <austins-mom@...>



: > If anything says " sodium flouride " (and I think Tom's does) it's the


: kind (a waste by-product of the aluminum industry).....the only


: flouride found in nature is *calcium* flouride.....

: >

: >

: >

: " Selena " <farisees@c...> wrote:

: > > It's amazing how misleading items in health food stores are... I


: to think " if they're here and they say natural or organic, they must


: non-toxic " and that is so not true....I mean, Tom's of Maine is a well


: line and they still use flouride and sls......I've gone thru several


: at the hfs and it's amazing how many have toxic stuff despite saying

" all

: natural " on the label.....that's why Aubrey is the only thing I

promote as

: completely safe from the hfs.....

: > >

: > >

: > >

: > > Isn't the floride in Tom's of Maine from a natural source? I


: the problem with floride in our water systems is that it is taken from


: rather than from nature.

: > >

: > > Selena

: > > Northern Virginia






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If anything says " sodium flouride " (and I think Tom's does) it's the waste kind

(a waste by-product of the aluminum industry).....the only natural flouride

found in nature is *calcium* flouride.....

> It's amazing how misleading items in health food stores are... I used to

think " if they're here and they say natural or organic, they must be non-toxic "

and that is so not true....I mean, Tom's of Maine is a well known line and they

still use flouride and sls......I've gone thru several labels at the hfs and

it's amazing how many have toxic stuff despite saying " all natural " on the

label.....that's why Aubrey is the only thing I promote as completely safe from

the hfs.....




> Isn't the floride in Tom's of Maine from a natural source? I thought the

problem with floride in our water systems is that it is taken from waste rather

than from nature.


> Selena

> Northern Virginia




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austins-mom@... wrote:


> If anything says " sodium flouride " (and I think Tom's does) it's the waste

kind (a waste by-product of the aluminum industry).....the only natural

flouride found in nature is *calcium* flouride.....

Hydrofluorisilic acid is also a manufacturing by-product that is

considered hazardous waste UNLESS marketed as a fluoride supplement.

Fluoride is so pervasive in our environment in such small amounts that

no one has yet been able to design a study with a fluoride-free control to

show it is an essential mineral (a.k.a necessary for life.)

If anyone is interested in natural sources of fluoride look into the

herbs the Egyptians used to mumify the pharohs. You can then cross check

them against the USDA nutrient database located at

http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl. Never mind. I just

checked and they don't test for fluoride.

Anyway, here is a website (http://witch.drak.net/nywitch/nw2.html) where

I found the following list of natural fluoride sources. Sunflower seeds,

raw unadulterated honey, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly. Fluorine is also

found in the following herbs: Birch, cramp bark, fenugreek, glucomannan,

hops, kelp, myrrh, passion flower, plantain, psyllium, safflower, St.

swort, spikenard, yerba santa. HERBAL medications are teeming with

nutrients and the body WILL readily utilize them in its behalf... actually

detoxifying and rebuilding the system, therefore enhancing one's health.

Deficiency Symptoms: Tooth caries and cavities. A Fluorine deficiency is

highly improbable. Benefits: Fluorine is useful in the treatment of dental

cavities and caries. Beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis. Protects

the body against infections. Antagonists: Alcoholic beverages, tobacco

(nicotine), cola drinks, most soft drinks (other than natural juices),

coffee and tea (caffeinated and decaffeinated), chocolate (cocoa), inorganic

mineral water (tap, well, spring), polluted air, refined sugar and refined

sugar substitutes, overcooking foods, all manner of refined and processed

foods, commercial synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,

radiation exposure, inorganic acids and alkalies, synthetic estrogen,

synthetic birth control, sulfa drugs.

If you want to absorb calcium fluoride you need to eliminate exposure to

sodium fluoride and hydrofluorosilic acid as the inhibit the asborption of

calcium fluoride. I assume using the cell salt calc fluor would also help

absorption BUT anyone who knows more in that area please feel free to

correct me if I'm wrong.

Cheryl Overley

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A long time ago I read a book about flouride and there was a

study/comparison done. The group with no flouride and lots of

dairy(calcium) also ate sweets at will. The other group had flouride and

reduced or no sweets and I'm not sure of dairy. The results? More cavities

in the floridated group. So, that pretty much cinched it for me altho I

confess I was talked into topical once or twice for children(they were so

pleasantly insistent and I didn't want to offend them! and this was swabbed

on not the type where they had to sit with a mouth tray full of it and not

swallow...yich...remember those...) but I am a lot stronger now and tell

them up front NO flouride. I can find another dentist...

A study as you suggest would be interesting for sure...



Fluoride is so pervasive in our environment in such small amounts that

no one has yet been able to design a study with a fluoride-free control to

show it is an essential mineral (a.k.a necessary for life.)

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Here is the info straight from Tom's of Maines site:

Active Ingredient

Sodium monofluorophosphate Decay prevention Fluorspar (calcium fluoride),

an ore

Ingredient Fact Sheet


(Sodium monofluorophosphate)

What is it?

In its free elemental form, fluoride is a trace mineral (like iodine) called

fluorine. In nature, it is found only in compound forms, such as fluorspar

(calcium fluoride) in soil, or minerals such as fluorophosphates. It can be

found in both fresh and sea water, in food (fish, bone meal, tea), and in our

bodies as part of the bone.

What does it do?

When formulated correctly and used as directed, fluoride toothpaste will help to

safely and effectively prevent tooth decay. Numerous clinical studies have

demonstrated fluoride's effectiveness in reducing cavities. Fluoride helps

diminish demineralization of tooth enamel and even enhances the remineralization

of potential decay spots.

What are the alternatives?

Fluoride is currently the only toothpaste ingredient recognized by the US Food

and Drug Administration to prevent cavities. The FDA recognizes three forms of

fluoride: sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, and stannous fluoride and

regulates the levels at which they can be included in toothpaste formulations.

Consumers who do not wish to use an anti-cavity toothpaste may be interested to

know that Tom's of Maine also produces a line of fluoride-free toothpaste. We

feel it is important to offer individuals a choice and trust that they will work

with their dental care professionals to establish an oral care regimen that is

right for them.

What are the risks?

All fluoride toothpastes marketed in the US are required by the FDA to bear

certain warning language that caution against accidental ingestion. Calling the

FDA warning " an extreme cautionary statement, " the American Dental Association

has said the FDA warning label is " unnecessary " and " goes too far. " In its pure

form, fluoride is toxic, but only in doses and concentrations that far exceed

what is available in our toothpaste.

Most of the concerns raised about fluoride have stemmed from controversy

surrounding the fluoridation of municipal drinking water supplies. The question

of mass fluoridation of public water is an entirely separate issue from

including fluoride in toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste is applied directly to the

surface of the teeth, delivers a benefit, and is immediately rinsed out. Water

fluoridation, by contrast, depends on fluoride ingestion and cavity prevention

benefits to adults has been questioned.----- Original Message -----

I hope this helps.


austins-mom@... wrote:


> If anything says " sodium flouride " (and I think Tom's does) it's the waste

kind (a waste by-product of the aluminum industry).....the only natural

flouride found in nature is *calcium* flouride.....

Hydrofluorisilic acid is also a manufacturing by-product that is

considered hazardous waste UNLESS marketed as a fluoride supplement.

Fluoride is so pervasive in our environment in such small amounts that

no one has yet been able to design a study with a fluoride-free control to

show it is an essential mineral (a.k.a necessary for life.)

If anyone is interested in natural sources of fluoride look into the

herbs the Egyptians used to mumify the pharohs. You can then cross check

them against the USDA nutrient database located at

http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl. Never mind. I just

checked and they don't test for fluoride.

Anyway, here is a website (http://witch.drak.net/nywitch/nw2.html) where

I found the following list of natural fluoride sources. Sunflower seeds,

raw unadulterated honey, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly. Fluorine is also

found in the following herbs: Birch, cramp bark, fenugreek, glucomannan,

hops, kelp, myrrh, passion flower, plantain, psyllium, safflower, St.

swort, spikenard, yerba santa. HERBAL medications are teeming with

nutrients and the body WILL readily utilize them in its behalf... actually

detoxifying and rebuilding the system, therefore enhancing one's health.

Deficiency Symptoms: Tooth caries and cavities. A Fluorine deficiency is

highly improbable. Benefits: Fluorine is useful in the treatment of dental

cavities and caries. Beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis. Protects

the body against infections. Antagonists: Alcoholic beverages, tobacco

(nicotine), cola drinks, most soft drinks (other than natural juices),

coffee and tea (caffeinated and decaffeinated), chocolate (cocoa), inorganic

mineral water (tap, well, spring), polluted air, refined sugar and refined

sugar substitutes, overcooking foods, all manner of refined and processed

foods, commercial synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,

radiation exposure, inorganic acids and alkalies, synthetic estrogen,

synthetic birth control, sulfa drugs.

If you want to absorb calcium fluoride you need to eliminate exposure to

sodium fluoride and hydrofluorosilic acid as the inhibit the asborption of

calcium fluoride. I assume using the cell salt calc fluor would also help

absorption BUT anyone who knows more in that area please feel free to

correct me if I'm wrong.

Cheryl Overley

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Can you resend this? It stated it's a screwed up site or something like

that...anyhow, not available!

I am not a medical professional

nor do I portray one on T.V.

(but my husband,Mike,is!)

Please visit our website www.goldenprideweb.com/drmikeandlaurie for natural

vitamins,nutrients,and herbs. NEW!!! The FLORIDA DIET

Also, to save time,space,taste, and waste, shop at

www.my.tupperware.com/LaurieLand for your source of Tupperware products and


Laurie<Oh boldml@...

mother to 5 birthgoddess to 3 VBAC's,including 1 complete waterbirth(way

cool),BF and non-vaxxed,2 girls and 3 natural boys

Anyway, here is a website (http://witch.drak.net/nywitch/nw2.html) where

I found the following list of natural fluoride sources.

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  • 1 year later...


That would be me.

There is no cure , remedy, nothing. It bioaccumulates - like lead -

but has to come out on its own.

I am trying Rob's Ca, Mg, Zn, and I think it is helping (even a

placebo effect would be welcome!)

Find CLEAN water (Distilled is best), don't shower/bathe in it, NO

canned pop, beer, grape juice, canned foods, breakfast cereal, No

vegtables from the store - F- fertilizer & insecticides - and they

spray them down with F- water. NO tea. NO mechanically deboned

meats or hamburger, be careful with those dairy products, sea salt?

7mg/kg., AND make sure you do not use any dental products!!!


This is only what has been tested and F- content will vary .

Now that I have your attention, you can start to feel better by

avoiding it as much as possible if , in fact poisoning is your


If you have IBS this will be the first thing to get better, in about

a week or two, as your microville in your intestines heals.


> There has been talk about flouride poisoning on the list over the


> months. What I haven't seen (maybe missed it) was what to do about

it. Can

> a person just eliminate high sources of flouride for a month or two

and see

> if they are better? Or is it more complicated?

> Thanks,

> Doris

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----- Original Message -----

From: " rge072754 " <rge@...>

I am trying Rob's Ca, Mg, Zn, and I think it is helping (even a

placebo effect would be welcome!)


Since it seems that no-one has any answers here, if I were you, I would

get the cal/mag/zinc optimised and then try adding MSM and gradually

building the dose up. It's helped a lot of people with detox, including

me, without side effects. It'd certainly be interesting to see how you got

on and if nothing else it should help pull other crap out and keep the

placebo effect going!

Good luck,


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> get the cal/mag/zinc optimised

Yes, Optimizing these takes some time I believe. I am cycling

already, but there are probably confounding factors. Unlike Darlene

Sherrell, who moved to the Carribian to escape this mess and grows

all her own food, I cannot eliminate as much F- from my diet. I am

sure I am being dosed all the time and living way up here in MI 's

U.P. have very limited access to organic stuff, even if I could

afford it. (no job, no SSDI,no money! My wife is keeping us afloat

for now)

I am going to continue as is for now and then I will start MSM and

let you know.


and then try adding MSM and gradually

> building the dose up. It's helped a lot of people with detox,


> me, without side effects. It'd certainly be interesting to see how

you got

> on and if nothing else it should help pull other crap out and keep


> placebo effect going!


> Good luck,


> Rob

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  • 2 years later...
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Fluoride is a poison. http://www.iowahealth.org/14318.cfm

If you drink fluorinated water then you shouldn't use Fluoride toothpaste.

My husband and sister both have discolored teeth from flouride.

Maia V. A closed mind is a WONDERFUL thing to lose.- Unknown



> Was reading some of the emails when I came upon mothers who wanted

> flouride out of their water? why?


> ella






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Put the word " fluoride " in the search engine on www.mercola.com There's a ton of

info there.



Was reading some of the emails when I came upon mothers who wanted

flouride out of their water? why?


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At 10:44 AM 5/30/2005 +0800, you wrote:






And never forget ;-)

MY webpages





Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm




" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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> Was reading some of the emails when I came upon mothers who wanted

> flouride out of their water? why?

I, for one, have mottled teeth from the flouride drops my mom gave me

as an infant. It was very noticable when my permanent teeth were

coming in during elementary school. Much of the weird, bright, white

stuff has worn off over the years, thankfully.

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Floride is toxic. It makes the brain docile and

compliant. Unable to make decisions and act on them.

There was an article about the Germans using it in

concentration camps in order to keep the people

compliant. The hype about flouride is over-rated and

incorrect it does not keep teeth health. There is

also a book written by a dentist...The name of the

book escapes me, but what he found is that other

coutries that do not use floride in their toothpaste

(and their water supply) had healthier teeth and did

not have cavities.

here's a link that I included in one of my prior

emails to this group www.ewg.org it will confirm what

I personally have stated about flouride. It is just

not good for you. That is why on they have on their


POISON CONTROL " . This statement right here (although

we don't think about it) clearly indicates that " IT IS

A POISON " or else why would they ask you to contact

the local poison control.

I personally have used Tom's Brand toothpaste and I

have felt better over the last couple of weeks. I

used to feel worn out and a bit depressed and although

I knew I had to do things I would procrastinate. Now

I am doing a little bit more (not a dramatic change),

but enough for me to notice the difference.

Try it you can get it at CVS, Rite-Aid, Feel-Rite, or

probably your local grocery store. Get back to the

group in a couple of weeks and tell us what you think.

Jackie B.

p.s. What is muttle teeth?

--- kaeviolet <kaeviolet@...> wrote:


> > Was reading some of the emails when I came upon

> mothers who wanted

> > flouride out of their water? why?


> I, for one, have mottled teeth from the flouride

> drops my mom gave me

> as an infant. It was very noticable when my

> permanent teeth were

> coming in during elementary school. Much of the

> weird, bright, white

> stuff has worn off over the years, thankfully.




" When we give government

the power to make medical decisions

for us, we, in essence, accept that

the state owns our bodies. "

~U.S.Representative Ron , MD

The Nuremberg Code (to which NZ is a signatory) describes Informed Choice as:

- A choice made on the basis of adequate information concerning research and all

available alternatives.

- A choice made without controlling influences such as force, fraud, deceit,

duress, over-reaching or other forms of constraint or coercion.

Does this not apply to us?


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Not all Tom's of Maine is fluoride free though! :) Read the label before


JASON brand has a great organic toothpaste!! :)

Maia V. A closed mind is a WONDERFUL thing to lose.- Unknown


----- Original Message -----

> I personally have used Tom's Brand toothpaste and I

> have felt better over the last couple of weeks.

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You're right, not all of Tom's toothpaste is Fluoride free! Watch

the labels, also beware of Tom's toothpaste as it contains Sodium

Laurel Sulfate, something that does not belong in somethig labeled

" natural " . I will not buy Tom's.

According to the Journal of the American College of Toxicology; vol.

2 No. 7, 1983:

SLS is routinely used in clinical studies to irritate skin tissue.

SLS corrodes hair follicles and impairs ability to grow hair (check

your shampoo)

Carcinogenic Nitrates can form when SLS interacts with other nitrogen bearing


SLS enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver,

lungs and brain from skin contact. (shampoos?)

SLS denatures protein, impairs proper structural formation of young eyes-damage

permanent. (see study page 10)

SLS can damage the immune system; cause separation of skin layers

and cause inflammation of the skin.


Re: Re: flouride

Not all Tom's of Maine is fluoride free though! :) Read the label before


JASON brand has a great organic toothpaste!! :)

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thanks for the info... We don't have any problems

growing hair here (lol), but will keep it in mind the

next time we purchase personal care products.

I definately am making changes b/c of all the helpful

people in this group.




Jackie B

--- Suzanne <Suzanne@...> wrote:

> You're right, not all of Tom's toothpaste is

> Fluoride free! Watch

> the labels, also beware of Tom's toothpaste as it

> contains Sodium

> Laurel Sulfate, something that does not belong in

> somethig labeled

> " natural " . I will not buy Tom's.

> According to the Journal of the American College of

> Toxicology; vol.

> 2 No. 7, 1983:


> SLS is routinely used in clinical studies to

> irritate skin tissue.

> SLS corrodes hair follicles and impairs ability to

> grow hair (check

> your shampoo)

> Carcinogenic Nitrates can form when SLS interacts

> with other nitrogen bearing

> ingredients.

> SLS enters and maintains residual levels in the

> heart, liver,

> lungs and brain from skin contact. (shampoos?)

> SLS denatures protein, impairs proper structural

> formation of young eyes-damage

> permanent. (see study page 10)

> SLS can damage the immune system; cause separation

> of skin layers

> and cause inflammation of the skin.


> Suzanne


> Re: Re: flouride



> Not all Tom's of Maine is fluoride free though! :)

> Read the label before

> hand.

> JASON brand has a great organic toothpaste!! :)



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



" When we give government

the power to make medical decisions

for us, we, in essence, accept that

the state owns our bodies. "

~U.S.Representative Ron , MD

The Nuremberg Code (to which NZ is a signatory) describes Informed Choice as:

- A choice made on the basis of adequate information concerning research and all

available alternatives.

- A choice made without controlling influences such as force, fraud, deceit,

duress, over-reaching or other forms of constraint or coercion.

Does this not apply to us?


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You are so right Suzanne! Laurel Sulfate is a very nasty thing and

I am so thankful I found about it when I did.

it is hidden in lots of things so everyone please read labels to

find this culprit


> You're right, not all of Tom's toothpaste is Fluoride free! Watch

> the labels, also beware of Tom's toothpaste as it contains Sodium

> Laurel Sulfate, something that does not belong in somethig labeled

> " natural " . I will not buy Tom's.

> According to the Journal of the American College of Toxicology;


> 2 No. 7, 1983:


> SLS is routinely used in clinical studies to irritate skin tissue.

> SLS corrodes hair follicles and impairs ability to grow hair (check

> your shampoo)

> Carcinogenic Nitrates can form when SLS interacts with other

nitrogen bearing

> ingredients.

> SLS enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver,

> lungs and brain from skin contact. (shampoos?)

> SLS denatures protein, impairs proper structural formation of

young eyes-damage

> permanent. (see study page 10)

> SLS can damage the immune system; cause separation of skin layers

> and cause inflammation of the skin.


> Suzanne


> Re: Re: flouride



> Not all Tom's of Maine is fluoride free though! :) Read the

label before

> hand.

> JASON brand has a great organic toothpaste!! :)




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Gosh, i'm in a frenzy, didn't know about so much toxic materials in

everyday things. Thanks for the ewg site, i have it bookmarked

already. And thank you too for all the information that i wouldn't

have found myself.

now on to convince my husband....lol, but he's very receptive, thank

god he's also very health conscious.


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My kids LOVE Burt's Bees and there's Logana and also Kiss My Face and Peelu

and Desert Essence and First teeth Baby Toothpaste (we use all of these) all

fluoride and SLS free.


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You have only begun - this is just the tip of the iceberg!

You are in for a wild ride.

Glad you are open


At 11:29 AM 5/31/2005 +0800, you wrote:

>Gosh, i'm in a frenzy, didn't know about so much toxic materials in

>everyday things. Thanks for the ewg site, i have it bookmarked

>already. And thank you too for all the information that i wouldn't

>have found myself.


>now on to convince my husband....lol, but he's very receptive, thank

>god he's also very health conscious.








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Glad I am too, years ago I would have just scoffed at all you crazy

ladies:-) Seriously, I was watching a show before where one of our

politicians was saying that the polio or tetanus (am not so sure)

vaccine that was being given by UNICEF to pregnant mothers and

children was causing miscarriages and actually causing infertility.

In my mind I was saying that was crazy. Now I heard it's true that

HCG was actually found in these vaccines.

And now I don't trust my doctors because of the " crap " (sorry for the

language) they were telling me about breastfeeding which led me to do

research since what they were telling me was against my mother's

instinct, which led me on this road to awakening.

Thank god for mother's instinct.:-)


On 5/31/05, Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> You have only begun - this is just the tip of the iceberg!

> You are in for a wild ride.

> Glad you are open

> Sheri

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  • 2 years later...

what is the research on giving flouride supplememted water to infants over 6

months? i have read that too much causes flourosis and not any/too little

causes teeth problems...i am confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is

breastfed, but gets bottled water in his cereal 2x daily. should i give him

flouride supplemented water? also, is steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is troubling. I


happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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We flat out do not use Fluoride products in our house. Toms of Maine has great

Fluoride free products. The prescription for the supplements that the Ped gives

I just throw away. I'm in the process of reading the Fluoride Deception it is a

very good book.

carrie ferlazzo <carriesuzanne1@...> wrote: what is the research

on giving flouride supplememted water to infants over 6 months? i have read that

too much causes flourosis and not any/too little causes teeth problems...i am

confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is breastfed, but gets bottled water in

his cereal 2x daily. should i give him flouride supplemented water? also, is

steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is troubling. I


happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


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