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Fluoride in water is about the most inefficient way to get fluoride, if

it ever did any good anyway.. so skip that.

Yes, too much will cause flouridosis. I have 2 kids susceptible to that.

It’s in a lot of things. It’s in tap water and all the juices made ready

to drink.. guess what they have? Some products it to it. I know I’ve

read Sunny-D has it added.

Skipping fluoride does not do any damage. Mostly it’s genetics, on

good/bad teeth and what you eat.

Nita, yes my hands are full, but not my heart: 14, Jon 13,

10, 8, 6, Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2,

and due 2/08

Some minds are like concrete:

Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


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thank you! i will go to amazon.com and look at that book...

beth howell <howelleli@...> wrote: We flat out do not use

Fluoride products in our house. Toms of Maine has great Fluoride free products.

The prescription for the supplements that the Ped gives I just throw away. I'm

in the process of reading the Fluoride Deception it is a very good book.

carrie ferlazzo <carriesuzanne1@...> wrote: what is the research on giving

flouride supplememted water to infants over 6 months? i have read that too much

causes flourosis and not any/too little causes teeth problems...i am

confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is breastfed, but gets bottled water in

his cereal 2x daily. should i give him flouride supplemented water? also, is

steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is troubling. I


happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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I've always been taught that fluride is a huge no no. Aside from it being

toxic, it doesn't actually do any good, and even though they are adding it to

everything now, it's not good to consume. I don't know all the side effects,

but I do know that it doesn't work and it is toxic in large amounts.

Re: Re: flouride

what is the research on giving flouride supplememted water to infants over 6

months? i have read that too much causes flourosis and not any/too little causes

teeth problems...i am confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is breastfed, but

gets bottled water in his cereal 2x daily. should i give him flouride

supplemented water? also, is steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is troubling.

I am

happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


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I read a new report years ago of a child (5 or 6 yrs old) who accidentally

swallowed some fluoride during a cleaning treatment. The child died within a few

hours of fluoride poisoning. I never understood the need for a fluoride

treatment for kids that don't even have their permanent teeth yet.

Yet again, probably all about the money.

My adult step daughter recently had a fluoride treatment and she too swallowed

some of the stuff. She spent the rest of the afternoon puking in the toilet.

You may take note of the CYA warning statement on all fluoride toothpaste



carrie ferlazzo <carriesuzanne1@...> wrote:

what is the research on giving flouride supplememted water to infants over 6

months? i have read that too much causes flourosis and not any/too little

causes teeth problems...i am confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is

breastfed, but gets bottled water in his cereal 2x daily. should i give him

flouride supplemented water? also, is steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is troubling.

I am

happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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For some disturbing facts about fluoride go to:



" : ) " <canyon13@...> wrote: I've

always been taught that fluride is a huge no no. Aside from it being toxic, it

doesn't actually do any good, and even though they are adding it to everything

now, it's not good to consume. I don't know all the side effects, but I do know

that it doesn't work and it is toxic in large amounts.

Re: Re: flouride

what is the research on giving flouride supplememted water to infants over 6

months? i have read that too much causes flourosis and not any/too little causes

teeth problems...i am confused...i have a 9 month old son. he is breastfed, but

gets bottled water in his cereal 2x daily. should i give him flouride

supplemented water? also, is steam distilled water the best to drink?



mensrea320@... wrote:

In a message dated 12/4/2007 4:10:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mountainmissypurple@... writes:

He suggests that if you are non-vax, it is a good idea to avoid daycare

or a church nursery for the first 2 years. I also had a

midwife/homeopath tell me that.

If I avoided things like that, would never go anywhere, and I would

want to put a bullet in my head. We go to playgroup 2-3x a week, storytime 1x

a week, children's museum 1x a week, church 1x a week. Those are her minimum

weekly activities. To me that statement is just trying to scare parents.

He should recommend that people who vax shouldn't go to those places either.

Their immune systems are a lot worse off than the non vaxed children.

I am not a complete fan of Dr. Sears. I think he does a lot of AP

promotion which is good, but his stance on vaccines and fluoride is

troubling. I am

happy to see his son has at least suggested there are alternatives to

rigidly following current protocol.


**************************************Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest



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My son drinks the tap water every day, but I have a Brita water

filter. Does this remove flouride? If not, what are some options?


> Fluoride in water is about the most inefficient way to get

fluoride, if

> it ever did any good anyway.. so skip that.




> Yes, too much will cause flouridosis. I have 2 kids susceptible to


> It's in a lot of things. It's in tap water and all the juices made


> to drink.. guess what they have? Some products it to it. I know I've

> read Sunny-D has it added.




> Skipping fluoride does not do any damage. Mostly it's genetics, on

> good/bad teeth and what you eat.




> Nita, yes my hands are full, but not my heart: 14, Jon 13,

> 10, 8, 6, Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04),


> and due 2/08

> Some minds are like concrete:

> Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


> ,_._,___



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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.14/1171 - Release Date:

> 12/4/2007 7:31 PM




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> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.14/1171 - Release Date:

> 12/4/2007 7:31 PM





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Hi all,

If you are in Australia, the AVN sells the Fluoride Deception

<http://www.avn.org.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=696> via

our website - the link is

http://www.avn.org.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=696. It IS an

excellent book and we will be reviewing it in the next issue of Informed

Voice (February 2008) and also having a feature provided to us by Glen

of Australian Fluoridation News. Please check carefully for any

products you use that might contain fluoride and this includes juices

that you buy from the supermarket in bottles, cans or boxes which are

made from reconstituted fruit juice - most times they will be

reconstituted with fluoridated water.

All the best,


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Sorry - I should have given Glen 's <http://www.glenwalker.net/>

website in my last message - it is http://www.glenwalker.net/. An

excellent source of information on the dangers of Fluoride from a very

passionate proponent of the right to choose!

All the best,


Meryl Dorey,


Australian Vaccination Network

Enabling Australians to make informed health choices


Informed Voice Magazine

Your Health - Your Rights - Your Options

PO Box 177


Phone: (61 +2) 02 6687 1699

FAX (61 +2) 02 6687 2032

SKYPE: ivmmag


www.avn.org.au <http://www.avn.org.au/>

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Vida Khan wrote:

>My son drinks the tap water every day, but I have a Brita water

>filter. Does this remove flouride? If not, what are some options?


I belive Reverse Osmosis and Evaporation (steam distiller) are one of

two ways to get the fluoride out.



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And it is absorbed thru your skinwhile bathing (yick).. I read that

fluoride is dangerous to infants and the elderly. that's why " baby "

toothpaste does not have it and the reasonfor warnings on a typical tube...


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I'm sure everyone realizes this...but just in case.

Anything and everything you put on your skin (or inhale, or eat) is absorbed

into your body. That's why the Environmental Working Group body burden

study is so significant. It proves that, Plus it shows that our bodies

don't shed those toxins as easily as once thought.

As for toothpastes with fluoride, read the label - it has a warning about

not swallowing!

Health & blessings,

*Go GREEN with GET CLEAN as featured on Oprah's Favorite Things!

Holiday Special - 33% off, limited time* -



P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

On Dec 11, 2007 4:33 AM, birthwarrior <llandes9897@...> wrote:

> And it is absorbed thru your skinwhile bathing (yick).. I read that

> fluoride is dangerous to infants and the elderly. that's why " baby "

> toothpaste does not have it and the reasonfor warnings on a typical

> tube...

> Laurie


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  • 3 years later...


I have just been reading about this, and it is close to my locality, but not my

water supply.It could well be in my Sister and her family's location, as most of

them live in Winchester or Southampton. If any more areas fluoride the water, is

there a way of getting rid of it.

Would it be safer to buy bottled water and also filter it.



> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-12427955


> May be of interest.


> Cheers



> a


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I think most water authorities have been waiting for the outcome of this so more

water authorities will be adding flouride. So it may be coming to an area near

us soon.

I think the only way to get flouride out of water is a reverse osmosis filer.

Some bottled water has flouride in it.



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Like the rest of us i am appalled by the Judges decision

What is vital to realise is :-

1) the flouride they want to add is a WASTE PRODUCT from the Aluminium industry which instead of them paying to dispose of they are making money from

Aluminium is a cumilative toxic poison in all its forms and equally damaging to the body and the thyroid

Flouride unless its naturally occuring is also a cumilative toxic poison

Flouride is implicated in numerous cancers and for triggering Thyroid Diseases

The only way to really remove it from your water supply is to fit an expensive Reverse Osmosis Filtering system


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In that case we need to devise a system to collect and purify rainwater for

drinking. For most of the year we would have adequate supplies of that. Does

anyone know of any?


> No, a reverse osmosis system does NOT remove fluoride!!!!! There is not a

system on the market that will say that it removes fluoride let alone does it.

> Glynis

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Yes, you buy water purification tablets from a good camping shop such as Blacks?


> In that case we need to devise a system to collect and purify rainwater for

drinking. For most of the year we would have adequate supplies of that. Does

anyone know of any?

> Miriam

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There's no inherent reason that reverse osmosis should not be able to remove

fluoride. The ability of a reverse osmosis system to remove fluoride (and most

other things, for that matter) depends on the membrane pore (hole) size. If the

pore size is smaller than the fluoride ion, about 2.7 nanometers, the ion simply

can't fit through the hole, and will not enter the purified water. Fluoride has

been removed in RO systems, but I can't speak to the membranes used in cheap

consumer RO devices and thus their efficacy.


> No, a reverse osmosis system does NOT remove fluoride!!!!! There is not a

system on the market that will say that it removes fluoride let alone does it.

> Glynis


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That may be so but there is not a system on the market of whom the manufacturers

will even SAY that it removes fluoride let alone whether it does!

I have asked that specific question of all of them and NO-ONE is willing to say

one way or the other. Pretty expensive thing to get wrong.

The last company was at the Good Food show at the NEC and I asked if their

system removed fluoride, their answer 'Probably' not good enough really.


> There's no inherent reason that reverse osmosis should not be able to remove

fluoride. The ability of a reverse osmosis system to remove fluoride (and most

other things, for that matter) depends on the membrane pore (hole) size. If the

pore size is smaller than the fluoride ion, about 2.7 nanometers, the ion simply

can't fit through the hole, and will not enter the purified water. Fluoride has

been removed in RO systems, but I can't speak to the membranes used in cheap

consumer RO devices and thus their efficacy.



> >

> > No, a reverse osmosis system does NOT remove fluoride!!!!! There is not a

system on the market that will say that it removes fluoride let alone does it.

> > Glynis

> >


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Here are links to 3 that claim to remove fluoride:


http://www.pwgazette.com/fluorideindex.htm - " 1. Reverse Osmosis. The best way

to remove fluoride from drinking water is reverse osmosis. Any good reverse

osmosis unit removes about 95% of fluoride by its nature. No special filters or

setup is needed. See our undersink reverse osmosis units and countertop reverse

osmosis units.

Enhanced Performance Undersink Fluoride Filter. The second best way to remove

fluoride from drinking water is with our unique enhanced performance fluoride

filter, which features an extra slow pass through Activated Alumina to maximize

fluoride reduction. The unit comes standard with our two best carbon block

filters for superb city-water treatment. It's a unique product that you won't

find anywhere else. "


I can't speak to the accuracy any of these product claims.



> That may be so but there is not a system on the market of whom the

manufacturers will even SAY that it removes fluoride let alone whether it does!

> I have asked that specific question of all of them and NO-ONE is willing to

say one way or the other. Pretty expensive thing to get wrong.


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> http://www.amazon.com/Reverse-Osmosis-Storage-Removes-Fluoride/dp/B002LHDL7E

is American, not sure how available it is to get it fitted in the UK.

> http://www.filtersfast.com/AquaFlo-E75TFC-3SF-RO-Filter-System.asp

says it REMOVES or REDUCES, does not state that it removes completely. Fair

play, you found some companies that I hadn't. I stick by what I say though, the

majority of companies will not guarantee that their systems remove fluoride.


The unit comes standard with our two best carbon block filters for superb

city-water treatment. It's a unique product that you won't find anywhere else. "



> I can't speak to the accuracy any of these product claims.


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