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The Healthy House sell a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water system that is said

to remove 92% - 95% of fluoride. For further info see








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A link about how fluoride affects the pineal gland, and one of those effects is

a particularly early puberty. My son became a man at 11 years old, years before

his friends and much too early for his mental maturity to cope with, it made his

life difficult and robbed him of his childhood. The pineal accumulates fluoride

more than bones, and it affects the melatonin output.


love janet

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> A link about how fluoride affects the pineal gland, and one of those effects

is a particularly early puberty. My son became a man at 11 years old, years

before his friends and much too early for his mental maturity to cope with, it

made his life difficult and robbed him of his childhood. The pineal accumulates

fluoride more than bones, and it affects the melatonin output.


> http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/pineal/



> love janet


and another link about the pineal and thyroid, it tells how to detox fluoride,

there's so much online about it that I'd better stop posting now and let you do

your own researching!



love janet

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  • 1 year later...

well i think it contains 22600ppm flouride and according to delivering better oral health survey it the most effective varnish for application. From: ebtessam <ebtessamhamalawy@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 12:14 AM Subject: flouride


I need your help

what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????



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Hi Ebtisam, its 10170ppm..but where did you see the question?is such a concentration available? regards sajitha

From: a_hawas <hawawiso@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 2:11 AM Subject: Re: flouride

22600ppm or 22.6 mg/ml





> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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Yeah Kanika is right I guess.This is what I found.

2.26% NaF actually contains 5% NaF and 2.26% Fl ion.

The formula is %NaF X .45 = %F ion

%SnF2 x 0.25 = %F ion

%F ion X 10000= ppm F


So 5%NaF multiplied by 0.45 is 2.25% which then multiplied by 10000 will give

the result 22500(which is close enough since Im sure figures have been rounded

off in the original question)

This varnish has been called Duraphat.





http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BgXfIEPVOPYC & pg=PA68 & lpg=PA68 & dq=2.26%25+NaF & \

source=bl & ots=3qlEt-Hzqh & sig=dVvd1ZyunzL1e3c5NJD2pjjGCWU & hl=en & sa=X & ei=O7JKT7GnH\

YWP8gOZscisAw & ved=0CB4Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage & q=2.26%25%20NaF & f=false

However this is not from an established textbook and just from some random

sites.So make sure yourself as well and if you find something correct me too:)




> well i think it contains 22600ppm flouride and according to delivering better

oral health survey it the most effective varnish for application.



> ________________________________

> From: ebtessam <ebtessamhamalawy@...>


> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 12:14 AM

> Subject: flouride







> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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thanks everyone that`s very helpful ebtisam From: rpmk17 <rpmk17@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012, 22:58 Subject: Re: flouride

Yeah Kanika is right I guess.This is what I found.

2.26% NaF actually contains 5% NaF and 2.26% Fl ion.

The formula is %NaF X .45 = %F ion

%SnF2 x 0.25 = %F ion

%F ion X 10000= ppm F


So 5%NaF multiplied by 0.45 is 2.25% which then multiplied by 10000 will give the result 22500(which is close enough since Im sure figures have been rounded off in the original question)

This varnish has been called Duraphat.



http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BgXfIEPVOPYC & pg=PA68 & lpg=PA68 & dq=2.26%25+NaF & source=bl & ots=3qlEt-Hzqh & sig=dVvd1ZyunzL1e3c5NJD2pjjGCWU & hl=en & sa=X & ei=O7JKT7GnHYWP8gOZscisAw & ved=0CB4Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage & q=2.26%25%20NaF & f=false

However this is not from an established textbook and just from some random sites.So make sure yourself as well and if you find something correct me too:)




> well i think it contains 22600ppm flouride and according to delivering better oral health survey it the most effective varnish for application.



> ________________________________

> From: ebtessam <ebtessamhamalawy@...>


> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 12:14 AM

> Subject: flouride



> Â




> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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Thanks for explaining it ..... From: rpmk17 <rpmk17@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 10:58 PM Subject: Re: flouride

Yeah Kanika is right I guess.This is what I found.

2.26% NaF actually contains 5% NaF and 2.26% Fl ion.

The formula is %NaF X .45 = %F ion

%SnF2 x 0.25 = %F ion

%F ion X 10000= ppm F


So 5%NaF multiplied by 0.45 is 2.25% which then multiplied by 10000 will give the result 22500(which is close enough since Im sure figures have been rounded off in the original question)

This varnish has been called Duraphat.



http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BgXfIEPVOPYC & pg=PA68 & lpg=PA68 & dq=2.26%25+NaF & source=bl & ots=3qlEt-Hzqh & sig=dVvd1ZyunzL1e3c5NJD2pjjGCWU & hl=en & sa=X & ei=O7JKT7GnHYWP8gOZscisAw & ved=0CB4Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage & q=2.26%25%20NaF & f=false

However this is not from an established textbook and just from some random sites.So make sure yourself as well and if you find something correct me too:)




> well i think it contains 22600ppm flouride and according to delivering better oral health survey it the most effective varnish for application.



> ________________________________

> From: ebtessam <ebtessamhamalawy@...>


> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 12:14 AM

> Subject: flouride



> Â




> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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Hi, in the document it is given as 2.2 f- and sodium fluoride22600ppm ....the con of floride is itself given so i think that was an unnecessary calculation i did because it seem to be 5% Na F varnish that is mentioned.. From: Miral <miral_hasan@...> " "

< > Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 6:23 PM Subject: Re: Re: flouride

Dear Ebtisam,According to Delaivery better oral health,it is 2.2 varnish (professional intervention )twice per year or 3-4 times for high risk of 3-6 years or 7- young adults.So this should be right though I am not sure how to calculate F level?Sent from my iPadOn 26 Feb 2012, at 17:06, ebtessam elhamalawy <ebtessamhamalawy@...> wrote:

HI SAJITHAKUMARIIts a question in the feedbacks.I am not sure if it was written right or if its available. All I know is its not recommended in the DELIVERING BETTER ORAL HEALTH DOC.How did u calculate the F level?thanksebtisam From: Sajithakumari Sivaprem <ssajithakumari@...> To:

" " < > Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012, 16:37 Subject: Re: Re: flouride

Hi Ebtisam, its 10170ppm..but where did you see the question?is such a concentration available? regards sajitha

From: a_hawas <hawawiso@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 2:11 AM Subject: Re: flouride

22600ppm or 22.6 mg/ml





> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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yes sajitha. it is given.But if they ask for any other persentage of NaF or APF etc.YOUR CALCULATION IS REALLY HELPFUL.THANKS. Thanks & Regards,Padma From: Sajithakumari Sivaprem <ssajithakumari@...> " " < > Sent: Monday, 27 February 2012, 10:05 Subject: Re: Re:


Hi, in the document it is given as 2.2 f- and sodium fluoride22600ppm ....the con of floride is itself given so i think that was an unnecessary calculation i did because it seem to be 5% Na F varnish that is mentioned.. From: Miral <miral_hasan@...> " "

< > Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 6:23 PM Subject: Re: Re: flouride

Dear Ebtisam,According to Delaivery better oral health,it is 2.2 varnish (professional intervention )twice per year or 3-4 times for high risk of 3-6 years or 7- young adults.So this should be right though I am not sure how to calculate F level?Sent from my iPadOn 26 Feb 2012, at 17:06, ebtessam elhamalawy <ebtessamhamalawy@...> wrote:

HI SAJITHAKUMARIIts a question in the feedbacks.I am not sure if it was written right or if its available. All I know is its not recommended in the DELIVERING BETTER ORAL HEALTH DOC.How did u calculate the F level?thanksebtisam From: Sajithakumari Sivaprem <ssajithakumari@...> To:

" " < > Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012, 16:37 Subject: Re: Re: flouride

Hi Ebtisam, its 10170ppm..but where did you see the question?is such a concentration available? regards sajitha

From: a_hawas <hawawiso@...> Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2012 2:11 AM Subject: Re: flouride

22600ppm or 22.6 mg/ml





> I need your help


> what`s the concentration of flouride in 2.26% NaF reparation.????


> thanks

> ebtisam


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