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Yeast/Candida and Thyroid Meds

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Hi Sheila ive seen you mention in quite a few posts about candida affecting

thyroid meds, i was just wondering if you could explain the interaction and does

this mean one might have to go on a higher T3 dose so that more of the T3 can be

absorbed as the candida is having some negative interation.

The reason i ask is ive had yeast problems throughout this whole illness, and

ive tried everything to clear with little affect but yet each T3 increase i can

feel my digestion improving, but im now on 100mg of T3 with an average temp of

36.6... so i feel like im going to need quite a bit higher dose of T3, so was

wondering if this could be due to the yeast or maybe im just an exception and

going to need a high T3 dose.


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Hi Stephie, has already written about this and I have

just uploaded the information into our FILES section under the 'Candida'

Folder. The file is entitled 'Candida - The Peatfield Clinic'. See abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1824339

that talks about thyroxine absorption.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila ive seen you mention in quite a few

posts about candida affecting thyroid meds, i was just wondering if you could

explain the interaction and does this mean one might have to go on a higher T3

dose so that more of the T3 can be absorbed as the candida is having some

negative interation.

The reason i ask is ive had yeast problems throughout this whole illness, and

ive tried everything to clear with little affect but yet each T3 increase i can

feel my digestion improving, but im now on 100mg of T3 with an average temp of

36.6... so i feel like im going to need quite a bit higher dose of T3, so was

wondering if this could be due to the yeast or maybe im just an exception and

going to need a high T3 dose.


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Hi Sheila its Steve not Stephine :P Also im getting this error message when i

try to access the document you mentioned " The requested document is not

accessible. "

Not sure if its something wrong on my end or the link isnt working ?


> Hi Stephie, has already written about this and I have just

> uploaded the information into our FILES section under the 'Candida' Folder.

> The file is entitled 'Candida - The Peatfield Clinic'. See abstract

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1824339 that talks about thyroxine

> absorption.


> Luv - Sheila


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Oooops! Apologies Steve.

I don't get an error message, so the fault appears to be your

end. However, I copied the Abstract below:


1991 Summer;1(3):241-8.

Localization of human thyroxine absorption.



Department of Veterans

Affairs Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA.



distribution of intestinal absorption of 131I-labeled thyroxine (T4*) was

studied in 4 normal subjects after oral and i.v. T4*, given in separate

experimental sessions. In addition to collection of time-activity curves for

plasma T4* from the two sessions, distribution and transport of T4* through the

gut was quantified by external imaging. Time-activity curves were obtained for

the stomach, duodenum, and upper jejunoileum. A multicompartmental model for

systemic T4, with three distribution compartments and a single exit route, was

employed. Additional, gastrointestinal, compartments were introduced. The

stomach data were fitted to a model with three compartments, two for transport and

a small sink of gastric activity that does not interact with the absorptive

sites. Transfer from the duodenum to the upper jejunoileum and from the upper

to the lower jejunoileum was modeled from fits to the peak T4* activities in

the images of the duodenum and upper jejunoileum. The rate of transfer from the

lower jejunoileum into more distal intestinal sites was fixed, but the impact

on the results of using various values for this parameter was analyzed. The

model calculations of absorption (mean +/- SD for 3 of the subjects) are

duodenum, 15 +/- 5%, upper jejunoileum, 29 +/- 14%, and lower jejunoileum, 24

+/- 11%. The fourth subject, whose global absorption was abnormally low for

uncertain reasons, had 17% absorption from the duodenum, 9% from the upper

jejunoileum and none from the lower jejunoileum. Model projections mimicking

clinical gut abnormalities known to affect T4 absorption were compatible with

the results of published studies.

PMID: 1824339 [PubMed

- indexed for MEDLINE]

Hi Sheila its Steve not Stephine :P Also im

getting this error message when i try to access the document you mentioned

" The requested document is not accessible. "

Not sure if its something wrong on my end or the link isnt working ?


> Hi Stephie, has already written about this and I have just

> uploaded the information into our FILES section under the 'Candida'


> The file is entitled 'Candida - The Peatfield Clinic'. See abstract

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1824339

that talks about thyroxine

> absorption.


> Luv - Sheila


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Thanks, I'm just going to put this question out here and see if this makes sense

in theory.

I'm taking 100mg of t3 at the moment and also 45mg hc but because of my

absorption issues could I in theory maybe only recieving say 70mg t3 and 30mg of

hc? Also some days I feel like I need more hc than others even if my daily

routine was the same.. Maybe this is absorption also?

I'm doing as best as I can to control this I've got digestive enzymes, pro

biotics and jus ordered a course of nystatin to start after this weekend.

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I have a friend who has been on a very strict anti candida diet for about eight months so far and has been able to stop all thyroIid medication.  She used to be on a much higher dose than I am and for at least three months now she hasn't needed any at all.

She does all the other things as well, such as certain body products not used and other things.Lilian  

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