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Re: Rubbish test results

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Hello Leisa,

OK – let's start at the beginning..... You say you have taken HC for 18 months – so are you/were you on thyroid medication as well? If so which and how much? Are you taking any thyroid meds now?

How long before this adrenal salivary profile did you stop your HC ? (that is a crucial point for interpreting this result)

Do you suffer from Candida Albicans by any chance? – have you tested yourself?

Do you have amalgam fillings?

Have you asked your GP to check your minerals & vitamins – namely Ferritin, Magnesium, Folate, Zinc, Copper, Vit B12 and Vit D3 ?

Without knowing any of the above, it is impossible to say much about your results, Leisa. As you are no doubt aware, the adrenal as well as thyroid results look pretty bad on the surface, but if you had not stopped the HC for 6 weeks before re-testing, that that could explain the adrenal profile. Your thyroid result shows that your system is depleted of thyroid hormone – not surprising that you can't function with results like that. But we need to know if you are currently taking thyroid hormones or not.


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Thank you for replying, sorry for not getting back to you sooner but my internet

has been playing up!

I had only been off the HC for 3 weeks, could this be the reason for the bad

results? I never knew i needed to be off it for 6 weeks. I thought since HC

had such a short life that would be ok. Would you mind explaining why the

results could be bad after just three weeks off?

I had been on NT for 18 months but had stopped for a couple of weeks before my

test. I have real problems absorbing NT and go toxic every couple of months. I

am seeing my GP tomorrow so am hoping he'll do a full iron panel and all the

tests you suggest. Really hoping im very low on something that could be causing

this problem!

Im back on NT now, i felt like id been hit by a bus when i was off it! So, it

was good to realise how much it helps my muscle pains. Just on one grain just

now because of the state of my adrenals.

If you have any other ideas about other tests i could ask the GP for id be

grateful. I very rarely see my GP as i dont manage out very often and his

practise is quite a bit away, i havent seen him for 18 months since i started

the HC and NT.

I was tested for candida 3 years ago and it wasnt too bad. I do have loads of

fillings and im really hoping its not them that is affecting absorption as i

couldnt afford to get them out and i dont think theres anything else that helps

mercury poisoning?

Thank you so much for your help

Love Leisa

As you are no doubt aware, the adrenal as well as thyroid results look pretty

bad on the surface, but if you had not stopped the HC for 6 weeks before

re-testing, that that could explain the adrenal profile.

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Hello Leisa,

I had only been off the HC for 3 weeks, could this be the reason for the badresults? I never knew i needed to be off it for 6 weeks. I thought since HChad such a short life that would be ok. Would you mind explaining why theresults could be bad after just three weeks off?

OK – that might explain your extremely low adrenal profile..... Since you are a patient of Dr. P's, I assume you have his book. In the section "the adrenal connection", page 120, Dr. .P explains about amounts of natural HC output.... he says (quote) the natural output of HC is actually variable and may be as much as 200 mg daily under stress and 40 – 60 mg in a normal resting state. Obviously then, a dose significantly greater than 40 mg daily will tend to take over the adrenal production of cortisone, and the adrenal glands could shut down completely. But it must be said at once, so long as this suppression doesn't last too long, the adrenal will pick themselves up again, and restart producing the necessary cortisol for themselves as before. One spectre that gibbers in the sight of many physicians is this adrenal suppression. It is only temporary unless very prolonged; and the adrenals will resume normal function as far as they are able when supplementation is discontinued....... (unquote)

You say you have at times supplemented up to 35 mg HC and you have taken HC for 18 months..... that means that during this period of time your adrenals will have – although probably not have shut down completely – reduced their cortisol production accordingly and significantly. 18 months is a reasonably long time to be on HC and you can expect that it will take your adrenals at least 6 weeks after you have weaned yourself off all exogenous HC to pick themselves up and restart their own production if they are able to produce a normal amount of cortisol again. There are no guarantees that they will have healed and will now be strong enough, which is why one must take the greatest care when reducing the HC dosage.... After having taken HC for 18 months, I would recommend to reduce the dosage in stages of 5 mg every 3-4 weeks until you are down to zero. This way you will feel if or when your adrenals can cope again without HC supplementation. However, I do not know over which period of time you have weaned yourself off the HC and by how much you have reduced each time. If you have done it too quickly, your adrenals would have been in the lurch; for the past 18 months they had cut down their own cortisol production because you had provided your body's needs from the outside and it will now take about 6 weeks for your adrenals to get up to speed again and work normally....- provided that they are able to do so! You have done your test after only 3 weeks off all HC, so although all the HC will have left the system, your adrenals might still not be up to speed and might be unable to provide the amount of cortisol your body needs – that takes roughly 6 weeks.... hence your shockingly low adrenal results. It might be a question of your adrenals not being able to keep up - yet.

I had been on NT for 18 months but had stopped for a couple of weeks before mytest. I have real problems absorbing NT and go toxic every couple of months. Iam seeing my GP tomorrow so am hoping he'll do a full iron panel and all thetests you suggest. Really hoping im very low on something that could be causingthis problem!

This shows that something is not working properly. If your T3 were to enter the cells as expected, you would not become thyrotoxic every 2 months. This is not how it is supposed to work. If your body is not able to utilize the thyroid hormone properly, then you need to find out what is stopping it from doing so. There are a number of possibilities and you need to check and eliminate one by one.

The things that will prevent thyroid hormone from working are:

Lack of cortisol

Conversion problems (from T4 to T3)

Reverse T3

Cell receptor resistance

Low minerals & Vitamins

Candida Albicans

Food intolerance to certain foods (celiac disease)

Thyroid hormone dose too high/too low

Imbalance of sex hormones

Im back on NT now, i felt like id been hit by a bus when i was off it! So, itwas good to realise how much it helps my muscle pains. Just on one grain justnow because of the state of my adrenals.

How many grains were you on before then?If you have any other ideas about other tests i could ask the GP for id begrateful. I very rarely see my GP as i dont manage out very often and hispractise is quite a bit away, i havent seen him for 18 months since i startedthe HC and NT.

As mentioned before – you need at least some blood tests, namely Ferritin, Magnesium, Folate, Zinc, Copper, Vit B12 and Vit D3...You also need the other possibilities above checked. I appreciate that it is difficult for you to see your GP or an endo, but you can't do this all by yourself. Some of the tests you could do privately with Genova, but you still would need someone to draw blood for some of the tests.

I was tested for candida 3 years ago and it wasnt too bad.

How bad was `not too bad' ;o) ? ... and what did you do about it?

I do have loads offillings and im really hoping its not them that is affecting absorption as icouldnt afford to get them out and i dont think theres anything else that helpsmercury poisoning?

I wish I could re-assure you, but I can't. This could be a major problem.... Amalgam fillings leak mercury into the system on a permanent basis – every time there is friction or movement or temperature change in your mouth (eating, drinking, brushing teeth) mercury vapours will be given off and you will breathe them in. There is no way to avoid that, and contrary to common belief mercury will never stop giving off vapours – not even 30 year old fillings. It goes on permanently. Please watch the following short video.... http://www.tuberose.com/Mercury_Vapor_Video.html I am sorry, but I do not know of any solution other than having the amalgam fillings removed, and I know from experience just how expensive that can be, as many teeth are too damaged by the amalgam to be just replaced with a composite white filling – they might need crowns or inlays :o(( love,

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Thank you for taking the time to reply! I feel so stupid for not checking how

long i should have been off the HC before testing! Well hopefully my adrenals

arent quite as bad as the test said. Although im feeling awful and have a hot

water bottle on them theyre so sore! Im starting up the HC in very small doses

just now as its been making my brain feel funny and almost inflammed. I really

dont want to be taking more than 20mg if i can help it. I know my adrenals are

a problem but even when i was taking 35mg HC i was still going toxic with the

NT, so i think there is another reason im not absorbing and the toxicity is

having a knock on effect on my adrenals and crashing them.

Ive never managed to get past two and a quarter grains before going toxic and

having to stop for a week.

The thing from your list that really stands out is Cell receptor resistance. I

dont really know what i can do about this, is it just a case of taking really

small doses and upping really slowly?

I asked my GP last time to check my sex hormones but he said he couldnt justify

the expense of those tests. I checked the prices at genova and it was too much

for me. Maybe that'll be the next one i save up for!

I tested for candida about 3 years ago and Dr P said although it was present it

wasnt bad enough to worry about. Im waiting till i get my adrenals up and ill

start grapefruit seed extract and ive been taking a small dose of olive leaf


I really hope its not mercury poisoning!

Well i will ask the GP for the tests you suggested and ask for the print outs.

Hopefully something will come out of it! Thanks so much for your advice

Love Leisa

> The things that will prevent thyroid hormone from working are:


> Lack of cortisol


> Conversion problems (from T4 to T3)


> Reverse T3


> Cell receptor resistance


> Low minerals & Vitamins


> Candida Albicans


> Food intolerance to certain foods (celiac disease)


> Thyroid hormone dose too high/too low


> Imbalance of sex hormones


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