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Re: NDT & Systemic candidiasis

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> A comment of Sheila's made me think. The comment was that thyroxine could not be absorbed well from the intestine when there is systemic candidiasis. Does that mean that systemic candidiasis does not present a problem if one is taking the type of NDT that dissolves in the mouth and therefore goes straight into the blood?

I wish !!!! .... Nope, I'm afraid it ain't that easy, . With yeast overgrowth the Candida albicans bacteria does not just live in our intestines - it lives in the blood and all the tissues .... please read what Dr. Peatfield has to say on the matter (copied from our files)

The Peatfield Clinic


When we talk about Candida, we think of rashes or thrush, athletes foot, or something of the sort. Yet these manifestations of Candida are the tip of an enormous iceberg getting larger and larger as the years go by. Candida may actually be present in any tissue or any gland of the body; it may arrive shortly after birth and remain with us throughout life. It may apparently not affect us very much, and we use some ointment for the odd rash, the ringworm, the athletes foot; yet it may be having a sinister and damaging effect on our health generally. Our mistake is to underestimate it.

What is Candida? - Candida is a fungus (or yeast). Of the very many species that exist the one that really targets us (and other animals) is Candida Albicans. It exists in two forms. It has a yeast form, which is a free form and exists in body fluids, waiting for a suitable opportunity to spread. Should it find such an opportunity, it develops root-like structures, which are invasive, and can penetrate and pass through body tissues.

You may have thought, picturing mouldy bread or rotting food, that fungi live only on dead tissue. The worrying thing is that if the fungus is vigorous enough (and Candida albicans is), or the immune system is not as alert as it should be, then it can grow in, and on us, while we are still alive.

That is not a happy thought, yet fungal infections are increasing steadily; and are now a major cause of disease in the western world. Unfortunately, they are regarded by many doctors as merely being of passing nuisance, often unaware that the body as a whole may be subject to insistent and progressive infection, causing very many unexpected symptoms.

Causes of Infection - we need to ask why its presence is on the increase. Fungi live, mostly, on sugar. And we, in the western world, eat more sugar than anyone else, and the amount steadily increases. It is something like 150 pounds a year; 150 years ago, it was 1 or 2 pounds a year. Moreover, we expose ourselves to several other hazards. One is alcohol, primarily because the normal activity of the immune system is suppressed. (It may also contain damaging mycotoxins, of which more in a moment.) Another is antibiotics, which kill off the bacteria, which prey on and control fungus inside us. The contraceptive pill, oestrogen in our foodstuffs (this includes phytoestrogens from plants), chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation are others.

Once fungus has a grip, there are whole lists of symptoms, which can follow. Vaginal (or oral) thrush, fatigue, headaches, allergies, digestive problems, cognitive loss, depression, recurrent infections - upper respiratory or genito-urinary, arthralgia. Of major concern is the effect of penetration by Candida of the gut mucosa. This causes the leaky gut syndrome where incompletely digested proteins find their way into the bloodstream and thus cause multiple allergies and precipitate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There are concerns now that Candida will attack, take over and progressively destroy certain glands. In the thyroid or adrenal glands, hypothyroidism or low adrenal reserve may be caused. The presence of Candida may provoke the immune system into what appears to be an autoimmune response. This is where the immune system appears to turn on its own tissues: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and polyarteritis are examples. But a possible sequence of events is that in attempting to destroy Candida in the glands, the immune system destroys the infected tissues as well. This may well happen in autoimmune thyroiditis, or Hashimoto's Disease. It may occur in the adrenal glands by the same process. Research has been put forward to suggest that the same process may be at work as a cause of Diabetes Mellitus, where the alpha cells in the Islets of Langherhans of the Pancreas are targeted.

Treatment - evidently, Candida albicans can cause a lot more trouble than a rash or athletes foot. More people than not are likely to have some symptom or other due to Candida, and the medicines we take and the food we eat are providing all the possible help the fungus needs to thrive. So, what can we do to rid ourselves of this persistent, invasive and troublesome organism which threatens to destroy us even before we are dead?

The problem is in its very persistence. It keeps coming back. Once it has a hold, it really won't let go. To cope with this we have four strategies we can use: i) over-the-counter antifungals, ii) maintenance, using natural antifungals, iii) dietary control and iv) restoration of normal gut mucosa.

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> > A comment of Sheila's made me think. The comment was that thyroxine

> could not be absorbed well from the intestine when there is systemic

> candidiasis. Does that mean that systemic candidiasis does not present a

> problem if one is taking the type of NDT that dissolves in the mouth and

> therefore goes straight into the blood?


> I wish !!!! [:(] .... Nope, I'm afraid it ain't that easy, .

> With yeast overgrowth the Candida albicans bacteria does not just live

> in our intestines - it lives in the blood and all the tissues ....

> please read what Dr. Peatfield has to say on the matter (copied from our

> files)


> The Peatfield Clinic



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Well I found this online which could be a reply to my question...... " Finally,

again on the subject of gut dysbiosis, we know that yeast such as candida

produce acetaldehyde, a very toxic chemical. If the body is chronically exposed

to this chemical it can accumulate in body tissues and prevent T3 getting into

the cells. This could be one explanation as to why thyroid blood tests come back

normal when someone has hypothyroid symptoms and a low body temperature. The

body would not know anything was wrong and would maintain blood levels of

thyroid hormones as normal but the patient would experience hypothyroid

symptoms. "

> > > A comment of Sheila's made me think. The comment was that thyroxine

> > could not be absorbed well from the intestine when there is systemic

> > candidiasis. Does that mean that systemic candidiasis does not present a

> > problem if one is taking the type of NDT that dissolves in the mouth and

> > therefore goes straight into the blood?

> >

> > I wish !!!! [:(] .... Nope, I'm afraid it ain't that easy, .

> > With yeast overgrowth the Candida albicans bacteria does not just live

> > in our intestines - it lives in the blood and all the tissues ....

> > please read what Dr. Peatfield has to say on the matter (copied from our

> > files)

> >

> > The Peatfield Clinic

> >

> >


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Hi ,

When my immune system was virtually capoot with Lupus and low thryoid function - I was covered in yeast infection all over my body - my belly button, under my breasts - in my ears - feet - thrush in the vagina - throat you name it. Once my immune system regulated itself it all went - particularly after using the thrush tablets you take - can't remember what they are called but you can get them from the Dr.

The point I am trying to make is that if you do have thrush or candida in your system somewhere it would manifest itself outside of the body - you would know like I did. I am not sure if you would have it in the bloodstream within the gut or whatever without experiencing it anywhere else. Aids patients also experience the same issues as their immune system breaks down - you have it everywhere and would know it.

If you are concerned it is within the gut then vitamin B would control this - although unless I had a test to prove I had it i did I would not worry about it.

I hope this helps

best wishes


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Can you send me a link where I can read more about this

information please?

Luv - Sheila

Well I found this online which could be a reply

to my question...... " Finally, again on the subject of gut dysbiosis, we

know that yeast such as candida produce acetaldehyde, a very toxic chemical. If

the body is chronically exposed to this chemical it can accumulate in body

tissues and prevent T3 getting into the cells. This could be one explanation as

to why thyroid blood tests come back normal when someone has hypothyroid

symptoms and a low body temperature. The body would not know anything was wrong

and would maintain blood levels of thyroid hormones as normal but the patient

would experience hypothyroid symptoms. "



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Hi Mandy,

My daughter had a positive saliva candida result and she is

working her way towards starting Armour or similar and is also treating adrenal

fatigue and following Dr. P's plan. We have yet to hear what he recommends for

her for the candida, he may even say she is not bad in that respect but she

can't wait to start NDT. Would have been too good to be true if using sublingual

NDT would bypass any candida problem. She has been complaining about her ears

these last few days and expects me to know all the answers. What symptoms did

you have with your ears in connection with the Candida?....


> When my immune system was virtually capoot with Lupus and low thryoid

> function - I was covered in yeast infection all over my body - my belly

> button, under my breasts - in my ears - feet - thrush in the vagina - throat

> you name it. Once my immune system regulated itself it all went -

> particularly after using the thrush tablets you take - can't remember what

> they are called but you can get them from the Dr

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