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Re: Sheila my T3 RESULT

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Hi Kathleen, TSH very high, but as T4 is marginally in range there is some there to convert to T3, but is appears that you are not doing this very efficiently. > thyroid treatment > From: kranger1@...> Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 14:55:41 +0000> Subject: Sheila my T3 RESULT> > HI Sheila> My FREE T3 3.45 NORMAL RANGE 3.1-6.8 pmol/L> My FREE T4 12.6 NORMAL RANGE 9.0-26.0 pmol/L> My TSH *9.03 NORMAL RANGE 0.3-4.2 mU/l> Can you decipher if I need T3 meds as I think both FREE T4 AND T3 are in the low range.> I also have a swab and urine test results to get the result of.> Kathleen> > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Have just got back from Chelsea and Westminster, and explained what happened to

me after I had left their hospital having then got pneumonia, and explained that

while I was there the patient next to me had a very nasty chest and felt that it

was where mine had come from.

I also explained that I had another loss of blood last night, having managed to

get back into using my mobility scooter.

He explained that everything looked ok in the womb, showing pictures inside and

had a model of the female anatomy to use for explaining.

He told me not to worry about loss of blood unless it continued after October.

He said that female bits dry up and can bleed, and that he could prescribe

oestrogen, but I reminded him that I had, had breast cancer, which then made him

a bit unsure. I have also read that Oestrogen can cause fibroids. He said it was

nothing to do with thyroid problems.

I also said that my urine was cloudy in the mornings and that I had taken a

specimen to my GP and also another swab had been taken, but did not know what

the results were.

He said he would test my urine but I could not go and wanted to get back home.

I ask if the blood could be comming from anywhere else, and using his model I

said what about the bladder (I mentioned this as there are supposed to be three

ureters going the bladder).

He agreed that it could, and that the cloudy urine could be blood, but he said

if it were blood that it would be there all the time.

I am not so sure about that though, and said that I would wait for the result

of the specimen that was in fact cloudy, and this only occurs in the mornings.

My former GP had said that there were white cells in it, but that it was not a

water infection (any ideas).

My feelings are also that it it were blood or whatever it can get into the

bladder from the kidneys.

As far as the prolapse goes from what I have gathered it can come and go, but if

a problem he would do something for me.

I have now been discharged from there.

I had also ask if Progesterone might be better to have than oestrogen and the

answer I got was no.

On getting back I gave the hospital a call about how they were getting on with

my urgent referral for the rheumatologist, and that has reached a stage when

they are going to send me one, but when I do not know.

I am still not taking any meds for thyroid. I am on predniolone which has got

rid of the pain I was in in turn enabling me to do more. I am also on vitamin D2

1000IU, and have started taking vitamin C to help with constipation.

I am glad of one thing that they found no cancer, as once you have had cancer

you have fears each time things go wrong of a further spread, in turn it is not

good for Doctors to worry you on having anything done using cancer as the


I am also seeing DR PEATFIELD next week providing I am still on my feet.

My GP did say that if the T4 drops below the reference range that he would start

me back on Thyroxine, but he said the NHS would not allow the gdales

allergen free thyroxine.

My answer to all this was " why was I put on Thyroxine in the first place if I

did not need it " . I have to wonder about that Pimozide on how much damage was

caused, but have an appointment with psychiatrist on 7th April and that question

will be paramount, as I have felt all along that it caused breast cancer.




> Hi Kathleen,

> TSH very high, but as T4 is marginally in range there is

some there to convert to T3, but is appears that you are not doing this very




> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

> >

> >

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I am also seeing DR PEATFIELD next week providing

I am still on my feet.

My GP did say that if the T4 drops below the reference range that he would

start me back on Thyroxine, but he said the NHS would not allow the

gdales allergen free thyroxine.

Ask your GP to show you evidence where it says that the NHS

would not allow dale's allergen free thyroxine. This is absolutely untrue

and obviously, your GP just can't be bothered to prescribe it for you. Write to

the Head of Practice, there are many, many patients whose doctor prescribes

them this pure form of thyroxine because they are unable to tolerate the

lactose/maize fillers in synthetic levothyroxine. Your doctor must be

challenged and made to produce such information Kathleen




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Thanks Sheila I will get that typed out today and deliver personally to the

practice today. It appears odd to me that he gave me the choice to try anything

else and has now declined.

He has apparently not been sending my referrals out as stated. The Rheumatolgist

appointment was supposed to have been sent just after Xmas, and my CPN came with

me and heard this statement. The hospital said they did not receive the referral

until February. Am I the only one faced with this over referrals, or are they

trying to get me off their list as in the past.



> I am also seeing DR PEATFIELD next week providing I am still on my feet.

> My GP did say that if the T4 drops below the reference range that he would

> start me back on Thyroxine, but he said the NHS would not allow the

> gdales allergen free thyroxine.


> Ask your GP to show you evidence where it says that the NHS would not allow

> dale's allergen free thyroxine. This is absolutely untrue and

> obviously, your GP just can't be bothered to prescribe it for you.

> Sheila

> ---


> ._,___


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Sheila I have delivered my letter to the surgery, and there are sme other points

that I have also put to them.

The swab was normal and no coliforms in it, so I do have to wonder about that

organic food, and they would be calling organic fertilizer pigs manure, and pigs

manure can harbour e/coli. The organic food that I was buying was quite dirty,

so I think it has paid off by not buying any more from that firm.

The urine test was only dipsticked, and not sent away as they said.I wa

I ask again if the cloudiness could be due to SODIUM, as in the past I have been

said to pass out sodium,and when I had the pneumonia they had to give me saline.

Could there be anything in this as to why I am having problems with Thyroxine

which is after all a type of sodium. At the moment I am having somer ROCK SALT,

but is this the same as HIMALAYAN OR CELTIC SALT. I buy it from Tesco.

I also seem to fancy having chocolate, so could I be wanting Potassium as well.

It does appear to be a sore point with the surgery when I mention SODIUM. Do you

know if there is a urine test that could detect SODIUM as they had to test the

urine for it to know that I passed it out, when I had the electrolyte problem.



> Ask your GP to show you evidence where it says that the NHS would not allow

> dale's allergen free thyroxine. This is absolutely untrue and

> obviously, your GP just can't be bothered to prescribe it for you. Write to

> the Head of Practice, there are many, many patients whose doctor prescribes

> Sheila

> ---


> ._,___


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hello kathleen

i've been meaning to say this for a while but i think we all have e coli as part

of our normal gut flora...if you had been infected by any food you would have

certainly known about it...did you have food poisoning?

regarding cloudy urine amonogst other things i believe that can indicate how

well or otherwise you are digesting your food and the cloudiness may be

suggestive of not digesting very well.

i believe chocolate eating/craving is more usually related to magnesium

deficiency rather than potassium. having said that i do think your electrolyte

balance is a bit skew whiff, if i remember rightly your NA (sodium) was at the

bottom of the range. magnesium is an electrolyte as well as a mineral and if

magnesium levels are low then the body can't use calcium properly and i know you

have some issues with calcium.

regarding salt, it really is important to use only unrefined sea salt or

himalayan salt and the rock salt from tesco is probably refined...if it's white

it almost certainly has been refined (price should give a bit of a clue as


i'm so sorry you are still being badly treated regarding the martindale's

thyroxine and the referral that hasn't happened yet, i hope your appointment

comes through soon.



> Sheila I have delivered my letter to the surgery, and there are sme other

points that I have also put to them.


> The swab was normal and no coliforms in it, so I do have to wonder about that

organic food, and they would be calling organic fertilizer pigs manure, and pigs

manure can harbour e/coli.


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Thanks for all this information. With the cloudy urine and the fact that you

mention not digesting my food. I do get a pain in the night in the middle at the

top of the stomach, and have at times had blackened stools which they have said

is a sign of blood (melaena), but nothing has ever showed on tests.

Before I was ever put on Pimozide or Thyroxine it was thought to be an ulcer,

but on having a look inside with a camera nothing was found. Pimozide in turn

later caused much weight gain, and another barium meal revealed a hiatius hernia

(caused I would say by Pimozide).

Is there any magnesium in unrefined sea salt or himalayan salt?

My GP seems to POOH HOO magnesium deficiency saying that its not usual for

people to be deficient.

I do seem to feel the need to have some salt now, but although I have not

increased my fluid intake I appear to be passing out larger ammounts when I go

in the night, but this does not happen in the day.

I keep trying my best to explain this to Doctors that my body appears to be

working the wrong way round, and my CPN understands being a female if Doctors


I am going to try and locate some Himalayan salt, as it could well be that in

refining salt (and that rock salt from tesco's is white) that some ingrediants

have been removed in turn causing me more problems.

I also have a sore tongue again worse in the night, so I am going to start

taking the B VITS, and am wondering about if to take VIT A as it is said to keep

mucous membranes moist, and in turn could be more beneficial than OESTROGEN as a

result of that causing more cancer.

I am also having sunfower seeds (having bought a grinder) which also have

magnesium in them.

I am also going to put some butter on my order his week, as they do say that you

should have some fat, but many of us have turned towards having vegetable low

fat spreads.





> hello kathleen


> regarding cloudy urine amonogst other things i believe that can indicate how

well or otherwise you are digesting your food and the cloudiness may be

suggestive of not digesting very well.


> i believe chocolate eating/craving is more usually related to magnesium

deficiency rather than potassium. having said that i do think your electrolyte

balance is a bit skew whiff, if i remember rightly your NA (sodium) was at the

bottom of the range. magnesium is an electrolyte as well as a mineral and if

magnesium levels are low then the body can't use calcium properly and i know you

have some issues with calcium.


> regarding salt, it really is important to use only unrefined sea salt or

himalayan salt and the rock salt from tesco is probably refined...if it's white

it almost certainly has been refined (price should give a bit of a clue as



> trish


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>Is there any magnesium in unrefined sea salt or himalayan salt? My GP seems to

POOH HOO magnesium deficiency saying that its not usual for people to be


here's a link to an analysis of light grey celtic salt...i'm not sure about

magnesium content in himalayan salt, i get mine from mercola.com but it doesn't

give a mineral analysis.


your doctor may be right about it being unusual for people to have low blood

levels of magnesium because the body will do virtually anything it can in order

to maintain electrolytes within their narrow range BUT that does not mean the

body has good levels of magnesium at the cellular level ...in fact the cells may

be robbed of magnesium in order for the blood supply to be kept in balance.

(this is how i understand it but i am certainly open to correction if i have got

it wrong).

>I also have a sore tongue again worse in the night, so I am going to start

taking the B VITS, and am wondering about if to take VIT A as it is said to keep

mucous membranes moist, and in turn could be more beneficial than OESTROGEN as a

result of that causing more cancer.

yes, good idea to supplement with b complex vits and maybe add in some extra

sublingual b12. i think hypo and/or hashimoto's can cause impaired take up of

vit a, (particulalry conversion from its precursor beta carotone) but i also

seem to recall that care needs to be taken with vit a supplementation and bear

in mind that vit a is a fat soluble vit so needs to be taken with fat or oil.

maybe finding a source of good quality cod liver oil would be helpful because

apart from vit a it would also give you the essential fatty acid dha. i have

heard that fermented cod liver oil is a good choice (sounds fairly un-tasty


good idea about getting some butter ...try and get organic if poss.

best wishes.




> Thanks for all this information. With the cloudy urine and the fact that you

mention not digesting my food. I do get a pain in the night in the middle at the

top of the stomach, and have at times had blackened stools which they have said

is a sign of blood (melaena), but nothing has ever showed on tests.


> Before I was ever put on Pimozide or Thyroxine it was thought to be an ulcer,

but on having a look inside with a camera nothing was found. Pimozide in turn

later caused much weight gain, and another barium meal revealed a hiatius hernia

(caused I would say by Pimozide).

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My tongue has got worse and now has a white patch on either side. I don't know

if its Lichen Planus, or Thrush, but it appears to be associated with

constipation and I have had to resort to the use of suppositories, plus one in

the night, and I do feel more free this morning.

I have also got in touch with my surgery to give me a call as I do not know if

Prednisolone could be causing it.

What you say about Magnesium applies to my GP'S views on his statement that my

thyroid levels are within range, but my TSH is clearly struggling to keep the

levels up as both T4 AND T3 are at the lower end of the reference range

The water supply in this area is high in calcium carbonate and very low in


With regard to not taking calcium carbonate within 4 hours of taking thyroxine

which one has to take with plenty of water, how can one avoid taking calcium

carbonate when it is in the water that one drinks taking the thyroxine.

Could this also be the reason why some have problems with thyroxine in other

words " does the problem lay with the ammount of calcium carbonate in the water

supply "

Can you throw any light on this?

As my tongue is affecting my taste is there a good cod liver oil capsule that I

could take?

If my tongue gets any worse I probably will not want to eat.

I have sent for some Himalayan salt pink, and they say it contains magnesium,

but cannot find a breakdown on what and how much it contains as in the link you

sent on celtic salt.

The prednisolone has got rid of the pain I was in, so in turn I can do more, but

could the fact that I am doing more be causing further problems.







> here's a link to an analysis of light grey celtic salt...i'm not sure about

magnesium content in himalayan salt, i get mine from mercola.com but it doesn't

give a mineral analysis.


> http://curezone.com/foods/salt/Celtic_Sea_Salt_Analysis.asp



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