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Re: Feeling ill and a pulse of 120 - too much thyroid excreted by the gland?

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Is it possible you have a severe cold or symptoms of 'flu


Luv - Sheila

I have been feeling ill for about 5 days now. I have got a cough, sore throat,

sneezing and a bunged up ear. I was worried about getting a lung infection - as

I had a bad infection about three years ago.

I just wanted to get my lungs listened to by a doctor. I won't go into the

horrors that are MEDOC but I did get to see a doctor.

I told him how I was feeling and that my temp was high - 37.2 - and my pulse

fast - 120.

Anyway, long story short, he said that when we are ill the thyroid pumps out

more hormones and because I am taking T3 I am getting too much - that is why my

pulse is fast. He did not know much about the NDT and dismissed it as a

contributory factor.

I take 1 grain NDT and 40mg T3. I have a conversion problem so I would have

thought that it was not that I was getting too much T3 but too much T4.

As the thyroid gland produces T4 I would have thought it was the extra T4 in the

NDT that was the problem - not the T3 - as it may have been pooling in the


I did not tell him that I was taking HC. I think that Dr P said in his book

that extra HC would be beneficial if someone is ill. Would taking more HC have

lowered my pulse rate?

Can anyone verify that the thyroid gland pumps out more hormones when we are



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Hi ,

I was rough earlier on this year with raised pulse rate and higher temp....

I'm on T3, NT and HC too.... Doc said the raised pulse and temp was because I

was ill ..... she was right too .... My bp was on the low side for me.

Stick with it for a week and your temp and pulse will probably come down. Extra

HC if you feel you need it, but don't take extra for more than 3 days, you don't

want to stop your own cortisol production.


> I told him how I was feeling and that my temp was high - 37.2 - and my pulse

> fast - 120.


> Anyway, long story short, he said that when we are ill the thyroid pumps out

> more hormones and because I am taking T3 I am getting too much - that is why

> my pulse is fast. He did not know much about the NDT and dismissed it as a

> contributory factor.


> Can anyone verify that the thyroid gland pumps out more hormones when we are

> ill.


> B


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It has to be correct that the thyroid gland does pump out more hormones when one

is ill. Normally I do feel that I want to stop thyroxine when ill, but on one

occasion when combatting an infection I then ask the GP at the time if I should

increase it, and the answer was a definate NO.

I also have several other problems which could be also the reason that I cannot

take thyroxine, and also the reason why my GP is hanging fire on what to do

about thyroxine. T3 may not be an answer either.

I also suffered badly with my lungs in childhood, but there is damage in my left

lower lobe of the lung, as to the cause I do not know as I was too young, but it

causes widening of the airways in that part, and infection can get caught in

there, which has caused me to be admitted to hospital recently with pneomonia.

In turn this is close to the colon, so infection causes inflamation in turn may

well cause a tempory obstruction to the bowel.

This in turn has caused me to be very wary of aquiring infection from others who

may have a cold or infections in hospitals.

I still have pain in that area on laying down in the night, but have to have an

xray again in a few weeks of the lungs.

I have been without thyroxine since just after Xmas now, and my weight has

dropped not gone up, so in turn it must answer your question that the thyroid

gland does pump out more hormones in ill health.

When you are ill you need to rest to get over it, but I presume if one is on

thyroxine at a time when ones thyroid is pumping out more hormones it causes you

to become overactive causing you to do more when you should be resting to get

over illness, so up goes your pulse and BP.

My temp went up to 38.3c, and my pulse was 98 and BP was low. I was dehydrated,

but not on thyroxine.

I don't know what T3 would do, but perhaps somebody else could add to this.

I shall never forget the state was in over Xmas.



> Hi All,


> I have been feeling ill for about 5 days now. I have got a cough, sore

throat, sneezing and a bunged up ear. I was worried about getting a lung

infection - as I had a bad infection about three years ago.


> I just wanted to get my lungs listened to by a doctor. I won't go into the

horrors that are MEDOC but I did get to see a doctor.


> I told him how I was feeling and that my temp was high - 37.2 - and my pulse

fast - 120.


> Anyway, long story short, he said that when we are ill the thyroid pumps out

more hormones and because I am taking T3 I am getting too much - that is why my

pulse is fast. He did not know much about the NDT and dismissed it as a

contributory factor.


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HI ,

I am sure you are right.

The doctor gave me antibiotics for my inflamed ear which is improving. He

seemed very young and English was not his first language. I think he was trying

too hard to be clever.

Generally having a cough and cold does not raise temps but with hypot, I suppose

we are delicate. And, I think, the pulse always gets faster with a high


My temp has gone down to 36.5 and my pulse is averaging 85 - I am feeling a lot

better but still feel rough.

What has changed since I was diagnosed by Dr P is that I treat myself a lot more

gently. Years ago I would have gone back to work before I felt fully well - but

now I am going to stay at home until I feel well enough.


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