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Re: autoimmune disease/kathleen

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I did have a rough time as a child with health problems. I do have an

abnormality of the kidney, but have also been told that it is only a minor

problem. I do not as yet know how I came by the lung condition, but I do think

in turn that I suffered from my Mothers health condition. My older sister I

think did to, but one cannot blame her as she was so ill, and my Father should

have known better than to put her through having more children at the age of 40.

It has been mentioned that we may be a family with autoimmune problems, but so

far only the thyroid problem has been found. My blood group is rhesus neg group

O, and both my children are A group, and my first daughter caused antibodies, so

in turn she had to be watched. When born her blood was tested OK,but later on

found through having her own children to have the thyroid problem. I was also

hospitalised for both for high BP possibly toxemia (but GP at the time said when

I asked that, that was for them to worry about).

I also think I happened to have married into a family with a lung condition

which alcohol made their condition worse. I suffered a lot of chest infections

while living with the former Husband, and due to damage that occurred in

childhood its was like it started the problem I had in childhood.

A GP put me on Pimozide for 14 yrs. I was also urged out to work 2 days a week.

The first week I was sent home with a headache and being sick. He diagnosed it

as a migraine. I was also ill with what felt like flu, but have to wonder if

that drug caused me to be ill as it is known to lower ones white blood cells. I

was already on this drug when diagnosed with thyroid problem. My health became

worse inside causing me to incontinence and breast cancer. My feelings are that

drugs have caused me more problems, and even now I feel better not taking

thyroxine than to take it. Would I get symptoms of Hypothyroidism if thyroxine

was doing its job. At the time I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism I had dark

eyes (panda eyes), and was told it was either due to a protein problem or

thyroid, and the GP decided it was thyroid. Could he have been wrong as I have

had to become a vegetarian. Vitamin D3 may have caused me to worsen due to being

although stated as vegetarian , it come from sheeps wool, but I am trying D2

completely vegetarian, and no daisies. The only other thing I have not had this

year is the flu jab, and glad too as its causing the swine flu to mutate.

My muscle pains now said to be due to a tendon in the right shoulder has

improved much since the injection, but it may not last.

I have a DEXA BONE scan on the 18th, and have been referred to a rhumatologist

in relation to ESR AND CRP being raised.

I also have my appointment on 26th for Chelsea and Westminster to sort out the

problems of polyps and fibroids, and would I have got these had thyroxine been

doing its job. These are more important as they can cause problems to the

kidney. Fibroids can cause problems to the bowel and also obstruct ureters, and

polyps if they bleed can cause infection in turn affecting the kidney.

During my life it would be no surprise if in turn my adrenal glands have been

under pressure. The only autoimmune illness I have been told that I have is




> i may be confusing you with someone else kathleen, but i have a feeling one of

your recent blood test results showed *abnormal* against ESR...

> best wishes


> trish


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Hi Kathleen, the dark eyes is adrenal fatigue and the toxaemia is the auto-antibodies in Hashimoto`s disease.so it looks like you have hashi`s and some adrenal problems. autoimmune gets past down the female linefrom grandmother to daughter, then to daughters and possible sisters. as many of us can confirm.you need to see which auto-antibodies you have! they can attack all of the body and their are hundredsof them. Regards Angel.

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HI Angel

Is it possible to have adrenal fatigue at 9 months old, as that is when my

sister first took me to the Drs with dark eyes and unable to stop me crying, and

what did the Dr say " take her away I don't want to see her like this " .

My Mother described having a lump removed from the right side of her neck, but

when she eventually had surgery to remove her tumour it was said to be due to TB

(the family did have a lot of TB in it).

My former GP also felt that thyroid problems were on my Fathers side as well. I

take it that a Daughter cannot inherit Hashimoto's from her Father.

Could my Mother have had a lump removed from the right side of her neck due to

Hashimoto's at the age of 5 (it looks like the scar goes in the front as wel).

She was never treated with medication.

I had already connected Bronchiectasis with Hashimoto's.

By showing my GP a photo of my Sister (who died) he was able by her neck to say

she would have had the thyroid problem, but she was put off going to the GP as

they blamed her weight, and she went on to get diabetis and again would not go

to a GP having been put off. She went on to get a stroke, but the family living

with her did nothing to get help. She had a second stroke at the same time she

had a chest infection. She was taken to hospital and treated, but no mention was

made of her having a thyroid problem, and possibly was not even trusted for it.

She was getting better (I was not well at the time having been put on yet more

drugs by a psychiatrist), so it hit e hard as I could not een go to her funeral.

I think she developed a headache and then given paracetamol which caused her to

have a heart attack which took her. Paracetamol and codeine are both on my NO

LIST as both have caused me problems.

The males have not got away with it either, but this has to come from my Fathers

side, is it possible for a different thyroid problem to come from that side, but

it is my Granny on that side that died from heart failure, and my Grandfather

had the problems with his joints but lived until his 90's.

My Father, two brothers and now my nephew all developed enlarged prostrate

glands. My Father did not and neither does my nephew help themselves by smoking,

and neither did my Father help me with his smoking.

Could there be an improvement now without thyroxine due to where I now live.

I have already established that I married into the wrong family also with a lung

condition that in turn caused my health to go down. I also lived in a block of

12 flats (sheltered housing), and all had problems with their health, and this

is why I bought my own flat. I am also considering if to buy a nice mobile home

later on.

Does the NHS test for auto-antibodies and what can they do with them, and would

thyroxine have been the wrong treatment especially as I feel better without.



> Hi Kathleen, the dark eyes is adrenal fatigue and the toxaemia is the

> auto-antibodies in Hashimoto`s disease.

Regards Angel.


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Hi , I should have said that you can inherit from the mum or the dad. looks like you have been throughthe wars a bit . we all have been to some extent or another, and have similar tales to tale.my advice is to read all you can from the web and our files. I have noticed that it is getting very good articles in their and you need to understand what autoimmune is. feel free to ask questions and someone will be along to answer them if at all possible. my self have had three miscarriages and two sons on autism spectrumand my mother had hashi`s or graves don`t no for sure as she was not diagnosed. my gran had asthma. this is how a traced it back to the female line. Angel.

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