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Hello all. I have just joined this group. I had a total thyroidectomy in

December 2009 after several years of Grave's disease, and an unsuccessful radio

iodine which didn't reduce my thyroid hormone at all.

My doctor decided that 250 Mcg Levothyroxine daily was too high a dose, even

though I was doing fairly well on it. He only based this on lab reports. You

know, since coming off hospital care and into the care of my GP, I have never

once been asked how I feel. It seems the doctors are blind beyond their computer

reports from the lab. He cut me down to 200Mcg daily, and now a couple of months

later I feel like death warmed up. My

legs ache, I have an almost constant headache, I spend half the day asleep and

my weight is ballooning. Before he reduced my dose I was cycling 150 miles a

week. Now I can't do 5 miles before exhaustion sets in. When I told him this all

I got was " Well your test reults are OK " I am due a blood test next week so

hopefully that will indicate I need a higher dose.

I just don't know what to do. We cannot just buy Thyroxine so if the

doctor wont prescribe it we can't get it. I am not happy buying off the internet

when we know so many online pharmacies sell fake or low quality medicines.

I wish I hadn't had the surgery, but too late now!

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