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Re: blah blah blah. another dead end. a slightly low moment for me.

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have you tried taking things to support the mitochondria? that is the approach

i'm now taking, trying to work from the ground up, so to speak because the other

way isn't working.

Dr Hyman wrote a good book called ultrametabolism, in it he talks about

inflammation, mitochondria etc.

do you take l-carnitine? that's supposed to help mitochondria, so too is

turmeric and alpha lipoic acid:


if you cannot take regular T3 have you tried a glandular? before trying them, I

thought they were BS with nothing in them. but my understanding is that they

only process out the T4, leaving all the other stuff in there like t3. I

recently tried Biotics Research GTA Forte, which i found very effective - it

sure lifted my mood very quickly (as T3 is supposed to). GTA Forte II (highest

potency) is reputed to have 20mcg porcine t3 in it. I have read that synthetic

t3 is more powerful than 'natural' T3, so that might be something for you to

consider. like you, i can't take t3 eiither, but i could take GTA Forte.

also you can - at least in Britain - get T2 as a bodybuilding supplement, i

think it was banned but i see it's now for sale again. reason i mention this is

that T2 is supposed to help the mitochondria directly.



i've wondered whether t2 might help get mitochondria working and allow cells to

uptake t3. if there's not enough t4 or t3 how can there be enough t2? if not

enough t2 over time, can things get rusty so to speak? i have been on another

forum where someone found his fibroymyalgia improved with t2, not t3.

have you tried things like pregnenolone? the mitochondria are supposed to make

pregnenolone apparently...




> I know that lots of awful things are happening in the world at the moment and

I shouldn't really complain about a letter, and believe me I count my blessings

for everything I have, but right now I am feeling a bit deflated by all this.

I've tried so many things to get better - completely changed the way I eat (I

have healthy wholefood meals made from scratch nearly every day)

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Originally I had a lab test called a " comprehensive stool analysis " , which was

very expensive (£196 back in 2005). This showed I was not digesting meat and

veg very well, and had far too many blastocystis hominis, citrobacter freundii

and klebsiella pneumoniae. I didn't have candida, but did have a yeast called


The private doctor I was seeing at the time treated me with citrofloxacin

antibiotic. My bowels were cured - but for only 2 weeks! This is what I mean

by the importance of investigating the root causes of things. She tried many

different tests and treatments with me, but none of them did anything, so in the

end I gave up seeing her.

I continued to experiment with my diet and kept finding that the more I excluded

sugars and cut carbs, the better I felt. This affected energy levels, muscles,

etc, not just digestion.

For the whole of 2008 I followed Kent Rieske's Biblelife Diet, which is very low



By the end of the year I was feeling the best I have ever been, but I still had

some problems left, such as poor sleep. I could see the diet wasn't the

complete answer, so relaxed my diet somewhat while I tried some other things,

including hypothyroid and adrenal treatments.

Anyway, more recently I was seeing a mercury-free dentist to have my fillings

removed. He runs nutritional tests before he does any work on your teeth, and

encourages you to have them repeated after 6 months or so to see how your health

is improving. These tests basically showed that my nutritional status was poor

still, so he said I couldn't be digesting my food properly. This made me think

of what I had read on Dr Myhill's website about the low stomach acid. So I

decided to have the test and it came back positive.

I took the Betaine H Cl for 11 months until it became clear that I didn't need

it any more. Restoring my own stomach acid production has made a great deal of

difference to my health, sleep and energy levels. By coincidence this happened

when I tightened up on my diet again and cut more carbs. Dr Myhill says that

dysbiosis and low stomach acid go together. Maybe cutting carbs reduced the

numbers of bad bugs again and helped restore my stomach acid production?

In retrospect I think that in my case incomplete digestion was the reason for

the dysbiosis. Undigested food does not pass harmlessly through the gut, but

feeds the bad bugs and encourages them to proliferate. (This is what Elaine

Gottschall says in " Breaking the Vicious Cycle " ).



I am currently doing Dr Atkins' diet and trying to lose weight. Carrying excess

fat has a metabolic effect on the body, and many people have been able to reduce

their thyroid medication and cut their adrenal support after losing weight. So

this is what I am doing at present. I still have problems with low blood sugar

levels and am pre-diabetic, so I probably need to follow this diet long-term and

see how far it will take me on the road to health.

So, basically the way I have got rid of those bugs is to make sure I am

digesting my food well, and only eating foods which I can digest properly.

I wouldn't say I am definitely going to reintroduce hard cheddar - just test it

to see whether I react to it in any way.


> Thanks for the 'bad bugs' website link. How did you get rid of those

particular bugs???? Antibiotics are not necessarily out of the question for

getting rid of bacteria. In the case of Helicobacter pylori a course of triple

antibiotics is all that is needed in most cases and the bug does not return,

despite people remaining in the same surroundings and eating the same



> It looks like we are going to do the opposite thing - you are going to

introduce hard cheddar and I'm considering whether it needs to be eliminated or


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Hi P,

Keep trying to get well whatever you do, we will tell you its the only road to

travel!! Boy it can be a hard one I know.

I used to take Nexium for my terrible stomache pains and Gaviscon advance,

Nexium had only just become available when I was started on it some years ago.

Since seeing Dr P and starting the nutri adrenal extra in 2008 I now take

absolutely nothing for my stomach at all, do not need to.

As I take only tiny amounts of levothyroxine and T3 I can only assume it is the

adrenal support that I am living on.

Dr P says up to one in four people are walking around with varying stages of

adrenal fatigue and do not know it.

I went wheat free in November which has helped greatly and now I might be

lactose intolerant also. Your gut is so important to your health so its good

that you are looking closely at this, despite all the reading I have done on

thyroid disease it has only just become apparent to me how much it can affect

health. Cos I was tested twice for coeliac under NHS (came back negative)it put

me off the scent a bit.

Reminding you about selenium reminded myself also!!

Luv Stephie

> I don't use Adrenal support. This has always been a bit of a grey area for

me. I don't quite understand all the adrenal stuff and have read how true

adrenal failure is a pretty rare thing, and I look for medical evidence to

support the idea of adrenal problems, but all I get online is references to

'health' products, etc. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places???


> Over here in Oz, we have just had our summer season. I take Vit D supplements

because in the past, my levels were very low, even after .


> I've never heard of starflower oil. I will add it to my list of things to

look into. It sounds like it has benefited you quite a bit. I have been

meaning to re-start a supplement that contains selenium. Thanks for reminding me

about it!!!


> P



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