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RE: Re: Great Honour!

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I think he devotes 24hours of every day into looking for 'anti-establishment'

web sites.

Luv - Sheila

From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of jitterjotter

Sent: 14 February 2011 15:21

thyroid treatment

Subject: Re: Great Honour!

Barrett has a lot of time on his hands.

Just think how wonderful it would be if he spent all that time learning how to

be a healer :0)



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Since we all dish a lot of dirt on medical malpractice and incompetence, may be we could ask Mr Assange if he has a few friend who could .........

After all, we're all comrades after the Truth.

May be he could start a new branch of wikileaks called wiki-medileaks or something?


From: Sheila <sheila@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Mon, 14 February, 2011 17:23:02Subject: RE: Re: Great Honour!

I think he devotes 24hours of every day into looking for 'anti-establishment' web sites.

Luv - Sheila


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Yeah! I bet Mr Assange is being asked to do this all the time


Luv - Sheila

Since we all dish a lot of

dirt on medical malpractice and incompetence, may be we could ask Mr Assange if

he has a few friend who could .........

After all, we're all comrades

after the Truth.

May be he could start a new

branch of wikileaks called wiki-medileaks or something?


I think he devotes 24hours of every day

into looking for 'anti-establishment' web sites.

Luv - Sheila


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Answers Center.

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….yet he has

apparently no qualifications in psychiatry!

Luv - Sheila


> LOL, I saw that when I was googling something else. You realize the guy


> runs that is a psychiatrist. PSYCHIATRIST...


> LH*


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Personally, I don't know how anybody can write such blatantly manipulative material and claim to have superior reasoning. It's insulting to the reader. What he is writing is Salesman's Talk. I would be embarassed to put my name to something written using such techniques. It stinks of someone desperate to be listened to.


From: Lilian <lilian15@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Tue, 15 February, 2011 11:43:53Subject: Re: Re: Great Honour!

From what I read he is a failed MD and only worked for a while in a psychiatric hospital.


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Something that I have noticed over time with people: It boils down to who do people believe, GPs etc who are not getting them well, or groups like TPA, Thyroid UK

People are very good at undermining non mainstream treatments. The usual comment is "there are no studies to back this up". Apart from the fact that getting these studies is a major problem for reasons I have outlined in another e-mail, if you restrict yourself just to listening to doctors, you still have the same problem of who to believe.

For example, my GP and specialist have both told me that iodine is bad for the thyroid because I will have a Hashi attack. Dr Guy Abraham, a highly qualified and prize winning doctor, and the doctors of the iodine project state otherwise. These doctors are theoretically all as well qualified as each other. Who do you believe?

Well, it just boils down to thinking for yourself.

Personally I have found all my thyroid problems a real test of character. If you think you are ruled by logic (I like to think so) and are intellectually convinced of the benefits of a treatment and still hesitate (my case for iodine I hasten to add) you are fluffing the issue! This can happen easily when you have brain fog and your emotions are affected by people who appear better qualified and more self confident that you are feeling. Particularly when some of these people are your well meaning nearest and dearest. But unless you stick to your guns, chances are no one else will save you.

Our current lifestyle with health services laid on from cradle to grave has lulled us into a state of acceptance which I find very dangerous. The medical profession also seems to think it has the exclusive right to cure and diagnose. This is not true. As far as I know they do not have the exclusive legal right to treat people, self treatment is legal even if medical acts, such as surgery, are not. This point was brought home to me by a doctor I met last week. I told him that I had cured my burning feet problem by going on a gluten free diet and that I thought my foot problem was due to celiac disease. He challenged the veracity of this statement by asking me to go back on a gluten containing diet and be tested for celiac disease. The monstrous cheek of this man! Apart from the fact I would be forced to make myself ill again (which goes against the "first do

no harm principle"), he expected me to prove to HIM I was right! It doesn't matter one bit if I can prove I have celiac disease or not, my feet have stopped burning and the only treatment for celiac disease is no gluten which you don't have to be a doctor to administer nor do you need a prescription for! I guess I must have made him feel pretty useless.

People have to learn to trust their own judgement. It's results that count. Doctors are not gods.

MacGilchrist, who used to do everything the doctor told her before July 2008!

From: Fiona <f.hodgkiss@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Tue, 15 February, 2011 13:42:48Subject: Re: Great Honour!

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TPA is there because this idiot who calls himself a doctor can

see we present a 'threat' to the mainstream establishment and that is exactly

what we are. He probably looked at the Home Page message on the web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk and saw that this is one

group that means business. The RCP, BTA refuse to answer those questions we

ask, and we have made it very public that they have not. Thyroid UK have to

follow the NHS policy now they are 'accredited' so they don't pose as a threat

to the mainstream establishment.


I don't know why TPA is on there and other

thyroid groups are not, unless they'll be added in due course.

As you have no doubt noticed, you only have to do a quick search, to find a lot

of info against Armour on quackwatch.

Something that I have noticed over time with people: It boils down to who do

people believe, GPs etc who are not getting them well, or groups like TPA,

Thyroid UK. Clearly this sort of website would back up anything that mainstream

health professionals are saying... This sort of info is all the ammunition

people need, to avoid getting the help they need. I guess it depends from

person to person, or how ill they have become. I am sure to a point, these

sorts of resources, do have an influence over people avoiding fighting the

system for the help they need etc. If somebody has doctors saying that Armour

or T3 isn't proven etc, then they read something on that site, I am sure they

would have to be very very ill before. As I say, it depends from person to

person, how ill they are and their circumstances. I am convinced some people

are very influenced by what they read on Quackwatch.

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Hi , this happened to me too. When I first opened TPA I

wrote to all UK NHS endocrinologists giving them facts about Armour and telling

them how well I had become since being changed from synthetic thyroxine-only to

Armour. This particular doctor wrote to me and suggested that I stop the

natural thyroid extract and go back onto levothyroxine to check that it WAS the

Armour that had made me well. He said this was the only way to find out and to

let him know what happened. I wrote to him and told him that I had been so ill

for years on levothyroxine alone and that I would not, in any way, shape or

form, ever go back on to that awful medication again now that I was so well. I

told him, instead, the next time one of his patients showed up still ill on

levothyroxine-only, to change her medication over to NDT and find out for

himself whether it worked or not. He never responded - and I bet he still has

many patients he doesn't know what to do with because they can't get well on

his T4-only regime.

Luv - Sheila

The medical profession also

seems to think it has the exclusive right to cure and diagnose. This is

not true. As far as I know they do not have the exclusive legal

right to treat people, self treatment is legal even if medical acts, such as

surgery, are not. This point was brought home to me by a

doctor I met last week. I told him that I had cured my burning

feet problem by going on a gluten free diet and that I thought my foot

problem was due to celiac disease. He challenged the veracity of

this statement by asking me to go back on a gluten containing diet and

be tested for celiac disease. The monstrous cheek of this man!

Apart from the fact I would be forced to make myself ill again (which goes

against the " first do no harm principle " ), he expected me

to prove to HIM I was right! It doesn't matter one

bit if I can prove I have celiac disease or not, my feet have stopped burning

and the only treatment for celiac disease is no gluten which you don't have to

be a doctor to administer nor do you need a prescription for! I guess I

must have made him feel pretty useless.


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Luv - Sheila

Hi, Sheila, they did us favour as we now have a list of

trusted sites. out of the mouths of babe`s comes good.! if these are not to be

trusted then how come they are more informed and get results. I think

this has back fired on them. think positive. Angel.


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Thyroid UK

have past the test to show they have been recognised as an organisation that has

shown evidence that the information they access has been produced to a high

standard. And that is great and as it should be. But what worries me is that

the RCP and the BTA will continue to acknowledge no other means of diagnosing

and treating those with the symptoms of hypothyroidism outside of their

guideline. This has already been tried, only for the President of the RCP to say

he will not be entering any further discussions regarding this matter. I

very much doubt that holding an Accreditation Certificate will mean that TUK

will be automatically listened to, or have their views taken into account

should they produce tons of scientific evidence/information regarding the use

of different diagnostic tools (i.e. 24 hour urine test to measure the level of

T4/T3 that has been used by the body) or treating using combination therapy, however

high their standard of accessing such information had been. This would go

totally against the NHS policy as the DoH will ONLY look to the RCP/BTA as the

'experts'. I have letter after letter from the DoH that states just this.

Read what

it states in the comments section of the NHS Accreditation web site - Abbott

state " We believe accreditation under the NHS Evidence will help drive the

universal uptake of guidance, reducing local variations in clinical practice

and ensuring improved patient access to appropriate therapies " . And we

know which side this would come down on. Not ours!


they have not accepted money Janet. Anybody can apply for accreditation, even

TPA - but I don't want anything to stand in the way of us having an open and

free mind and working with that.


- Sheila

> Sheila



> Hi Sheila, please would you explain about becoming 'accredited' and why

that means that Thyroid UK have to fall in with the establishment! Have they

accepted money?

love janet

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I think it is an emotional thing. People seem to think they have to choose between one extreme or another, for example, and they can't see the various possibilities between these two choices. "Do you take coffee or tea?" Ironically, someone like me who looks for the other possible choices, ends up being considered an extremist! (And I have been told that my opinions are "extreme" in health matters).


From: bakeacarrotcake <bakeacarrotcake@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Wed, 16 February, 2011 10:44:37Subject: Re: Great Honour!

> > > People have to learn to trust their own judgement. It's results that count. > Doctors are not gods.> > Hi, This is all so true, I have come across people of high intellect who reduce themselves to the level of a child by giving up all responsibility for their own bodies. It must be an emotional thing, but it is as if they don't own their body and expect someone else to take all the decisions for them. I always say to them to get on line and find out what is right for them instead of taking as gospel the results of a 3 minute consultation from someone who does not even look up from his computer!love janet> .>

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