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Really Good Endo needed

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Hi there, sounds like her adrenals need looking at, also maybe you could ask to see an immunologist.she needs more detailed help because endomitosis sorry spelling) is autoimmune and she may well have other associatedconditions. angel.

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I have sent you my recommended doctors list Pat privately. Might

be better to phone round. Get her to get the following tested and post her

results to us: ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and

zinc. Also, is there any possibility she might be suffering with systemic

candidiasis or low adrenal reserve? Ask her to check out the Questionnaires in

our FILES section under 'Medical Questionnaires' in fact, she should check out

the Magnesium Questionnaire whilst she is at it. Any chance she could get her

adrenals tested to see where her cortisol levels and DHEA levels lie at 4

specific times during the day. TPA members can get a discount. Check out the

File 'Discounts' for details of how to get this. She must write 'Thyroid Patient

Advocacy' as her practitioner, but the results would be sent direct to her and

not to me.

Any one of the above problems could be the cause of the T3 not

being properly absorbed into her cells.

Luv - Sheila

If anyone knows a really good Endo who will actually

bother to look at the whole patient not just bits please email me privately

My daughter is on T3 but is still suffering horrendous


severe problems with her eyes

is being sick in the morning ( no not pregnant )

severe endometriosis

with 4 kids this really is becoming horrendous


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