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Re: Thought I was going Hyper, advice with blood tests please

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See the attached document and see whether you could be suffering

with any of the associated conditions that go along with being hypothyroid. You

would need to get tested for these

If you ARE suffering with any of these, then you need to start

treatment using supplements to enable the thyroid hormone to be absorbed at

cellular level, which it doesn't sound as if it is being right now. If you are

not suffering with any of these, then it sounds as if you are taking too much

thyroid hormone replacement. The levothyroxine dose is very high, considering

you are taking 60mcgs of T3. If you are not converting the T4 into the active

T3, then you would be getting symptoms of toxicity, as you describe.

If this was happening to me on such a dose of T4 and T3 and I

had eliminated any other possibilities, I would cut my T4 down and just take

50mcgs to see if that helped. Remember, that it takes up to 6 weeks for all the

T4 to leave your system as it has a long half life.

You might want to check whether you are suffering with Reverse

T3 via Genova Diagnostics (the NHS won't do it) and you can get your Free T3 checked

through Lab21 for £17. Go to our FILES section and click on 'Discounts on Tests

and Supplements' and then click on 'Genova Diagnostics and follow the

instructions from there. Go here for Lab21 http://www.lab-21.com/healthcare/thyroid.php

Luv - Sheila

Recently I thought I was having Hyper symptoms, mainly sweating when doing

anything, and heat intolerance,so I cut my dose of Thyroxine to 125mcg from

150mcgs for 6 wks to see if that helped.

it didnt so I've recently cut it by another 25mcgs.

I also take 60mcgs of T3, prescciribed by Gp on behalf of Dr

TSH <0.01 (no range given)

Free T4 10 9-21 pmol/L

total T3 2.0 0.9-2.4 pmol/L

1 of 1 File(s)

Why thyroid hormone stops working (2).doc

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Thankyou for your advice Sheila,

I have read all these files before, and at that point, nothing seemed to jump

out at me.

However I have read them again,and this did jump out at me,and I wonder if I

could have an adrenal problem, I do have problems with my legs, mainly muscle

weakness and pain, I can't seem to walk any distance without having to stop

because my legs are so sore, and I have to sit with them up at night to stop the


I also have started to have lower back pain, which I have been using a TENS


I have recently been seen by a Vascular Consultant, as to the pains in my legs

when walking, as my GP felt that this may have been Intermittant Claudication,

however the Consultant felt that this wasnt the case.

I am now wondering if all my leg woes could be down to my adrenals?

Pennies are a bit tight just now, so when I am able I wiil send off for Adrenal

tests, and poss for the reverse T3.

Would I be best to wait till I do these tests or would it be worth trying the

adrenal supplements meantime?

Apart from this, Insomnia and the sweating/heat intolerance, I feel generally

well,a different person to that of 4 yrs ago, with great thanks to you and the


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I think

it definitely sounds as if this could be adrenal related. Did you do the

suggested 'Home Testing' in the Adrenals folder? Sorry if you have already

given this information but this group is so busy I simply can't remember

everybody. What, if any, thyroid medication are you taking and how long have

you been on it?

The Nutri Adrenal Extra is pretty cheap with the 33% discount

that TPA members are given, so I would go for it and see what happens. Keep

building up the dose every 7 to 10 days until your symptoms start to disappear,

but if they don't disappear when you have got up to taking 6 tablets daily, you

may need a course of Isocort or Hydrocortisone.

Luv - sheila

However I have read them again,and this did jump out at me,and I wonder if I

could have an adrenal problem, I do have problems with my legs, mainly muscle

weakness and pain, I can't seem to walk any distance without having to stop

because my legs are so sore, and I have to sit with them up at night to stop

the pain.

I also have started to have lower back pain, which I have been using a TENS


Would I be best to wait till I do these tests or would it be worth trying the

adrenal supplements meantime?

Apart from this, Insomnia and the sweating/heat intolerance, I feel generally

well,a different person to that of 4 yrs ago, with great thanks to you and the


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Sheila, I have done the Adrenal Home tests and am positive to Sergent's white

line and have slight pupil contraction, I find if difficult to do this test on

my own.

I am sensitive to bright light but as to postural low BP im not sure, its never

been checked, and I will start to do a Temp graph as per DR Rind's


I an currently taking 100 mcgs Levothyroxine and 60 mcgs Liothyronine, I was

taking 150 mcgs levo, but decreased it to 125mcgs after 6 wks and decreased it

further to 100mcgs because I was still suffering with Heat intolerance and

sweating, I will continue to decrease it to 50mcgs as you have advised, and I

will order some NAE.

Thanks again for all your help, I really dont know what I would do without your

support or the support of the group.

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Pop into your local chemists and they will test your BP free of

charge, sitting down and then immediately on standing up. Make a note of how

many points it drops (if any) on the standing BP from sitting down.

It does sound as if you would benefit from a course of Nutri

Adrenal Extra which is full of good minerals/vitamins etc designed specifically

to support and boost adrenal function. Go to our FILES section, scroll down the

list to 'Discounts on Tests and Supplements' and check out the FILE 'Nutri Ltd'

where you will see that TPA members can get a 33% discount on their

supplements. Just follow the instructions.

Luv - Sheila

Sheila, I have done the Adrenal Home tests and am positive to Sergent's white

line and have slight pupil contraction, I find if difficult to do this test on

my own.

I am sensitive to bright light but as to postural low BP im not sure, its never

been checked, and I will start to do a Temp graph as per DR Rind's


I an currently taking 100 mcgs Levothyroxine and 60 mcgs Liothyronine, I was

taking 150 mcgs levo, but decreased it to 125mcgs after 6 wks and decreased it

further to 100mcgs because I was still suffering with Heat intolerance and

sweating, I will continue to decrease it to 50mcgs as you have advised, and I

will order some NAE.

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