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Re: Meniers

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> Does anyone have information on Meniers?


> Thanks,

> Chelle

here is a website i frequent since i was diagnosed with menieres

and also some info i had collected on the web.

i have been diagnosed for 2 years now..and have 20% hearing in my

right ear.




Meniere's Disease

In 1861, French physician Prosper Meniere described a condition that

now bears his name. Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear

that causes episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness or

pressure in the ear, and fluctuating hearing loss.

What Is Meniere's Disease?

A typical attack of Meniere's disease may be preceded by fullness or

aching in one or both ears. Hearing fluctuation or tinnitus (ringing

or sounds in the ears) may also precede an attack. A Meniere's

episode generally involves severe vertigo (spinning), imbalance,

nausea, and vomiting. The average attack lasts two to four hours.

After a severe attack, most people find that they are extremely

exhausted and must sleep for several hours.

In some people, Meniere's episodes may occur in clusters; that is,

several attacks may occur within a short time. In other cases, weeks,

months, or even years may pass between episodes. Between the acute

attacks, most people are free of symptoms or note only mild imbalance

and tinnitus.

In 75 percent of the cases, Meniere's disease is confined to one ear,

while in the other 25 percent, both ears are involved. In most cases,

a progressive hearing loss occurs in the affected ear(s). Although an

acute attack can be incapacitating, the disease itself is not fatal.

What Causes It?

An acute attack of Meniere's disease is believed to result from

fluctuating pressure of a fluid (endolymph) within the inner ear. The

underlying cause of Meniere's disease is unknown.

How Do I Manage an Acute Attack?

During an acute attack, lie down on a firm surface. Stay as

motionless as possible and keep your eyes open and fixed on a

stationary object. Do not try to drink or sip water, because you may

vomit. Stay like this until the severe vertigo (spinning) passes,

then get up SLOWLY. After the attack subsides, you'll probably feel

very tired and need to sleep for several hours.

If vomiting persists and you are unable to take fluids for longer

than 24 hours (12 hours for children), call your doctor. Your doctor

can prescribe nausea medication or may wish to see you.

What Can Be Done to Reduce the Symptoms?

Between attacks, different medications may be prescribed to help

regulate the fluid pressure in your inner ear, thereby reducing the

severity and frequency of the Meniere's episodes. A hydrops diet

regimen will probably be recommended. This is an important part of

treatment for virtually all patients with Meniere's disease.

Experience has shown that STRICT adherence to this dietary regimen

will result in significant improvement in most patients.

More information about diet can be found at this web site on the page

titled " Hydrops and Meniere's Diet Suggestions. " If you would like

even more information about your diet, call your physician or your

local hospital's dietary department.

The purpose of treatment between attacks is to prevent or reduce the

number of episodes and to decrease the chances of further hearing

loss. A permanent tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or a progressive

hearing loss may be the consequence of long-term Meniere's disease.

In cases that are very severe and that do not respond to medication

or diet regimens, your physician may recommend surgery (possibly

including instillation of gentamicin or other substances) to relieve

the pressure on the inner ear or to block the transmission of

information from the affected ear to the brain. A doctor specializing

in ear surgery (an otologist or neuro-otologist) can advise you about

the types of surgery available and under what conditions they are


How Can I Cope with My Symptoms?

Strict adherence to the diet regimen is difficult and may require

changes in lifelong eating patterns. Explain to your family and

friends how important it is that you maintain your diet; solicit

their help.

Also, because the acute symptoms of Meniere's disease are episodic,

it is important to explain to your family and friends what might

happen when you have an attack. Then, if the symptoms occur when they

are present, they will understand and not be overly frightened.

You may be able to protect yourself from injury if you feel that an

attack is about to begin. Some attacks may occur during the night, so

be sure you have a night light on; you'll be relying more on vision

to help maintain your balance. You will want to make sure that the

path to the bathroom is free of throw rugs, furniture, or other


As you learn more about your disease, you will understand the

symptoms and be more successful in coping with them.

A full-length book, Meniere's Disease:What You Need to Know, is

available from VEDA.

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  • 9 years later...

Hi Sheila,

the technique I am referring to is the Epley Manouvre. It is a set of movements that should be carried out by a qualified practitioner. There have been various studies in the US for this technique and its effect on patients suffering with Meniers...as well as various other inner ear related problems.

The reason I site it as a cure is that both my best friend and my niece had Meniers.... my niece very badly indeed and both had suffered for several years. After three sessions of Epley, the symptoms completely vanished and have not returned. We were told that the technique dislodges crystals that form in the inner ear which in turn cause the symptoms of sea-sickness, vertigo etc. This has been a life changing...life freeing experience for both of them.

Hope this is of interest,


From: Sheila <sheila@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Mon, 14 February, 2011 15:21:43Subject: RE: Arghhhh

Hi , I am interested in knowing what this technique is called because quite a few of our members suffer with Meniere's disease and it would be good to put such interesting information in our FILES section so it is available for all members at all times.

Luv - Sheila

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