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Double vision

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I had complained to groups about this before. I had

to b/c sometimes I've even gotten triplicates and

quadruplets and more of the same messages. You might want

to try complaining about this.

I may do the same. BTW, welcome to the list.


Kristy :)



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Thanks, Kristy. Nice to 'meet' you. I pleased to know that the duplicates

are not something that's happening only at my end.

Take care.


Re: Double Vision


I had complained to groups about this before. I had

to b/c sometimes I've even gotten triplicates and

quadruplets and more of the same messages. You might want

to try complaining about this.

I may do the same. BTW, welcome to the list.


Kristy :)



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It's nice to meet another Aussie. I don't live in your

area of the world, but we do have several Aussies on the

list and it's nice to be able to have friends in that part

of the world.

I've been a part of this list about 6 months and it is such

a wonderful thing.

Know that we are always glad to listen. As for me, I'm

hanging in there. I've been having it rough but I'm glad

for all the support that I can get.

Take care,


Kristy :)



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  • 4 years later...
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Hello Peggy:

Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, the double vision remains,

however it is definately improved. Sometimes I go up to 3 hours

without my patch, so that is good. It is difficult, because I am a

travel agent and live on the computer and try to read the tiny stuff

in the brochures which was never meant even for normal eyes! I have

a patch, glasses and a giant magnifying glass at hand, so I am

working around it. Of course, I must find a good side. When a

check comes in, the amount is doubled!!! (until it reaches the bank)

I have decided to take a hiatus from the doctors who really want to

confirm the Myasthesnia Gravis. They all think that I have it, but

that it is sticking around the eye area, but they can't prove it.

They want a muscle biopsy and several other fun tests. I have

decided, as long as it is not out of hand and I can live with it,

(like the double vision), I am going to forgo more testing ... at

least for awhile.

I wish you the best of luck with your appointments. I am sorry, I

forget ... have you had a myotomy yet? I was so afraid, and now I

just thank God for guiding me ... first to the right GI ... then to

this group ... then to the right surgeon. I almost feel like I have

experienced a miracle. I know it sounds dramatic, but any of us who

know how difficult this disease is, understands what a miracle it is

to have food pass into the stomach. That's my story and I'm sticking

to it!!!

Thanks again for your concern. Best Wishes,


>> > >

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  • 5 years later...
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Hi. I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid in July last year and put on

carbimazole and propranalol, which I am still taking. The meds have greatly

helped with the symptoms but recently I have started to get double vision on and

off, especially when I am driving.I am due to see an eye specialist on 6th April

at Lancaster.My endocrinologist put me on an 8 week course of prednisolone in

Februaury to try and help settle my eyes but as yet, doesnt seem to have made a

difference. My eyes are slightly bulging and puffy and the eye sockets ache. I

have read that prism lenses could possibly help and wondered if anyone has any

experience of these. As the vision problems happen mainly when I am driving, I

am hoping that with these lenses, I would be able to drive again.I would be

grateful for any help or advice.

Thank you


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Hi. I was diagnosed with an overactive

thyroid in July last year and put on carbimazole and propranalol, which I am

still taking. The meds have greatly helped with the symptoms but recently I

have started to get double vision on and off, especially when I am driving.I am

due to see an eye specialist on 6th April at Lancaster.My endocrinologist put

me on an 8 week course of prednisolone in Februaury to try and help settle my

eyes but as yet, doesnt seem to have made a difference. My eyes are slightly

bulging and puffy and the eye sockets ache. I have read that prism lenses could

possibly help and wondered if anyone has any experience of these. As the vision

problems happen mainly when I am driving, I am hoping that with these lenses, I

would be able to drive again.I would be grateful for any help or advice.

Thank you


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Tess is not

feeling good right now but asked me to pass on the message to you that yes, she

has heard that prism lenses can really help, but she says that for now, you

really should get back in touch with your GP or endocrinologist as 6th April a

bit away if your eyes are worsening. If either your GP or endocrinologist

don't take any action, then make an urgent appointment to see an optician.


it was an optician that referred Tess and she says they are really helpful,

much more than many endocrinologists - well, definitely more helpful than her

endo, but that's another story.

Tess also says that in her opinion the Prednisolone should have

kicked in by now though she only had it for her Chrones but it works quickly so

she thinks you should see somebody about this.

Luv - Sheila

Hi. I was diagnosed with an overactive

thyroid in July last year and put on carbimazole and propranalol, which I am

still taking. The meds have greatly helped with the symptoms but recently I

have started to get double vision on and off, especially when I am driving.I am

due to see an eye specialist on 6th April at Lancaster.My endocrinologist put

me on an 8 week course of prednisolone in Februaury to try and help settle my

eyes but as yet, doesnt seem to have made a difference. My eyes are slightly

bulging and puffy and the eye sockets ache. I have read that prism lenses could

possibly help and wondered if anyone has any experience of these. As the vision

problems happen mainly when I am driving, I am hoping that with these lenses, I

would be able to drive again.I would be grateful for any help or advice.

Thank you


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Hi There

I also have overactive thyroid and I am also on

carbimazole (CBZ) and propranolol. I also have eye disease and I have

double vision. Yes your eye hospital opthamology department should test

your double vision and give you specs with a prism. I have a pair and

they are lifesavers, and in fact the hospital have just agreed to fit a prism

to two pairs of glasses of my choice so I have nicer frames that are better

made so I shall be trotting off to specsavers. You are legal to drive in

an eye patch would you believe but I never risked it, but a prism lens will

make you legal to drive. (For your own comfort at home, eye patches can be

bought from the chemist, wearing sunglasses also helps).

It sounds to me that you have Graves disease and

Thyroid Eye Disease (or GO – Graves Opthamology as it is sometimes

called) – this means that your eyes and thyroid are the victim, and the

bad guy is your pituitary gland which is telling your body to make too many

antibodies which are then attacking the body’s own tissue. An

antibody test by your endo or the eye hospital would confirm this – might

have been done already – but from what you’ve said it’s

pretty much a given that you do. They are two related but sort of

separate conditions (I don’t think they really understand properly how

the two things interact) – also the condition of the eyes are related,

but not entirely, to your fluctuating thyroid levels. TED usually turns

up about a year after the onset of Graves.

To agree with the previous message from Tess, via

Sheila, if you are concerned seek immediate treatment. Prednisone is not

for the faint hearted and I’m rather surprised your endo is prescribing

it not the eye surgeon – but there can be a risk to your vision if your

eyes are left too long without being seen. Not to panic you but go and

get it checked out if you are not sure.

Finally the two WORST things that can possibly be

going on for your eyes are 1) you have been allowed to go hypo – this is

really BAD news and needs to be dealt with immediately and 2) smoking –

if you smoke you MUST quit today, your risk of complications and blindness is

eight times higher if you don’t (I quit and my eyes improved over night).

It’s by far and away the worst thing after hypo, and the biggest thing –

ahead of ANY AVAILABLE medical intervention – that will help you. No

ifs, no buts, quit smoking!!!!

If you are hypo or you are too low in the range then that

will be sending your eyes crazy and I would be concerned that an endo (who is

not an eye doctor) would then be prescribing a very powerful steroid on top to

try and mitigate the damage done to your eyes when in fact its your thyroid

levels they need to get sorted. As a hyPER person, you like me are probably

used to having higher than average levels of hormones, so your and my normal

are probably at the top of the range. My eyes are definitely better where

my T3 is between 5 – 6.

Finally go to your chemist and buy yourself some

Viscotears – this needs to be applied hourly, liberally and should

radically help – again I saw improvement overnight. I use something

called Lacrilube at night – put plenty in each eye and sleep with your

head elevated on an extra pillow. Viscotears also fine at night –

both should be applied just before sleep. If you feel your eyes are not

closing properly use an eye mask. If you work at a computer, every hour stop

and hold your eyelids closed for one minute – part of the problem is that

your eyes are dry – and our blink rate slows when we are looking at a


Oh and if you are seen by an eye surgeon, then

remember that his head is tuned in to think of surgery as the solution. Not

saying its not, just don’t let them rush you – my endo and eye

surgeon really disagree on the best course for me, and I’m having to

navigate my way through, trying to figure out the best choice for me, but each

one swears they are right and the other is wrong! At the moment I’m

sticking with CBZ.

I really hope that helps.

Good luck

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I don't know if this helpful, but my endocrinologist diagnosed me with Grave's

disease on sight by the appearance of my eyes and referred me to an eye


I too have slightly bulging eyes, one of which is more prominent than the other

and seems to become very pronounced when I am tired. I also suffer from 'double

vision', most noticeable when driving, which is also exacerbated by tiredness

(and you are tired most of the time with an overactive thyroid!!!). I can only

describe my double vision as rather like trying to read a road sign whilst

tipsy, I don't see two separate roadsigns or two words instead of one but things

appear as if they have a shadow (not sure if that makes sense!!!) but my glasses

help immensely and I would not be without my prescription sunglasses as I

struggle in bright sunlight too.

Grave's disease in the eyes, as I understand it from my endocrinologist, is not

necessarily helped by the medication (in my case Carbimazole)for the Graves

disease of the thyroid. The eye specialist said they could operate, in simple

terms they enlarge the eye socket so the eye sits back further thereby reducing

the 'bulging eye' appearance. I have chosen to leave things as they are for now

but have the option to go back should I feel I need to. However, I am not sure

if this would be purely cosmetic or would also help with the double vision.

Although I guess it would help with the double vision as it would surely

alleviate the pressure in the eye?? It may be worth checking with the eye

specialist you see.

Incidentally, I went for an eye test prior to my thyroid going overactive, he

referred me to my GP before he would prescribe lenses as there was a problem

with the shape of the back of my eyes and he thought I may have diabetes!!

I have very recently has a tyhroidectomy, and was told that whilst this would

'solve' my overactive thyroid issues it would probably not help my eyes as

Graves disease in the eyes, whilst related to thyroid issues, was a separate


Hope this is in some way helpful.



> Hi Lori


> Tess is not feeling good right now but asked me to pass on the message to

> you that yes, she has heard that prism lenses can really help, but she says

> that for now, you really should get back in touch with your GP or

> endocrinologist as 6th April a bit away if your eyes are worsening. If

> either your GP or endocrinologist don't take any action, then make an urgent

> appointment to see an optician.


> Apparently, it was an optician that referred Tess and she says they are

> really helpful, much more than many endocrinologists - well, definitely more

> helpful than her endo, but that's another story.

> Tess also says that in her opinion the Prednisolone should have kicked in by

> now though she only had it for her Chrones but it works quickly so she

> thinks you should see somebody about this.

> Luv - Sheila









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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi all

Just thought I would let you know how it went with the ophthalmologist . He has

confirmed that I have Thyroid Eye Disease and also Superior Limbic

Keratoconjunctivitis.He is referring me to someone who will be taking some

measurements and trying me with a prism lens. I also have to use eye drops

hourly. He advised me that the TED runs independently to the overactive thyroid

and is something I will have for life. He also said it can alternate between

going into remission and flaring up again. I have to see him again in 6 weeks.

The good news is that at the moment he would only class it as mild to moderate.

I am definitely going to insist on getting a printout of my results when I see

my endocrinologist again as I have no idea what my levels are-just that they are

not coming down as quickly as he would expect. Thats why he upped my carbimazole

last time back to 20mgs daily. I cant believe what a life changing condition

this is. Its something I had never even heard of before. How I wish it was still

the case!!

Thanks for your help and support



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Have you been tested to check whether you have thyroid

antibodies Lori? If not, insist that you get these tests done. Also, this might

help in giving you more information about this http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/Thyroid-Eye-Disease.htm

Luv - Sheila

Just thought I would let you know how it went with the ophthalmologist . He has

confirmed that I have Thyroid Eye Disease and also Superior Limbic

Keratoconjunctivitis.He is referring me to someone who will be taking some

measurements and trying me with a prism lens. I also have to use eye drops

hourly. He advised me that the TED runs independently to the overactive thyroid

and is something I will have for life. He also said it can alternate between

going into remission and flaring up again. I have to see him again in 6 weeks.

The good news is that at the moment he would only class it as mild to moderate.

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