Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 HI SHEILA I do know that I do not have to have a referral to see Dr Peatfield, but I did not want to antagonize my GP, having already been struck off by two surgeries, and this is why I have ask if my GP minds, which he does not. I am now awaiting a call from DR PEATFIELDS secretary to arrange an appointment at Crawley which is a lot closer to me than Yorkshire being a 5 hour trip there. Kathleen > > You don't have to get a referral to see Dr Peatfield. He is a private doctor > and you can see who you like privately. You only need a referral to see an > NHS specialist normally. > > Luv - Sheila Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 if the bag of fluid was given via sub-cutaneous needle then i would expect it to have been saline solution i don't think it would be a good idea for you take potassium unless you know what your level is ...i'm amazed that you say both sodium and potassium were deemed low but no one has followed up on that ...electroylte balance is very very important and yes there must be a connection between potassium and calcium because calcium is also an electroyle as well as being a mineral (ditto magnesium). earlier today i came across this statement ...just wondering, have you been exposed to a lot of fluoride or do you or have you drink/drunk a lot of tea? " Fluorine and fluorides act as direct cellular poisons by interfering with calcium metabolism and enzyme mechanisms. " (Handbook of Poisoning: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment, 11th Edition, 1983.) > > Thanks Trish I will stick to rubbing in turpentine oil, not sure if Holland and Barratt sell it.I did notice on tests that were done recently on emergency admission to hospital tha SODIUM AND POTASSIUM were low, and in the past I have had to be given SODIUM AND POTASSIUM. > I was said to be dehydrated and was given a bag of fluid, but not sure what was in it. > I have not received the results of tests that were done on the day of discharge, and neither has my GP. I would think potassium would be ok to take, and could it be that this is the problem with getting cramp in my feet at night.Are potassium and calcium related in any way. > Kathleen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 HI TRISH POTASSIUM WAS 4.0 and the recomended is 3.5-5.3 Sodium was 133 recomended 133-146. The eGFR RESULT/1.73m2 60mls a min reccomended 49-90. There are eight other results that are marked with stars either too high or too low. My GP looked at this and said there is nothing much here as regards these results. These readings were taken before treatment, but they took more on the day I came home and I am trying to obtain the results. I have also had to go to the surgery this evening as the antibiotic is making me sore, which they think is thrush. I am somewhat disappointed as Dr Peatfield's secretary was supposed to get in touch with an appointment, but there has been no phone call, and I sent an email to say that she could reply by email. While in Chelsea and Westminster the patient in the next bed had a very nasty chest and it sent alarms through me so could be where it came from. I see the saline solution does have some sugar in it to prevent sodium getting into the bloodstream. The fact that I do not want salt is possibly keeping my BP from rising too much.I do go off tea quite a lot so don't drink that much of tea, but do have a few fruit teas, but at times more water, but filtered. I have also ask my local water board about if they have or propose to put fluoride in the water. I am also going into what is technically photographic fixer SODIUM THIOSULPHATE, as immersing my hands in this caused my hands to be bad and had to use calomine lotion, plus refrain from that job. The problem is that they also use it in water treatment works plus many other things, and have also enquired about this with my water company. I also have to wonder how this LACTOSE FERMENTING COLIFORM found on a vaginal swab fits in, but I have stopped buying organic food until I know more on this. Farmyard manure can harbour E-COLI which is used on organic crops. I do notice that potassium has a very small margine for error, but what I am surprised at is the GP did not notice that I was dehydrated only two days before I was admitted. Kathleen > > > > if the bag of fluid was given via sub-cutaneous needle then i would expect it to have been saline solution > > > > i don't think it would be a good idea for you take potassium unless you know what your level is ...i'm amazed that you say both sodium and potassium were deemed low but no one has followed up on that ...electroylte balance is very very important and yes there must be a connection between potassium and calcium because calcium is also an electroyle as well as being a mineral (ditto magnesium). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Hi Kathleen Dr Peatfield doesn't do Emails anymore as they were inundated with hundreds of messages which became impossible to get through and I know the feeling regarding this myself at times. If you sent them an Email, this is why you have not heard from them. The Peatfield Clinic must be one of the busiest in the country so if you left your name and telephone number with a message to say you need an appointment and you have not heard back (by phone) from them, then keep calling until you do get a response. Luv - Sheila I am somewhat disappointed as Dr Peatfield's secretary was supposed to get in touch with an appointment, but there has been no phone call, and I sent an email to say that she could reply by email. While in Chelsea and Westminster the patient in the next bed had a very nasty chest and it sent alarms through me so could be where it came from. ,___ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Sheila I spoke to DR PEATFIELD himself and he said that his secretary would ring in the afternoon with an appointment. Although I had to go out to the surgery as that antibiotic has caused thrush, and next time I will try a hot poultice. There had been no phone calls while I was out. The email I sent due to having to go out did not get shunted back as undeliverable. I wonder if you ought to put something on the Poster called THE PEATFIELD CLINIC about not sending emails to him, as that is where I got his email address from. I will ring up again Monday afternoon. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen > > Dr Peatfield doesn't do Emails anymore as they were inundated with hundreds > of messages which became impossible to get through and I know the feeling > regarding this myself at times. If you sent them an Email, this is why you > have not heard from them. > Luv - Sheila > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 What I meant to say is that there are too many Emails for either Dr Peatfield or his Secretary to open - that's what I meant to say. Your messages wouldn't bounce back - they just lay unopened. I think he needs about half a dozen assistants. Last weekend, Dr P was doing his clinic in Aberdeen so there would be nobody in the office. Luv - Sheila Sheila I spoke to DR PEATFIELD himself and he said that his secretary would ring in the afternoon with an appointment. Although I had to go out to the surgery as that antibiotic has caused thrush, and next time I will try a hot poultice. There had been no phone calls while I was out. The email I sent due to having to go out did not get shunted back as undeliverable. I wonder if you ought to put something on the Poster called THE PEATFIELD CLINIC about not sending emails to him, as that is where I got his email address from. I will ring up again Monday afternoon. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen > > Dr Peatfield doesn't do Emails anymore as they were inundated with hundreds > of messages which became impossible to get through and I know the feeling > regarding this myself at times. If you sent them an Email, this is why you > have not heard from them. > Luv - Sheila > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Hi Kathleen, Forgive me if you have already discussed this but are you on thyroid meds/HC re your health as it would seem you have a lot going on which I recognise when I was ill - that in my case was due to low adrenals/thyroid - also don't rule out you could have an issue with yeast if your immune system is very very down and this could affect your chest greatly. best wishes for your good health Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 HI MANDY I have not been able to take thyroxine since just after Xmas, and at the time my GP said that he would prescribe whatever I wanted, but this has not occurred although I ask to try gdales non allergic thyroxine. However I feel that I have gone downhill since the fall that I had on the bus back in June. My GP said back before Xmas that he would refer me to a rheumatogist, but it appears that he has only recently done this. I ask about if he had researched what to do about thyroxine, and was told that the rheumatogist would deal with it, and the calcium problem. I got in touch with the rheumatogist's secretary, and she said that he would not be sorting out the thyroxine, but also that he may decide that I need to be seen by another specialist. At this point I decided that enough is enough, and ask if he would mind me seeing DR PEATFIELD, as I think he could give me some guidence on thyroid and nutritional status. I also feel very much inclined to send for some T3 Cytomol, and self medicate gradually, but I am not sure where the best place to buy this would be. I have to wonder if the effects of thyroxine alter as you get older. It does however look like the problems that I had with my chest in childhood has returned. I am also considering whether to buy a clean air sterilizer that will also get rid of virus's and bacteria, but as to whether they work by knocking the virus's to the ground or other surface, I am not sure that they would be much good in that case. I will say this though I will not take on anymore surgery until they improve my health. The fact too that I am not very mobile in turn will not do my lungs anygood. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen, > > Forgive me if you have already discussed this but are you on thyroid meds/HC > re your health as it would seem you have a lot going on which I recognise > when I was ill - that in my case was due to low adrenals/thyroid - > Mandy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Hi Kathleen I read your post and wondered if this might help you: may be a long shot but just wanted to run it by you just in case chris " Many people find that breathing fresh sea breeze at the seaside helps to alleviate respiratory problems. In Eastern and Central Europe, Salt cave therapy (Speleo/Halo Therapy; has been known as a successful treatment for treating respiratory problems and maintain breathing systems for decades. It has been described by a Polish physician F.Bochkowsky in a book published in 1843 that salt miners rarely suffered from respiratory diseases. Since then, several thousand of people having problem with respiratory illness have visited several salt mines, caves and subterrenial sanatorium in Wieliczka (Poland), Solzbad (Austria), Parajd (Romania), Solotvino (Ukrainian Carpathians), Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) for treatment of respiratory problems such as asthma, inflammation of upper and lower respiratory tracts, and some allergies because the salty, disinfectant air inside mines is very useful for healing and easing asthma and other respiratory diseases. The practice of bringing patients with respiratory diseases down into salt mines for treatment gradually spread throughout Eastern Europe. It is a common and well known treatment in eastern and central Europe, but almost unknown elsewhere. (More reseach of salt therapy on respiratory illnesses) " > > I am also considering whether to buy a clean air sterilizer that will also get rid of virus's and bacteria, but as to whether they work by knocking the virus's to the ground or other surface, I am not sure that they would be much good in that case. > I will say this though I will not take on anymore surgery until they improve my health. > The fact too that I am not very mobile in turn will not do my lungs anygood. > Kathleen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 HI CHRIS I have just ordered one of these salt pipes. I think the first time I use it, it might be best if in the surgery perhaps then if there is an allergic reaction, it would be better than being on my own. When I have been looking into ROCK SALT I have come across ROCK SALT made into electric lanterns, and have wondered about those as well. It would be nice if it replaced thyroxine as that is also a type of salt, but that could be wishful thinking. Thanks for posting this article. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen > > I read your post and wondered if this might help you: > > may be a long shot but just wanted to run it by you just in case > > chris > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 hi Kathleen I hope it helps you. I think it's worth a try. i have tried one (i bought the elephant one :-) ) , and when i breathed in, it just tasted a bit salty, but nothing bad happened. mind you i do not have any breathing problems. that kind of therapy is used in europe apparently, and im not sure if that's why sea air is supposed to be good for people (or is it the ozone?) dr chris steele off 'this morning' reviewed the pipes: please let us know how you get on with it, it will probably take time to work though if it does work. good idea to be safe than sorry and use it at surgery. best wishes chris > > HI CHRIS > I have just ordered one of these salt pipes. I think the first time I use it, it might be best if in the surgery perhaps then if there is an allergic reaction, it would be better than being on my own. > When I have been looking into ROCK SALT I have come across ROCK SALT made into electric lanterns, and have wondered about those as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Hi Kathleen, I think you need to sort out your thyroid issues which really affect the immune system - as it did mine - I found before I was diagnosed - flowers would affect my chest (I would get a chest infection) and my eyes - cleaning materials made me gasp for air- everything in life was beginning to affect me - but I realised later on - it wasn't the air being dirty or contaminated or anything else - it was my own body unable to cope with day to day irritants that others can cope with and that was because I needed cortisol which controls inflammation. Now I am on thyroid medication and HC I can tolerate even the worst of irritants - I was in my shower the other day cleaning it out with Viakal - something that would have put me in intensive care just by opening the bottle a few years ago (in jest !) My daughter in law has asthma quite badly - and they have a dog - all of a sudden the dog hairs are beginning to cause her breathing difficulties quite seriously - I said to her it isn't the dog that has changed it is your body - what are you doing differently - she had a new job that was causing her stress - stress I believe that was altering her hormonal system etc. - I gave her nutritional help and she is now fine and the dog hairs are still there. I think seeing Dr P would be a great idea. Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Hi me again sorry, Re the salt pipe - I bought one of these and it really 'burned' my throat and upper airways - because my airways were so inflammed for reasons already stated in previous e mail. best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Hi Kathleen, If you have a look in the FILES section of this forum web site, scroll down the list of documents and you will find one entitled 'Internet Pharmacies' and there you have a choice of different pharmacies you can buy thyroid hormone replacements without a prescription. Most definitely, people can take synthetic thyroxine for years, and suddenly, they find it no longer works for them and they need to add T3, take T3 on it's own or start natural desiccated thyroid extract as that contains all the thyroid hormones our body needs plus calcitonin. I think you would be wise to buy Datis Kharrizian's book 'Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal, as he gives there reasons why thyroid hormone replacement cannot work with other things going on that need to be treated differently. Luv - Sheila I also feel very much inclined to send for some T3 Cytomol, and self medicate gradually, but I am not sure where the best place to buy this would be. I have to wonder if the effects of thyroxine alter as you get older. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 HI MANDY I take it that you were not on any thyroid medication when you were having problems with you chest. I have been on thyroid medication from about 1987 apart from just after this last Xmas. Thyroxine did not stop me getting chest infections. One GP put the blame on my former Husbands ailing lungs, and there does seem to be a problem on his Father's side plus drinking too much Beer. I have now become very sensitive to people sneezing and coughing, as I seem to end up with a chest infection myself, and just imagine when I had my children having to cope with infections that they bought home, and that is when my health went downhill. I only wish that somebody had warned me how it would affect my lungs having children, on top of marrying into the wrong family, including how they have treated me for the past 11years. part from this I do have some known allergies such as feathers and my former Husband had filled the house with birds before I left him. Drugs too have caused me problems, and Pimozide was one of the worset which I am quite sure caused me to have breast cancer in 1999, and I do not know how I survived that year with other problems as well. You must have read my mind about that VIAKAL as I have just bought some, but I will use a mask. How did oven cleaner affect you, as that can take my breath away. s regards the salt pipe how badly did it burn you and did it do any permanent damage. I was going to take mine and use it in front of my GP in case it did anything untoward, but if it does he will take me seriously about SALT/SODIUM. At one time I took APPLE CIDER VINEGAR neat, and it caught my throat and one minute I was gasping for breath at the sink, and the next thing I came round on the floor. My former Husband was up on the scaffolding painting the eves. Had I not had that fall on the bus I would have been more mobile now in turn helping my lungs. am going to try taking T3 but gradually introduce it, and try and locate the book Sheila has suggested. The one thing I cannot hack is cigarette smoke and my Father probably did me no good. What about HOLLY WREATHS as when young the house was full of them. My parents collected the moss and holly and made them to sell in the shops, and I remember being in bed with these wreaths everywhere plus chrysanthemums. My BP can easily go up with shock or trauma. The one thing I cannot understand is that since stopping thyroxine my weight has dropped a stone, but in theory it should go up surely.The shine on my legs is due to fluid. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen, > > I think you need to sort out your thyroid issues which really affect the > immune system - as it did mine - I was in my shower the other day > cleaning it out with Viakal - something that would have put me in intensive > care just by opening the bottle a few years ago (in jest !) > > I think seeing Dr P would be a great idea. > > Best wishes > > Mandy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Hi Kathleen am i right in recalling you don't get on well with goldshield eltroxin/T4? If so i wonder if that's due to the acacia in it? i just wondered as you sound so sensitive to other plants like holly could it be you're sensitive to sulphites? these can be associated with ashtma, and are in things like apple cider vinegar? Molybdenum deficiency is linked to sulfite sensitivity, possibly ashtma? did you ever have a hair mineral test to see if you're deficient in any minerals? are you sensitive to dried fruits containing sulfites, eg, apricots? Glace cherries often have it in too. chris > > At one time I took APPLE CIDER VINEGAR neat, and it caught my throat and one minute I was gasping for breath at the sink, and the next thing I came round on the floor. My former Husband was up on the scaffolding painting the eves. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Hi Kathleen, No I wasn't on any thyroid meds when I was ill with recurrent chest infections. But I see you are no longer on thyroid meds - I think Dr P could help you a great deal so might be a good idea to get to see him asap as you seem to be suffering so much - you can then expect to get better as the days go by. No the pipe 'burned' me in a way which told me I had erosion or inflammation the bronchial airways/upper airways - so I didn't use it again as obviously that may be exacerbated the situation. best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 HI CHRIS I was not on Eltroxin, but was prescribed that by a chemist which I sent back, as I had been taking Goldshield Levothyroxine 25mcg (blue pack), but that has also got Acacia in it. I have also queried with my GP about SULPHITE ALLERGY, as my hands became bad on immersing them in photographic fixer when I was pregnant. I also had my darkroom in my bedroom, and I am sure the chemicals bothered me, plus sweating like a pig. I am thankful I have my computer for my darkroom. Purines have been known to show up.Apricots are on the NO list. I hope there are no sulphites in the himalayan salt pipe I am going to try out under the eyes of my GP. If there is, it will be a good test to do in front of him. I did once have a hair mineral test, but the GP at the time laughed at it. I do not eat meat or fish so I must be deficient in something. I have also been told that they do not do allergy tests on the NHS, which would be silly if they end up sending me to a chest specialist. I also have to wonder how close the kidney is to my left lower lobe of the lung, but the problem is that the right kidney is Duplex. Kathleen > > Hi Kathleen > > am i right in recalling you don't get on well with goldshield eltroxin/T4? If so i wonder if that's due to the acacia in it? i just wondered as you sound so sensitive to other plants like holly > > chris > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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