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Another Newbie

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hi teresa,

welcome to the list--i'm so gald for you and your baby that you were

enlightened before he was vaxed!! glad you are here and i hope you enjoy the

information and support as much as i do! BTW, we have another tersea here

and also, i beleive, someone else in jacksonville.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi newbie!

I too gained weight using my treadmill religiously. Also walking 3

miles with my friend as she got thin and my appetite picked up! I


had more results with LifeLift (and faster) than anything I have done

before. I have been a swimmer, runner, dancer, excercise enthusiast,

etc etc etc...but it seems for as much as I would lose, I would gain

it back and then some. Diets ditto! So, now I just eat normally, and

keep in mind that my stomach is as big as my fist...giving me a


not to over do...it helps. I don't think about it or panic about it

now. I just breath and get results. Its nice in one week to be able


get into my tight jeans and zip them up and even tuck in my tops too!

Its nice to see definition already in week 2 of my legs and feeling

trimmer and firmer. To see my face changing and getting a lift

automatically from the steps that LL uses. Its nice now 3 weeks and

being that time of month and not having to wear my looser fitting

clothes because I did not " gain " the week before and feel all


I remained stable and my jeans fit and I can zip them and tuck in my

tops! Whoa! Like I said and I will repeat, " It is nice " ...you too


see the changes, first subtle and then obvious with your clothes. I


at the point of just trusting my clothes to tell me rather than tape

measure and yet I checked today and I have lost inches again!


and THANK GOD for LifeLift!

I wish you the GREATEST SUCCESS TOO! Warm Welcome to you, Tij :)

> Hello everyone!


> I just received my LL tape. Unfortunately, I have had a horrible

> cold and have been unable to effectively breathe through my nose,


> I have been trying to get in a few breaths here and there. I am


> that I am like many of you. I have been on diet after diet, and am

> the only one I know who has gained weight after purchasing and

> religiously using a treadmill as well as having my tonsils and


> teeth out. How is this possible? I am very skeptical with this

> program. I do know that I am a very shallow breather, so it would

> not surprise me that lack of oxygen may be some of the cause of my

> weight issues. I am afraid that this " program " will be just


> failure for me. I will be seeing my family at a wedding in about a

> month and am hoping that I will get some results by then. I do


> an open mind and know that someday I will find the right way for me

> to lose weight and keep it off with out becoming a weight lifting

> junkie or having to measure and weigh every morsel of food that I


> into my mouth. There must be a better way...


> Di

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Hello Di,

It's great to have you on our list. I'm sure that you'll really like LL;

the breathing, the routines, and the effectiveness of it. I know that

your leary about this breathing thing. All I can say is try it and you'll

love it. :-)

Have a great night!

Love, Liz



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Hi Welcome to this list. I do have a solution for your nose problems. This has worked for me for years and there are other listers who can verify that it works. It sounds weird, but never the less. It works.

This is a copy of a post that I made a while back on this list or one of the other lists.

Hi Everyone, This might seem off topic, but, I don't really think it is because it deals with how to keep healthy! How can we do our breathing if we can't breath because we have a stuffed up nose! In Greer's book she says to put your head into a steamy shower to clear up stuffed up noses. That works fine if you already have a cold. But, in my opinion, I like to prevent myself from ever getting a cold. This is how I do it. I thought it would be helpful for other listers to have this information too. I know it is going to sound strange, but, I know you are willing to do strange things. I know this because you do one of these breathing programs and to the average person, well, enough said. You know where I am going with this. When I first learned of this, I did it several times a day. Now, I just do it when I feel something coming on, nip it in the bud that way. I probably should do it every day. I got this back in 1992 in a handout a friend of mine brought back from Germany. She got it from a Yoga teacher there. I copied it. All I can do is give you the information I have. It says it was taken from an article that was published in a German magazine, Fortschritt fur alle (Progress for All). I have never researched it out any further than what I am giving to you, because I personally followed the instructions that follow and I KNOW that it WORKS for me. So, I don't feel the need to get validity from outside sources. You have to decide for yourself. By the way, the testimonies are not mine, they were on the handout too. If I were to write one, it would be very similar to testimony # five. Folk Remedy Oil Therapy According to Dr. Karach F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to that Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils. The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be effected with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects. The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity. It consists of swishing cold-pressed vegetable oil in the mouth. The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body rids itself of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live to be 140 to 150 years old. He claims that the following illnesses can be effectively healed with the application of oil therapy: headaches, bronchitis, lung and liver conditions, toothache, thrombosis, blood diseases, arthrosis, paralysis, eczema, gastric ulcers, intestinal disorders, heart and kidney ailments, encephalitis, nervous conditions and female disorders. The oil therapy is preventative as well as curative. Dr. Karach says: "With the oil therapy, I healed my chronic blood disease of fifteen years. With the use of this therapy, I was healed within three days of an acute arthrosis that had forced me to lie in bed." If you can get it, the best oil to use is Hain Sunflower Oil or Spectrum Natural Peanut Oil. In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. The oil is slowly swished in the mouth and drawn through the teeth for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is thoroughly chewed and mixed with saliva as it is done in the Mayr cure. Chewing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. thus, the oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the chewing process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. It is then spit from the mouth into the toilet bowl. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been masticated thoroughly or long enough. After the oil has been removed from the mouth, the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed several times. It is preferable to use a cup of pure warm water to which has been added one-half teaspoon of salt and on-half teaspoon of baking soda. The teeth, gums and tongue must be brushed carefully. It is recommended that salt and soda be applied directly to the brush. After rinsing, gargle with the warm salt-soda water. You can add cooler water to what remains in the cup, thereby diluting its strength. Then tip the cup under the nose and gently sniff up the water to clean the nasal passages. Gently blow the nos. The sink must be cleaned because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development. It is important to understand that during the oil-swishing process one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding gums and the visible whitening of the teeth. The oil swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach. The therapy is not harmful if it is repeated several times a day. Repetition hastens the healing process and renders it more effective. How long? This therapy should be repeated until one has returned to his original vitality and his sleep has been returned to a peaceful state. One who practices this therapy faithfully will awaken refreshed in the morning with no bags under the eyes. Normal appetite and improved memory are additional benefits.Healing symptoms: Patients who suffer from chronic conditions may appear to get worse in the beginning. Dr. Karach emphasizes that a worsening of your condition may be a sign that the disease is in the healing process. It may even happen that your temperature increases. A word of caution: Whereas the oil therapy can be very helpful to people, it is not a substitute for ongoing care by a qualified health practitioner. Any serious symptoms that develop during the course of this treatment should be reported to your doctor to determine whether they are due to the healing process or to a worsening of your condition, which may require immediate medical treatment. How often? Questions as to the repetition and duration of therapy can only be answered on an individual basis. Acute conditions oftentimes improve quickly, within two to three days. Chronic conditions usually need longer therapy, sometimes up to a year. Never give up!!! Testimony 1 For fifteen months I had been having pain in my liver. It seemed to become more intense and frequent as the weeks went on. I had tried all the different remedies I knew - special teas, vitamins. Swedish Bitters, ginger compresses, and so on--but the pain did not go away. After I prayed to Mother for help regarding this problem, a friend handed me a piece of paper describing an oil therapy from Dr. F. Karach. I decided to try it since nothing else had worked for me thus far. Each morning before breakfast, I took one tablespoon of sunflower oil and slowly swished it in my mouth for fifteen to twenty minutes. I repeated the procedure each night before going to bed. After spitting out the oil, I found it helpful to use my Water Pik to thoroughly cleanse the tongue and gums. Three days after I had started the treatment, the pain disappeared completely! One week when I was extremely busy, I could only do the treatment in the morning and not at night. During that time, I noticed the recurrence of a slight pain in my liver, which disappeared again when I resumed the practice twice a day. I have now been using the treatment regularly for 1 1/2 to 2 months. I am very grateful to Mother for making me aware of this therapy and hope that it will be helpful to all of you in treating whatever health problems you might have.Testimony 2 I had been on chemotherapy for a whole year, which had left me weak and tired and very depleted. In October 1991, I started the oil treatment and noticed an immediate improvement in how I felt. My energy began to return and I was able to go back to work full-time plus overtime. I do not have a strong immune system and I feel this treatment is helping me in that area, even though I usually only have time to use the treatment once a day. Everyone around me has been coming down with the flu, but I have not had it. My housemate has tried the treatment, too. Every time she feels a sore throat coming on, she swishes the cold-pressed oil in her mouth and the sore throat disappears! Testimony 3 I want to tell you about my exciting experience in using Dr. Karach's oil therapy. About forty-five years ago, I tested oil products in a laboratory for the Esso Standard Oil Company. recently, I had a doctor test me for any residue that might be remaining in my body from this type of work. Since the tests indicated that I had a considerable amount of the residue in my body, he recommended that I take a supplement to remove it. I ordered the supplement but, interestingly, the order was lost. In the meantime, I learned of the oil therapy. So, I tried it for about a week (one to two times a day). Before reordering my supplement, I thought I should have my doctor test me again. Miraculously, he said, "There's not a trace of the residue left in you. It's all gone!" To say the least, I was thrilled! I have continued to use the oil therapy for its many other benefits, and as a preventative as well as a curative. I have noticed that I have not had any colds or coughs, unlike so many others around me. Testimony 4 I started the oil therapy one night when my teeth and upper and lower jaws were extremely sore--so much so that I feared my teeth were shifting and that I might have to have an extraction. I actually thought I might have to go to an oral surgeon. I followed the instructions and repeated the therapy the next morning and next night. When I awoke the following day, me teeth and jaws were very comfortable and the soreness never returned. Testimony 5 The idea of a simple, inexpensive, effective health therapy has always captured my interest. When I learned of the oil therapy, I started swishing immediately, experimenting with different oils. I had been to the dentist for a checkup after five years. Although I didn't have any cavities, I had serious deterioration in my gums. I had tried the usual remedies of baking soda and sea salt. My gums would improve somewhat but the condition would never clear up completely. For years I have also had postnasal drip and a film on my teeth in the morning as well as a heavy feeling in my mouth. Severe colds, flu and bronchitis have been a yearly experience. In general, I have had a difficult health history but have been on a good diet and work constantly on my health. I don't do things half way, so I enthusiastically started the oil-swishing therapy three times a day. In the evening, I would often swish for twenty minutes and follow up with an additional twenty minutes while reading or exercising. To my great joy, I immediately began to experience a clean feeling in my mouth each morning. My teeth felt like velvet and have become whiter. The gum condition cleared up in seven days! During the swishing, I experience mush drainage from my sinuses. I have slept more soundly than I have in years. j I have noticed little troubles clear up and my energy has been good. I takes concentration to keep the oil moving in the mouth, but this is necessary because the action of chewing and swishing activates the microorganisms out of the bloodstream into the saliva. The scarping of the tongue with a spoon is something I have practiced for years. I feel it is an important part of the cleansing of the mouth from bacteria. I am delighted with the therapy and looking forward to further changes in my body.Testimony 6 I learned about the oil therapy from a friend. It made sense and seemed simple and inexpensive, so I immediately decided to give it a try. I have been doing this therapy twice a day for about two months now. I feel it is one of the main reasons I have escaped getting the flu while so many others around me have been sick, including my husband. I think it is also quite effective in clearing toxins and purifying the blood. I have observed that a blood condition that had been making me very tired and keeping me awake at night has improved a great deal. I certainly intend to continue doing the oil therapy on a long term basis. I have little to lose and, I think, lots to gain! Testimony 7 I must admit that I was a bit skeptical upon hearing about the oil swishing treatment. But it sounded so simple, and the possibility of improving my health stimulated my desire to try it for a while. After using this treatment for the last two months, I can truly say that I feel stronger and less vulnerable to the latest illness going around the neighborhood. I have also noticed that my digestion has improved. I can eat less and yet not feel famished before my next meal. It's a great little remedy. Have a great day! ~Karma


another newbie

Hello everyone!I just received my LL tape. Unfortunately, I have had a horrible cold and have been unable to effectively breathe through my nose, so I have been trying to get in a few breaths here and there. I am sure that I am like many of you. I have been on diet after diet, and am the only one I know who has gained weight after purchasing and religiously using a treadmill as well as having my tonsils and wisdom teeth out. How is this possible? I am very skeptical with this program. I do know that I am a very shallow breather, so it would not surprise me that lack of oxygen may be some of the cause of my weight issues. I am afraid that this "program" will be just another failure for me. I will be seeing my family at a wedding in about a month and am hoping that I will get some results by then. I do have an open mind and know that someday I will find the right way for me to lose weight and keep it off with out becoming a weight lifting junkie or having to measure and weigh every morsel of food that I put into my mouth. There must be a better way...DiYour List Owners/Moderators:Rashelle - rashelle@...Karma - karma@...Darlene - dar77y@...List Web Sites:http://www.lifelift.comhttp://www.angelmagic.comhttp://loaves-n-fishes.comhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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Oops, I think I know which list I posted this to originally, it was the BodyFlex list. I do know that Rashelle also does her LifeLift in the shower, so, I would imagine it applies to her saying this too. Hope I didn't offend anyone by posting what Greer said on this list. Not intentional, just doing too many things at once here. :-)

Have a great day!~Karmakarma@...http://loaves-n-fishes.comhttp://loaves-n-fishes.com/downloads.htm

Re: another newbie

Hi Welcome to this list. I do have a solution for your nose problems. This has worked for me for years and there are other listers who can verify that it works. It sounds weird, but never the less. It works.

This is a copy of a post that I made a while back on this list or one of the other lists.

Hi Everyone, This might seem off topic, but, I don't really think it is because it deals with how to keep healthy! How can we do our breathing if we can't breath because we have a stuffed up nose! In Greer's book she says to put your head into a steamy shower to clear up stuffed up noses. That works fine if you already have a cold.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Connie,

Welcome to our LL family. We're here for you to encourage you, motivate

and to help in anyway that we can. That's great that you're wanting to

quit smoking. I know that it probably won't be easy. Let us know how we

can help. I'll also be praying for you concerning this.

Love, Liz



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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi - I am also a newbie here in the last month.

I have been diagnosed for about 1-1/2 years and am going to see a surgeon about a lap myotomy Jan 8. So far I have just been doing the usual interventions - small meals, not eating/drinking 4 or 5 hours before lying down, avoiding problem foods, elevating head of the bed. But the latest scope showed my esophagus getting too dilated.

Anyway, about finding a surgeon -- my regular doctor referred me to a thoracic surgeon because they are the ones, I guess, who do the full-blown Heller's Myotomy. However, the thoracic surgeon told me that he had not learned the lap procedure because there was a general surgeon in my medical plan (Kaiser insurance in Portland Oregon) who has learned the lap procedure, so he referred me on to him. So I guess just keep asking.

Happy New Year! Kathy

Another newbie

Hi (another newbie)I should first apologise for not at least introducing myself before. I have been sitting on the out side for a number of months now since finding this group slowly working through the messages, and have found the information of great help and encouragement, so thank you all.Iam 49 year old married male living in the UK (Suffolk). I was diagnosed as having Achalasia two years back (the symptoms seemed to develop very quickly and became quite worrying) Luckily my GP (who has been a great support to myself and my family and has tried to help where and when ever) had seen Achalasia before and after a short look at reflux got me in to a hospital consultant for the standard suite of testing. But at that time the consultant told me what he wanted/suggested we do (full open chest operation to cut the muscle) and I decided the operation sounded worse and more risky than the problem and opted for stretches as and when needed. I had my first stretch aprox a year after as an emergency (not being able to get anything down including liquids). Things have been Ok and manageable since and with help from nutritionists (I have been prescribed various supplement drinks) I have managed to keep a stable weight and all was OK. I have just had a second stretch a month back as things have slowly become more of a problem, this one has not helped at all (may even be worse off). I now have another meeting booked with the consultant in the next few days and may be looking to get second opinions or help on taking the next step towards inevitable surgery.Obviously being on the Internet I have trawled the sites for information and am now a bit confused and worried! QuestionMost of the information out there all points to a laproscopic operation, but this has never been an option on offer to me and is a topic I will be bringing up with the consultant. I fear that maybe statistically the consultant here is not going to have knowledge or experience to advise me correctly and may not have knowledge of others that could. I have made a note of the doctors in the database but is there anyone else out there in the UK who could have more experience or is there anything else I might be able to push my consultant on ?. As an aside I have not been able to find any thing on hospitals or treatment within Europe (France, Germany etc)Thank you all And wishing you all a happy new year. (UK)

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Hi Kathy,

Welcome to the group!

I was hoping someone would respond to your message with some Dr's

for you. I didn't see any Dr's listed in the database that were

close to you. I'd keep asking your Dr's for more referrals. You

might check back through the past posts. I think I've read about

someone in Washington, and there are many listed here in CA.

Good luck to you in your search and Happy New Year.

Sandi in CA

> Hi - I am also a newbie here in the last month.

> I have been diagnosed for about 1-1/2 years and am going to see a

surgeon about a lap myotomy Jan 8. So far I have just been doing

the usual interventions - small meals, not eating/drinking 4 or 5

hours before lying down, avoiding problem foods, elevating head of

the bed. But the latest scope showed my esophagus getting too


> Anyway, about finding a surgeon -- my regular doctor referred me

to a thoracic surgeon because they are the ones, I guess, who do the

full-blown Heller's Myotomy. However, the thoracic surgeon told me

that he had not learned the lap procedure because there was a

general surgeon in my medical plan (Kaiser insurance in Portland

Oregon) who has learned the lap procedure, so he referred me on to

him. So I guess just keep asking.

> Happy New Year! Kathy

> Another newbie



> Hi (another newbie)


> I should first apologise for not at least introducing myself


> I have been sitting on the out side for a number of months now


> finding this group slowly working through the messages, and have

> found the information of great help and encouragement, so thank


> all.


> Iam 49 year old married male living in the UK (Suffolk). I was

> diagnosed as having Achalasia two years back (the symptoms

seemed to

> develop very quickly and became quite worrying) Luckily my GP


> has been a great support to myself and my family and has tried


> help where and when ever) had seen Achalasia before and after a


> look at reflux got me in to a hospital consultant for the


> suite of testing. But at that time the consultant told me what


> wanted/suggested we do (full open chest operation to cut the


> and I decided the operation sounded worse and more risky than


> problem and opted for stretches as and when needed. I had my


> stretch aprox a year after as an emergency (not being able to


> anything down including liquids). Things have been Ok and


> since and with help from nutritionists (I have been prescribed

> various supplement drinks) I have managed to keep a stable

weight and

> all was OK. I have just had a second stretch a month back as


> have slowly become more of a problem, this one has not helped at


> (may even be worse off). I now have another meeting booked with


> consultant in the next few days and may be looking to get second

> opinions or help on taking the next step towards inevitable



> Obviously being on the Internet I have trawled the sites for

> information and am now a bit confused and worried!


> Question

> Most of the information out there all points to a laproscopic

> operation, but this has never been an option on offer to me and

is a

> topic I will be bringing up with the consultant. I fear that


> statistically the consultant here is not going to have knowledge


> experience to advise me correctly and may not have knowledge of

> others that could. I have made a note of the doctors in the


> but is there anyone else out there in the UK who could have more

> experience or is there anything else I might be able to push my

> consultant on ?.


> As an aside I have not been able to find any thing on hospitals


> treatment within Europe (France, Germany etc)


> Thank you all

> And wishing you all a happy new year.

> (UK)






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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

, welcome to the list. I'm so very sorry for the loss of

your daughter. Very glad you are active and have testified. I've read

some of the testimony from those hearings. After reading it, I don't

know how these vaccines were mandated.

> This will be a very quick intro. I am a mom of 3 children. One 7,


> 4 1/2 and one forever 2years 3 months. Our youngest died last


> during a 3+ hour seizure. She showed signs of neurological damage


> morning after her 2nd round of shots. She went into Status 8 days

> after her shots. No history of seizures in her or either side of


> families. Her seizures continued and she developed many health

> difficulties. Through it all she was a bright shining spirit and


> up until her death.


> Initially I was convinced that her seizures were shot related. I


> of course steered away from that connection by ALL medical

> professionals we encountered. Yet we literally ran out of tests to

> diagnosis what " it " was. We never received a diagnosis. Now after


> death I again have returned to the shots. A clearer head (more


> now) has allowed me to see things a bit better. She was severely

> altered in a negative way by her vaccinations and died as a result.


> Now I am very active and outspoken about our experience. We are in


> rare position to prove that Adverse Reactions DO EXIST! Not every

> child that has an adverse reaction can say that there were NO tests

> left to " rule in something else " . I have testified before our state

> health dept & legislature this session in regards to the health


> trying to add chickenpox & pneumococcal to the state (MN) schedule.


> received an amazing amount of press coverage and am thankful that

> my " 15 minutes of fame " went towards something good and worthwhile.


> have learned though that it is a very tough battle to stop the



> I am going to " lurk " for awhile. You all put out a tremendous


> of emails. Much reading to do. Thank-you all for being out there.


> is always nice to link up with others of a like mind.


> Blessings,


> Lee

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Guest guest

I'm very sorry to hear about the death of your precious baby. What a horrible,

needless death. My heart goes out to you and your family.


This will be a very quick intro. I am a mom of 3 children. One 7, one

4 1/2 and one forever 2years 3 months. Our youngest died last October

during a 3+ hour seizure. She showed signs of neurological damage the

morning after her 2nd round of shots. She went into Status 8 days

after her shots. No history of seizures in her or either side of our

families. Her seizures continued and she developed many health

difficulties. Through it all she was a bright shining spirit and was

up until her death.


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Guest guest

All, following is some of the testimony from the hearings that

took part in. This may be a repost, but wanted to share

with all the new members.

Thanks again !

Costs to the State of Adding Vaccine Requirements

Immunization requirements are enforced by child care providers, state

licensers of child care providers, and the public schools. This

enforcement costs money for staff to do record-keeping and follow-up.

Much of this cost is borne by the state. A study in 1998 estimated

that enforcing the immunization requirements cost the state at that

time around $5 million per year.

Will adding new vaccines to the list increase costs to schools? It

will, because many more follow-up contacts will be needed for these

particular vaccines.

Currently, 35% of parents are not vaccinating their children for

chickenpox. Minneapolis Public Schools estimated that each parent

follow-up contact cost $18 in staff time.

Minneapolis Public Schools wrote to the Department of Health asking

that no immunization requirements be added until funding is in place

to enforce them. In addition to the state costs of enforcing vaccine

requirements, these vaccines cost money in health care dollars.

I have included a handout in your package with medical cost analyses

of pneumococcal and chickenpox vaccines. Chickenpox and pneumococcal

vaccine programs actually cost more money than they save from

preventing disease. The pneumococcal vaccine, for example costs

around $60 per dose, or $240 per child for the four-dose series. The

chickenpox vaccine also does not recover costs when looking at the

cost of the vaccine compared to the cost of the disease. Only by

factoring in indirect costs, such as lost wages for a parent to

stay home with a child sick with chickenpox, is this vaccine deemed

to be cost-effective.

But these assessments of indirect costs did not include the cost of

caring for vaccine-injured children. Hospitalization and medical

costs for these children are extremely high. During school years, they

require special education services, costs borne by the state. These

children may later be cared for in group homes the rest of their

lives, incurring huge costs to the state. Twelve per cent of our

children now have chronic disease of some sort, and many medical

experts believe that the rapid increase in diseases such as autism,

ADD, juvenile diabetes, and asthma is partially attributable to the

increase in required vaccines.

A parent who stays home for 5 days when her child has chickenpox may

use vacation days or may lose some income. But parents of children

disabled by vaccines often must quit work permanently to stay home

with their child, losing years of income, and the vaccine-injured

child may never grow up to earn a productive income.

But ultimately, the question before us is not about dollars and

cents. When we are preventing communicable disease, and when we are

preventing vaccine injuries, the real issue is the value in human

life that can't be quantified. You can't put a price on the joy of

having a healthy baby, and you can't quantify the grief of a parent

who loses a baby, no matter what the cause.

And so the Minnesota Natural Health Coalition is calling for the


1. Safer vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies need to be held

accountable to produce vaccines that have fewer serious side effects.

2. The State of Minnesota should not require new vaccines if we do

not know whether they are safe for our children. In the case of the

pneumococcal vaccine, during the pre-licensure study, where 17,000

healthy infants with no acute or underlying chronic disease were

given Prevnar, 162 infants required emergency room care and 24 were

hospitalized within 72 hours of receiving the vaccine, 8 infants who

had never had seizures before had seizures within 72 hours. 40

infants who had never had asthma before required doctor's care for

asthma, wheezing, shortness of breath or breath-holding within 72

hours of the vaccine. One previously healthy child developed

congestive heart failure within 72 hours of the vaccine. Three

children developed hypotonic/hyporesponsive episodes. Were these

serious situations caused by the vaccine? There is no way to

determine this without following the time-honored scientific process

of comparing the test group with a control group that did not receive

a vaccine. This was not done. One variable, the test vaccine, was

compared with another variable, another experimental vaccine.

Yet the physicians who conducted the study concluded at the end, this

test " did not reveal any severe adverse events related to vaccination

that resulted in hospitalization, emergency room visits, or clinic

visits. " This is the Vaccine Information Sheet on Prevnar given to

parents at their clinics. It says, " So far, no serious reactions have

been associated with this vaccine. " Given the structure of the

clinical study, it is not scientifically possible to say that these

reactions were caused by the vaccine, nor is it possible to say that

they were not.

3. If it is inherently impossible to produce a vaccine without a

significant risk of serious adverse effects or death, then we need to

be clear about that. If the pneumococcal vaccine effectively reduces

pneumococcal disease, but at the price of death or disability to a

few babies, we need to know those numbers. Our research needs to be

science-based, with control groups, and parents need to know the

risks so they can make an informed decision.

We are having a good debate in this country on the smallpox vaccine.

This could be a great model for our infant vaccination programs.

Public health officials are doing a good job of articulating the

risks of smallpox and the risks of the vaccine. 1 or 2 deaths

per million from the vaccine is being taken very seriously. Adults

are weighing the risks and benefits.

We should afford the same courtesy to infants and their parents in

the routine vaccine program.

4. Parents should be educated that if their child is ill, vaccination

should be postponed. They should be told that if their child suffered

a seizure or bad reaction to a previous vaccine, she is at risk for an

even greater reaction to the next one. .If parents have a family

history of a severe vaccine reaction, they should know that their

child may be at risk. The CDC already has guidelines on this, and

they are printed on the sheets given to parents when the child

receives a vaccine. If parents knew this before making their

appointments with the doctor, perhaps many vaccine injuries could be

avoided. Again, the smallpox discussion is a good model on this -

people are being informed that if you have eczema, you are at risk

from the vaccine. . If you are on corticosteroids, you are at risk.

Similarly, parents of infants could be advised on this at an early


5. If new vaccines being produced can not be safer, then perhaps we

need to rethink the model which vaccinates the entire population for

a disease. This model was developed in response to overwhelming

epidemics like polio. However, in the case of invasive pneumococcal

disease, which affects only 0.2% of Minnesota children, this may not

be an appropriate model.

6. Finally, parents who believe that their child was harmed or killed

by a vaccine need to be heard and taken seriously. They should not be

brushed off by being told it was not related to the vaccine. Their

experience should be studied for clues to how we can have safer

vaccine programs.

--- End forwarded message ---

> > This will be a very quick intro. I am a mom of 3 children. One 7,

> one

> > 4 1/2 and one forever 2years 3 months. Our youngest died last

> October

> > during a 3+ hour seizure. She showed signs of neurological damage

> the

> > morning after her 2nd round of shots. She went into Status 8 days

> > after her shots. No history of seizures in her or either side of

> our

> > families. Her seizures continued and she developed many health

> > difficulties. Through it all she was a bright shining spirit and

> was

> > up until her death.

> >

> > Initially I was convinced that her seizures were shot related. I

> was

> > of course steered away from that connection by ALL medical

> > professionals we encountered. Yet we literally ran out of tests


> > diagnosis what " it " was. We never received a diagnosis. Now after

> her

> > death I again have returned to the shots. A clearer head (more

> sleep

> > now) has allowed me to see things a bit better. She was severely

> > altered in a negative way by her vaccinations and died as a


> >

> > Now I am very active and outspoken about our experience. We are


> a

> > rare position to prove that Adverse Reactions DO EXIST! Not every

> > child that has an adverse reaction can say that there were NO


> > left to " rule in something else " . I have testified before our


> > health dept & legislature this session in regards to the health

> dept

> > trying to add chickenpox & pneumococcal to the state (MN)


> I

> > received an amazing amount of press coverage and am thankful that

> > my " 15 minutes of fame " went towards something good and


> I

> > have learned though that it is a very tough battle to stop the

> trend.

> >

> > I am going to " lurk " for awhile. You all put out a tremendous

> amount

> > of emails. Much reading to do. Thank-you all for being out there.

> It

> > is always nice to link up with others of a like mind.

> >

> > Blessings,

> >

> > Lee

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Very sorry to read of the death of your daughter.Sara

another newbie

This will be a very quick intro. I am a mom of 3 children. One 7, one

4 1/2 and one forever 2years 3 months. Our youngest died last October

during a 3+ hour seizure. She showed signs of neurological damage the

morning after her 2nd round of shots. She went into Status 8 days

after her shots. No history of seizures in her or either side of our

families. Her seizures continued and she developed many health

difficulties. Through it all she was a bright shining spirit and was

up until her death.

Initially I was convinced that her seizures were shot related. I was

of course steered away from that connection by ALL medical

professionals we encountered. Yet we literally ran out of tests to

diagnosis what " it " was. We never received a diagnosis. Now after her

death I again have returned to the shots. A clearer head (more sleep

now) has allowed me to see things a bit better. She was severely

altered in a negative way by her vaccinations and died as a result.

Now I am very active and outspoken about our experience. We are in a

rare position to prove that Adverse Reactions DO EXIST! Not every

child that has an adverse reaction can say that there were NO tests

left to " rule in something else " . I have testified before our state

health dept & legislature this session in regards to the health dept

trying to add chickenpox & pneumococcal to the state (MN) schedule. I

received an amazing amount of press coverage and am thankful that

my " 15 minutes of fame " went towards something good and worthwhile. I

have learned though that it is a very tough battle to stop the trend.

I am going to " lurk " for awhile. You all put out a tremendous amount

of emails. Much reading to do. Thank-you all for being out there. It

is always nice to link up with others of a like mind.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Rita,

Welcome to the group !! Sorry you have achalasia, but just having a name to what you are suffering from also helps !

If you read back at previous posts you will learn a lot about the condition. It pays to educate yourself. Go and do and Internet search - Google is a good one - and you will find lot of reading material.There are also links on the Achalasia website.

What to expect from surgery depends on the type of surgery you have. You can have open surgery - with a cut about 6-10 inches on your stomach or you can have laparoscopic surgery. Here a special instrument is inserted through 5 little cuts in your stomach and the surgery done with this - what they are doing is shown on a video screen.

With open surgery your recovery time is a bit longer and you are in hospital a bit longer. 3-7 days. You will receive pain medication so it is not usually a big issue. How soon you go back to work will depend on you but usually 2 -6 weeks is allowed.

With Laparoscopic surgery you could go home as soon as the next day or in a two to three days. You could go back to work in about 2 weeks, but don't be in a hurry. You will not be able to lift things and will be tired for some time after.

What food you eat will depend on the surgeon and you. Most wait for 2 weeks before they let you eat solids, but here and there others have eaten solids a couple of days after surgery. You must expect to eat small meals and perhaps more frequently at first. Pain is mostly manageable with the usual pain pills or liquid pain meds which you get at the pharmacist. Spasms may or may not re-occur and you will have to deal with them as you did before.

Others can tell you about how to arrange your insurance payments or what to do about that.

Hope this helps a bit. You have joined a great bunch of people who will support and care abut you.



South Africa

another newbie

Hi group!Add me to the list of newly diagnosed. I have been having trouble for some 6-7 years having done testing before to no avail. I've been reading a lot of the postings here and see many of the same issues I have been having. It is nice not to feel alone with this. I knew there had to be others experiencing this, but always felt alone, ya know? I'm tired of going out to restaurants and having them line me up with glasses of warm water and then part way through, running to the bathroom with a bottle of water from my purse to see if I can get down what doesn't come back up! And how about the fun of having fluids shoot up your throat and out when sleeping? I am so done with that!A little about me....My name is Rita and I am 39 (soon to be 40!). I do have an auto immune disease...RA and wonder if that is what lead to this. I live in West Chester OH-north of Cincinnati. I am scheduled for a Barium 8-16-04 and just had my second scope done last week when I was finally diagnosed. My doctor highly recommends SX and I am inclined to agree. For those of you who have had the SX, what can I expect? Days in the hospital and time away from work? How long on soft foods? Pain? Stupid as it may sound, I am much more worried about missing work and not being able to pay bills than anything else! Andy information would be appreciated.Glad I found you!Rita

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  • 1 year later...


Welcome, welcome to the group and sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You will find a wealth of information here to help you in making the decisions you need to make for yourself. You will love it here. We are just one big dysfunctional family...well our esophagi are dysfunctional anyway, but we are a very fun group and also very supportive, caring and informative.

Are you going to see Dr Ostroff? He is the GI doctor I have been seeing the past year. Cedars is very well recommended as well. I bet Sandy, Peggy and Deborah are typing away as I am writing you now to tell you all about Dr Fuller at Cedars. He is a thoracic surgeon that they have all had the VATS surgery with, but I will let them tell you all about it since they are the experts.

You may want to go back and start reading the past posts and also you can go to the files section and find lots of information there.

I live in Brentwood, just about an hour east of SF. I have had A for 10 years and had surgery 3 1/2 years ago. I'm having problems with my LES closing again due to the progression of the disease and had a dilatation last summer. It seems to only have helped by allowing the acids to come up and cause an ulcer in my esophagus so I am being treated for this now. I go back to UCSF next month to have another endoscopy and see how the healing is progressing.

Well, I just saw your post and that you were from SF, and wanted to say hi and welcome...sometimes we have little meet-ups with members of the group. and I get together sometimes for lunch and a movie and are planning something soon, and since my daughter lives down in Glendale, I go down there and get together with the So California Achalasians too!

Welcome agin to the group Giselle and to all the newbies whom I have not posted to!

Sandi in No CA

>> hi all,> > i just wanted to say hello and introduce myself after a few days of > lurking and reading messages. thank goodness for this group, > because i have been very scared since my recent diagnosis and it has > been very helpful to read through the collective experience and > advice here.> > by way of background, i'm a 28 year old female living in san > francisco. i have had very bad chest pain, off and on, for the past > 6 years, radiating through to my jaw and ears, but no doctor ever > suspected achalasia. it started when i was in law school, which made > stress a likely suggestion. i was told that "it's just > stress," "maybe migraine headaches," "just vivid nightmares," and > many other things. i kept giving up and just chalked it up as random > pain, with no cause. i started having some difficulty keeping > certain foods down during the past 3 years, but i actually thought > that was normal and didn't realize that it had anything to do with > the chest pain. i thought it was normal indigestion. (duh!)> > i FINALLY got a new doctor, and at the very first appointment, she > suggested a barium swallow. i did the swallow about 2 weeks ago and > my esophagus is enlarged up to 6 centimeters. (that sounds like a > lot to me -- anyone have a sense of how advanced that is?) i saw the > barium sitting there for over 30 minutes, i saw the "bird's beak" > narrowing, i saw it all. ugh. i have appointments with two GIs to > talk this all over, one at UCSF in san francisco and one at cedars-> sinai in los angeles (my whole family is in LA but i live in san > francisco with my husband).> > so that's a summary of what's going on with me. i have so many > questions in my head, but i'm hoping that talking to the GI doctors > will answer some of them. i am sure i'll be posting and > participating here, and i am so grateful that this group exists.> > i also happen to be a lawyer, so the question of "causation" is very > interesting to me. it really bothers me to hear that, mnedically > speaking, "there's no known cause." how can something not have a > cause? everything has a cause. anyway, the posted polls are very > interesting to me, and the potential correlations are fascinating.> > in the fog (yes, literally too),> giselle>

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Welcome Giselle

Stay with the group you will learn so much and will find everyone

here is such a great support when you are feeling low.

I am just over 3 months post hellermyotomy and am eating and coping

much better. If you continue to read you will find the surgery will

be the best option for releif of this disease. It will, however, not

cure it.

I wish you well.

in the desert

-- In achalasia , " giselle_von " <giselle_von@...>



> hi all,


> i just wanted to say hello and introduce myself after a few days of

> lurking and reading messages. thank goodness for this group,

> because i have been very scared since my recent diagnosis and it


> been very helpful to read through the collective experience and

> advice here.


> by way of background, i'm a 28 year old female living in san

> francisco. i have had very bad chest pain, off and on, for the


> 6 years, radiating through to my jaw and ears, but no doctor ever

> suspected achalasia. it started when i was in law school, which


> stress a likely suggestion. i was told that " it's just

> stress, " " maybe migraine headaches, " " just vivid nightmares, " and

> many other things. i kept giving up and just chalked it up as


> pain, with no cause. i started having some difficulty keeping

> certain foods down during the past 3 years, but i actually thought

> that was normal and didn't realize that it had anything to do with

> the chest pain. i thought it was normal indigestion. (duh!)


> i FINALLY got a new doctor, and at the very first appointment, she

> suggested a barium swallow. i did the swallow about 2 weeks ago


> my esophagus is enlarged up to 6 centimeters. (that sounds like a

> lot to me -- anyone have a sense of how advanced that is?) i saw


> barium sitting there for over 30 minutes, i saw the " bird's beak "

> narrowing, i saw it all. ugh. i have appointments with two GIs to

> talk this all over, one at UCSF in san francisco and one at cedars-

> sinai in los angeles (my whole family is in LA but i live in san

> francisco with my husband).


> so that's a summary of what's going on with me. i have so many

> questions in my head, but i'm hoping that talking to the GI doctors

> will answer some of them. i am sure i'll be posting and

> participating here, and i am so grateful that this group exists.


> i also happen to be a lawyer, so the question of " causation " is


> interesting to me. it really bothers me to hear that, mnedically

> speaking, " there's no known cause. " how can something not have a

> cause? everything has a cause. anyway, the posted polls are very

> interesting to me, and the potential correlations are fascinating.


> in the fog (yes, literally too),

> giselle


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I'm a lawyer too, have had chest pains for about 10

years, was misdiagnosed until about 18 months ago. I

know another lawyer in my town w/ Achalasia.

A coincidence!? Now another lawyer!

You are lucky to be in San Fran, Dr Patti is there at

UCSF He is an expert at this stuff.


--- giselle_von <giselle_von@...> wrote:

>> i also happen to be a lawyer, so the question of

> " causation " is very

> interesting to me. it really bothers me to hear

> that, mnedically

> speaking, " there's no known cause. " how can

> something not have a

> cause? everything has a cause. anyway, the posted

> polls are very

> interesting to me, and the potential correlations

> are fascinating.


> in the fog (yes, literally too),

> giselle







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thank you, everyone, for such a warm welcome, both on the boards and

via personal emails. i have a " hot date " with the GI specialist here

in san francisco on valentine's day, and let me tell you, i am really

looking forward to that appointment for some information and


after 6 years of terrible chest pains, i'm actually relieved to know

that there's a reason for them.

i hope to make it to the 6pm (pacific) chat tonight.



> >> i also happen to be a lawyer, so the question of

> > " causation " is very

> > interesting to me. it really bothers me to hear

> > that, mnedically

> > speaking, " there's no known cause. " how can

> > something not have a

> > cause? everything has a cause. anyway, the posted

> > polls are very

> > interesting to me, and the potential correlations

> > are fascinating.

> >

> > in the fog (yes, literally too),

> > giselle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi :)

If you go to the database of this group it lists those who sell kefir:)

I can give you a little background on getting started, since I'm a relative

newbie myself. You need the grains, or course, and a milk supply you feel

comfortable with. In my present location, I can get hormone-free

store-bought cows milk, so that's what I use. I got my grains from marilyn,

she sent me a 1/4 cup, which easily makes kefir from 2 cups of milk a day.

Since then, I've given my brother and sister grains because they really do

multiply! I've noticed different tastes and thicknesses from varying lengths

of fermentation time, I've played around a little bit, and also temperature

of the room I place them in affects the outcome as well. Just a little of my

observations. Some of these people on the list are veterans, so they'll be

able to assist you with any question you have!

I definitely recommend kefir though, I love it.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:56 AM, tanjab3 <tanjababic@...> wrote:

> I would like to start making my own kefir, but don't really know where

> to start. Do any of you sell grains? Also, any information on getting

> started would be great.





" I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. "


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi All, having had epilepsy since 11 years of age, any fresh untoward health issues have also been associated. I recently had an increase in seizures and agreed to an extra 50 mg of Phenytoin based on a low blood serum.

BUT, hindsight proves 12 years of immense stress.

In December 1998 my late mother contracted leukaemia.

In December 1999 my late father passed away having suffered a massive coronary.

In April 2001 my mother lost her fight against leukaemia.

In October 2004 my partner was rushed to A+E with respiratory difficulties.

In November 2004 she was again rushed to A+E with the same.

In April 2005 another repeated A+E emergency.

On August 23rd 2005 she elected for day surgery for a neck mass biopsy.

On 16th September 2005 she passed away following a diagnosis, on 1st Sept, of Tongue cancer.

Ever since, I have been battling the hospital Trust for a misdiagnosis and medical negligence and am currently waiting for my MP and a Coroner to decide upon an inquest.

So, a little has happened and I have been feeling shattered and exhibiting many of the symptoms highlighted by others in this group. My GP, on the otherhand will not offer me a cortisol or thyroid test and the following is going to astound you.

Because I have persistently persued the Trust for the truth, I have been labled vexatious and this is marked against your records.

I can only say, "thank God for the internet" as little or no information is available.

I did have an adrenal saliva test in 2008 and was confirmed stage 2 adrenal fatigue. No doubt I'll find the money for private tests to hopefully conclude that hypothyroidism is the root of many of my health latest issues.

However, I did come across an interesting topic; Phenytoin toxicity and thyroid dysfunction http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3810/

Kind regards, Bill

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Hello Bill

I am very sorry to learn of all the terrible stress you have been through these last few years and hope that such stress is now way behind you. However, it does sound as if you would be better leaving your present doctor and finding one elsewhere who actually cares about his/her patients. Don't these doctors know that it is their lack of knowledge and uncaring attitude that causes the majority of their patients to become vexatious. I run TPA because I am VERY vexed at the way doctors are allowed to get away with the way they treat patients (or rather, the way they don't treat patients) and will do whatever is necessary to bring about the much needed changes.

What you need to do is to write a letter to your GP setting out all your symptoms and signs. Check these against those in our web site www.tpa-uk.org.uk under 'Hypothyroidism'. Take your basal temperature for 4/5 mornings before you get out of bed in a morning and record these if they are less than 97.8 degrees F.

List any members of your family who have a thyroid or autoimmune disease.

Ask for a full thyroid function test that should include TSH, free T4 and free T3. Ask also for the following blood tests to check your level of certain minerals and vitamins, and in case your GP tries to tell you there is no reason to do these tests because their levels are not associated with thyroid disease, then cite the references to show he is wrong - these are :

Low iron/ferritin: @http://www.thewayup.com/newsletters/081504.htm and http://www.ithyroid.com/iron.htm and http://www.femail.com.au/iron-levels-tony-pearce.htm

Low vitamin B12: @http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18655403

Low vitamin D3: @http://www.eje-online.org/cgi/content/abstract/113/3/329 and http://www.goodhormonehealth.com/VitaminD.pdf

Low magnesium: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC292768/pdf/jcinvest00264-0105.pdf

Low folate: http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/47/9/1738 and http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/thy.1999.9.1163

Low copper/zinc:http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/ffdbiyo/current4/07%20Iham%20AM%C4%B0R.pdf and http://articles.webraydian.com/article1648-Role_of_Zinc_and_Copper_in_Effective_Thyroid_Function.html

Write that you are aware that should any of these be low in the reference range, the thyroid hormone cannot be properly utilised at cellular level until whatever you are low in is supplemented.

Ask for a referral to an endocrinologist of your choice - as the majority of endocrinologists have diabetes as their specialty. To this end, I will send you my list of 'good' doctors recommended by our members. You can see whichever doctor you wish, even outside of your area if that is necessary, so don't let your GP tell you otherwise. You need to be referred for the short synacthen test and with such a history as you have, your GP has no right whatsoever to deny you this.

Ask your GP to also check out the following about the connection/association between Phenytoin/thyroid disease.






You might also be interested in all the published studies and clinical trials relating to Phenytoin Bill: http://www.druglib.com/druginfo/phenytoin/abstracts/

Quite often, doctors take a lot more notice of the written word than they do in a face to face consultation, where there is no 'witnesses' to conversations that have taken place and they can deny certain discussions ever took place.

Last, ask that your letter of requests be placed into your medical notes.

Luv - Sheila

Ever since, I have been battling the hospital Trust for a misdiagnosis and medical negligence and am currently waiting for my MP and a Coroner to decide upon an inquest.

So,@a little has@happened and I have been feeling shattered and exhibiting many of the symptoms highlighted by others in this group. My GP, on the otherhand will not offer me a cortisol or thyroid test and the following is going to astound you.

Because I have persistently persued the Trust for the truth, I have been labled vexatious and this is marked against your records.

I can only say, "thank God for the internet" as little or no information is available.

I did have an adrenal saliva test in 2008 and was confirmed stage 2 adrenal fatigue. No doubt I'll find the money for private tests to hopefully conclude that hypothyroidism is the root of many of my health latest issues.

However, I did come across an interesting topic;@Phenytoin toxicity and thyroid dysfunction http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3810/@

Kind regards, Bill> My GP, on the otherhand will not offer me a cortisol or thyroid test and> the following is going to astound you. Because I have persistently> persued the Trust for the truth, I have been labled vexatious and this> is marked against your records. I can only say, "thank God for the> internet" as little or no information is available. I did have an> adrenal saliva test in 2008 and was confirmed stage 2 adrenal fatigue.> No doubt I'll find the money for private tests to hopefully conclude> that hypothyroidism is the root of many of my health latest issues. > However, I did come across an interesting topic; Phenytoin toxicity and> thyroid dysfunction http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3810/> <mhtml:{56916D17-AF68-4250-928A-85278507C3DC}mid://00000908/!x-usc:http:\> //www.nzma.org.nz/journal/122-1303/3810/> Kind regards, Bill>

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Hi Sheila, I am truly grateful for such a comprehensive and thoughtful reply.

I only divulged my history in order to seek the most appropriate advice and hopefully it may identify with someone else. I had never regarded epilepsy as a disability until someone challenges my integrity. We all have a brain and it all depends on how we use it to achieve our goals.

The past 5 years have been a steep learning curve in medicine and law for me as I'm only a carpenter, electrician and plumber by trade. One stroke of luck has been a recent intervention with my GP by a pharmacist friend, who knows all about my medical negligence case. I had been, and also enjoyed a great rapport, with my current practice for 12 years, until I was prescribed an opiate painkiller (Tramadol) that's totally inappropriate and contraindicated with anticonvulsants. My pharmacist went ballistic and has cleared any animosity. I would still prefer to pay privately for any tests, as any blood taken by my surgery will be analysed at the Trusts path lab and I still have the "vexatious" complainant status. My MP's secretary told me that this invariably happens, which is unbelieveable until it happens to you.

Regarding any possible hereditary traits, my parents both passed away at a relatively early age and I am the eldest of 3 siblings and am not aware of any history. On reflection I would guess that my father had some form of thyroid dysfunction. Shortly after mother contracted leukaemia father was referred to an endocrinologist who just prescribed prednisolone for a diagnosis of polymyalgia. My father had terrible varicose veins and he and my grandfather both suffered with fluid build up under the eyes, which I think are indicative of a thyroid disorder.

I am currently looking at Dr P's work as I live in the neighbouring county of Kent.

Thankyou again Sheila,


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome to the group, ! Glad you joined us. I also have multiple food

allergies, and the Vitamix is a TOTAL Godsend in my kitchen! I couldn't eat

like I do without it. There are some links in the files section of some videos

I made using alternative flours. You CAN use the wet container for grinding,

but hard seeds may pit your container, and the blades are different on the dry

container and makes for MUCH more efficient grinding. It is well worth the

investment to get the dry container, which you can order from our own LEA ANN

for 99 with free shipping!!


> I'm new, too! I've had my Vitamix for four whole days now. :)


> I buy my Agave Nectar at Trader Joe's. It seems to be the most reasonably

priced, although after reading the links on the Vitamixlady's web page, I think

I will try to use it less.


> I bought my Vitamix (lovingly called " Darth Vito " by my kids, because it's the

black one and because they name everything) after watching the demos for over

two years. My husband *finally* bought in after trying the green smoothie at

the demo.


> We have a combination of allergies and issues with texture in our family. My

son cannot chew nor swallow anything with different textures, so I figure the

Vitamix can help him out. My daughter's allergic to peanuts and I'm allergic to

milk and eggs. I know I am going to love the added control I can have with

what we can eat.


> I do have a couple of question - we did not buy the dry blade container. Is it

still possible to grind up things like flax seeds w/the wet blade?


> Thanks in advance!

> -


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  • 8 months later...

Hello, Bill!

I thought I would chime in on the epilepsy. I have had ONE seizure (grand mal)

following a serious head injury 11 years ago. Many 'auras' after that. They

put me on dilantin expecting that I'd be on it forever - or something like it.

EEG gives me an abnormal reading.

I hated the dilantin with a passion. I was suffering some effects of the head

injury and the dilantin made me feel drunk on top of this. I was also seeing

more and more 'auras' (in my case it was an electrical feeling spreading over my

scalp and cascading down) and was pretty sure I was building up to another


I spent a lot of time on the internet and found a couple of epileptics dealing

with their problem with other than drugs (when the drugs failed them). One

interrupted the cascade when she got the aura. Something sharp, physical and

intense - enough to distract her brain. She says if you live with an epileptic

and see them starting to 'go', you can clap your hands in their face, anything

to startle them out of it. My mother, a dental hygienist, had an epileptic in

her chair and saw her patient begin a seizure and she interrupted it with a

sudden preparation to 'deal with it'. (She startled the woman and made her laugh

and the seizure did not materialize.) *I* carried some 50's dance music around

and when the auras started, I danced.

The other epileptic smoked skullcap and lobelia (not the kind in your garden,

the medicinal herb) to calm her brain. She still had seizures but they were

fewer than she had before. She alternated between the two herbs as it worked

better that way. There are other herbs which might work as well.

I bought a little pipe, kept the chamber ready to go. I discovered that just a

few puffs of skullcap would also shut down an aura pretty promptly. You smoke

it on an as needed basis. The smoke gets into bloodstream pretty quickly. You

might try ingesting it daily in capsules or tea, I don't know. I liked the 'as

needed' use.

Using both these two methods, I shut down every aura for six months very

quickly. After a year I noticed they were coming only infrequently, not every

other day or so. After two years I was packing my pipe only out of habit, and

could sometimes ignore the little auras I was getting with no escalation.

I forget the pipe mostly now and I miss the dancing! My brain is still abnormal

due to the injury but I have been off the dilantin since I incorporated the

dance/skullcap 10 plus years ago. No seizures and the auras are now perhaps

once a year.

You don't need to worry about liking the skullcap too much as it gives you a

tiny headache at the same time it quiets the brain.

I won't say to an epileptic that you should stop your medication!!! But if it

isn't working - or isn't working well enough - this might be a good adjunct

therapy which is reasonably safe and might reduce the amount of drug you are


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