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Why do I still Have Thyroid Symptoms....

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Hello Everybody - and in particular

I bought myself a book the other day called " Why do I Still

Have Thyroid Symptoms When My lab Tests Are Normal " by Datis Kharrazian,

DHSc, DC, MS. It was only published in 2010 and is cutting-edge scientific

research for a really simple, and effective solution to low thyroid function. This,

you can bring to the attention of your GP and endocrinologist. Watch the 2

short videos and listen to his radio Interview where you will learn so much

more http://www.thyroidbook.com/ and

read the rest of the information there and then - BUY THIS BOOK.  I can assure

you, it is an absolute MUST read. He also has over 600/700 references at the

back of the book to  back up everything he says.  It is likely to have all the

answers you need and is written so you will understand it. You can buy it

through this link (where you will be donating a percentage of the cost to TPA)


There are copies there for around £7.50.

Luv - Sheila

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Hi Sheila

I bought this book in February 2010 and tried to get at

least 3 GPs to look at it – I have even tried to palm off copied pages to no

avail. I mentioned this book in one of

my previous posts. It is fantastic and I cannot believe the pigheadedness of the

medical profession. It seems that they

may be deliberating ignoring patient's pleas so that they aren't faced with any

difficult decisions. One GP, when he saw

the title, laughed at me and told me he'd be surprised if any doctor would take

it seriously. They aren't worth the

money they are paid, in my humble opinion!

Love from a weak, desperate, frustrated and incensed JacquiePS: Sorry about the previous blank post - my PC crashed and it posted without me sending.

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I just got it delivered to my Kindle for £5.75....



> Hello Everybody - and in particular


> I bought myself a book the other day called " Why do I Still Have Thyroid

> Symptoms When My lab Tests Are Normal " by Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS. It

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Hi Sheila,

Yes I have this one and it is fantastic - another one I mentioned last week is 'What your Doctor Doesn't know might kill you - The Calcium Lie by MD - it is a real eye opener about the damage calcium does and how we don't really need it at all - but are lacking in the whole complete body of minerals including magnesium.

Calcification in the blood is causing hardening of the arteries and arthritis and all sorts of disease states.

He actually points the finger at the drugs industry who are gaining - by us all being prompted to eat more calcium etc. and yet it is actually causing illness. I know I can't take supplements without my thyroid paining me afterwards.

He has a website - and a free newsletter which is great


best wishes


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What do yo think I keep saying about calcium. The water in some areas like mine

is high in calcium carbonate at 74.3mg Ca/l and this is the very thing we are

told not to take within 4 hours of taking thyroxine, but one has to drink water

laden with calcium carbonate, so is this any surprise that some of us never get

better on thyroxine. What about T3 does the same apply.

They also add calcium carbonate to many foods, which is as bad as salt.

They also say that you do not need as much protein as you get older.


I too cannot take supplements with calcium in them including vitamin D3. I am

far better off on D2.



> Hi Sheila,


> Yes I have this one and it is fantastic - another one I mentioned last week

> is 'What your Doctor Doesn't know might kill you - The Calcium Lie by

> MD - it is a real eye opener about the damage calcium does and how

> we don't really need it at all - but are lacking in the whole complete body

> of minerals including magnesium.


> He has a website - and a free newsletter which is great


> www.calciumlie.com


> best wishes


> Mandy


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Hi Kathleen,

Perhaps the title of the book and my e mail did not explain things properly.

What the author is saying is you do not need to take extra calcium either in

supplements or indeed eat loads of calcium rich foods just because we have been

brain washed into thinking it is good for us -it is but not in isolation - the

minerals we need for our body are a complex set and we need to take them

altogether not isolated.

One of the best ways of getting our minerals levels back in sync is by using sea

salt or rock salt that contain all the minerals we need - naturally. I wouldn't

think that the water we drink would be that much of a problem in the amounts

found in water.

You need to look at the website or buy the book to really take on board what he

is saying.

It is worth it.............

best wishes


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I do know what you mean, but food companies are adding extra (fortifying food)

with calcium carbonate, as in turn they think calcium is a wonderful thing for

our bones, and its like adding salt to everything. If in turn that water supply

is also high in calcium carbonate, and it boils down to the fact that you can

end up with too much calcium, and also too much of the salt that is not good for

you. Calcum carbonate is also not as easily absorbed.

Do you know what the ingrediants are in ROCK SALT, for instance is there

magnesium in it. I did email a company and never received an answer to my query.

I would think that I must be getting enough Calcium as my blood test and DEXA

bone scan are OK.

It could also be that some people can process Calcium more than others.



> Hi Kathleen,



> One of the best ways of getting our minerals levels back in sync is by using

sea salt or rock salt that contain all the minerals we need - naturally. I

wouldn't think that the water we drink would be that much of a problem in the

amounts found in water.


> You need to look at the website or buy the book to really take on board what

he is saying.


> It is worth it.............


> best wishes


> Mandy


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There is a partial list here of the trace elements in celtic sea salt:


Whole Salt will indeed help to balance our system and our electrolytes but just

salt alone will not give us the amount of some elements which we need.

This book has the complete list of 94 elements in Himalayan rock salt:


UTF8 & qid=1298834448 & sr=8-1

Cheers, JOT

> Do you know what the ingrediants are in ROCK SALT, for instance is there

magnesium in it. I did email a company and never received an answer to my query.

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If you are interested in magnesium in particular, and if you are able to

tolerate warm/hot baths, adding a good quantity of Epsom Salts (magnesium

sulfate) to the bath and soaking in it will help raise your levels of magnesium.

Birmingham University did a study here:



You can order 25kg sacks from justasoap.co.uk which works out much, much cheaper

than buying it in 1kg packs from Boots or wherever. I use a pint glassful per


You can also make it up as a cream as it's absorbed through the skin. Dr

Myhill's site contains some information about it. I think it's possible to

nebulise it, but not something I have experience of.




> There is a partial list here of the trace elements in celtic sea salt:


> http://curezone.com/foods/salt/Celtic_Sea_Salt_Analysis.asp


> Whole Salt will indeed help to balance our system and our electrolytes but

just salt alone will not give us the amount of some elements which we need.


> This book has the complete list of 94 elements in Himalayan rock salt:




UTF8 & qid=1298834448 & sr=8-1


> Cheers, JOT








> > Do you know what the ingrediants are in ROCK SALT, for instance is there

magnesium in it. I did email a company and never received an answer to my query.


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