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Re: random headaches - possible causes?

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Are you actually TREATING your low adrenal reserve Dawn. Check

out the attached document 'Why Thyroid Hormone Stops Working' and see all the

associated conditions that go along with being hypothyroid. You may find your

problem there somewhere.

Also, ask y our GP to check your ferritin, vitamin B12m vitamin

D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc to make sure that none of them are low

in the reference range. Post these results onto the forum with the reference

ranges when you get them./

Good luck

Luv - Sheila

Does anyone else have these random headaches? Can anyone suggest anything


I have adrenal issues (highish cortisol salivia test) and I have developed a

MASSIVE contorted jumpiness/ as a passenger in a car (Diane Holmes said she had

this too). Maybe this has something to do with it and I'm wrongly looking at

the NDT/Thyroid as the cause?


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Hi Dawn,

Oh Dawn I get this jumpiness and over anxiety being a passenger in a car - it is absolutely awful - I went to see my Mother in Suffolk for Mother's day yesterday (120 miles away on the M25 and A 12 - I hate it - in fact I am terrorised) - I get this awful feeling that the cars in the lane next to us are coming towards me - I have read that this has something to do with thyroid dysfunction and the spacial awareness being distorted.

Anyway we were coming home last night and going through small 3 lanes of roadworks with huge 40 tonners within inches of the side of our car - I was almost hysterical - I had a bit of an upset stomach in the morning worrying about the journey so took some Imodium with me just in case my tummy didn't improve - it did so - I didn't take one - until last night in the car as I was so so terrified I thought I was going to have a stroke - I grabbed my bag and took an Imodium (the instant ones that dissolve without water) and within about 5 minutes I was so calm - they are a muscle relaxant - so it worked - mind you probably won't go to the loo now for about a week but it did the trick.

I wish I knew what caused this - there is no point going to see a counsellor because it is a physical issue - I have tried taking magnesium, extra B for the adrenals - you name it - nothing worked - until I took the Imodium - so not sure where this fear of motorways is coming via - mind you my husband is Italian and he is driving a fast car which doesn't help - but it wouldn't matter if I went out with the Vicar on a Sunday afternoon I can't be a passenger in a car.

Anyone got any ideas because this so effects my quality of life. I would love to know if anyone else suffers with this.

Best wishes


PS I have a fear of flying too

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Hi Mandy

I used to have this and it felt like the trees by the side of the road were

jumping in front of the car. I first noticed this when I thought people were

trying to 'çut me up' whilst driving.

At that time I decided to put on sun glasses and sit with my eyes closed all

through the journey. I would absolutely dread driving.

I dont know what fixed it, but it is OK now.......... (hcg fixes everything for

me - lol)



> Hi Dawn,


> Oh Dawn I get this jumpiness and over anxiety being a passenger in a car -

> it is absolutely awful - I went to see my Mother in Suffolk for Mother's day

> yesterday (120 miles away on the M25 and A 12 - I hate it - in fact I am

> terrorised) - I get this awful feeling that the cars in the lane next to us

> are coming towards me - I have read that this has something to do with

> thyroid dysfunction and the spacial awareness being distorted.


> Anyway we were coming home last night and going through small 3 lanes of

> Best wishes


> Mandy


> PS I have a fear of flying too


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Correction, I would sit with sun glasses and eyes closed whilst 'a passenger'

not whilst actually driving - lol Oh My.........



> Hi Mandy


> I used to have this and it felt like the trees by the side of the road were

jumping in front of the car. I first noticed this when I thought people were

trying to 'çut me up' whilst driving.


> At that time I decided to put on sun glasses and sit with my eyes closed all

through the journey. I would absolutely dread driving.


> I dont know what fixed it, but it is OK now.......... (hcg fixes everything

for me - lol)


> F




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I have recently started to suffer from this - as a passenger I'm a nightmare.

I'm constantly shouting out warnings about on coming cars that I perceive we are

going to collide with. It doesn't matter what the length of the journey is or

who the driver is I always 'see' others cars encroaching into our path!

I am also getting headaches almost daily and sometimes even wake up with a

splitting headache.


> Hi Dawn,


> Oh Dawn I get this jumpiness and over anxiety being a passenger in a car -

> it is absolutely awful - I went to see my Mother in Suffolk for Mother's day

> yesterday (120 miles away on the M25 and A 12 - I hate it - in fact I am

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I would suggest getting the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile

done through Genova Diagnostics to see where your cortisol and DHEA levels lie

at four specific times during the day - you sound as if you could be suffering

with low adrenal reserve - in which case, your thyroid hormone will not be able

to work as it should. First, however, go to our FILES section accessible from

the Home Page of this forum http://health.groups//group/thyroid treatment

and you can access this from the Menu on the Home Page. On the page that opens,

scroll down the long list of FOLDERS (listed alphabetically) and open the one

entitled 'Medical Questionnaires' and answer the questions in the 'Adrenal

Questionnaire' and see how you score. If high, then you definitely need to get

your adrenals thoroughly checked out. Whilst there, also do the Candida and Magnesium

Questionnaire too.

BTW - if any members know of other useful questionnaires we

could upload into this folder, please let me know, as this is a free way that

our members can check out certain problems they may be suffering without going

to the awful expense of testing.

Luv - Sheila

I have recently started to suffer from this - as a passenger I'm a nightmare.

I'm constantly shouting out warnings about on coming cars that I perceive we

are going to collide with. It doesn't matter what the length of the journey is

or who the driver is I always 'see' others cars encroaching into our path!

I am also getting headaches almost daily and sometimes even wake up with a

splitting headache.


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