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Re: Pins and needles/dead hands

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Your symptoms sound like me years ago Carpel tunnel syndrome its all part of

the thyroid going down the pan I'm afraid. are you on thyroid replacement,

because this will help, I had all those problems years ago and had surgery on

both wrists. Dr S said had I been on thyroid replacement then I would not have

needed Surgery. Kind regards Louise


> For a long time now I've been waking up in the night with pins and needles or

completely dead hands. I tend to hang them over the side on the bed or try and

shake them until the blood circulates again then go back to sleep. However last

night it seemed to be my whole left arm and shoulder/chest area. I tried not to

panic at the thought I was having a heart attack as I logically do not think

that's the case. I moved about and the circulation started and I was ok.

> I do often wonder if waking up feeling dizzy with a tingling sensation on the

side of my face is lack of circultion too.

> Does anyone else have this and how have you remedied it please? I would go see

my gp if I thought it would not be a waste of time!

> Thanks



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I used to wake up with both hands and arms having pins and needles and no amount of rubbing would make it better.    It was horrendous.    I would have to sit with my arms down both sides and wait until it eventually passed, an hour or so later.

I was on thyroxine.     However it cleared up completely when I went on T3 and B12 injections.   I got them about the same time so I was not sure which helped.    But a few years later when I had to go off T3 on idiot doctors instructions because he only went by TSH and it was suppressed, it came back again.    Once I got back on T3 it went again.

So for me it was a symptom of lack of T3 and not a B12 issue, which can be another cause of it.Lilian

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> For a long time now I've been waking up in the night with pins and needles or

completely dead hands. I tend to hang them over the side on the bed or try and

shake them until the blood circulates again then go back to sleep.


Sorry you are suffering,it does sound like carpal tunnel. I am hypothyroid and

had many of those symptoms last year. My Dr only treats one symptom separately

and never puts them all together. I saw a specialist who wanted to operate

staight away but I refused. On this site I found that it is a common symptom of

hypothyroid. Do you have fluid retention? When Dr put me on water pills for high

blood pressure the CT symptoms mainly went away. One day when I get proper

treatment for Hypo (not from my Dr!)I hope all my probs go away!


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Hi ,

There are many reasons for pins and needles - are you taking any supplements?

Also you may have sticky blood - it may be that you need it thinning - so try to take some Vitamin E tablets (start with 100 IU's only and build up to around 400 iu's maximum) - but if you suffer with high BP it can raise the BP as the blood volume increases for the heart to pump around - also it can increase bleeding time and maybe bruising if it thins your blood too far - certainly mustn't take with Warfarin or other thinners. But 100 iu's should be fine to start with to see if it helps.

best wishes


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Whilst cramps can be magnesium deficiency, that you are experiencing this on

one side of your face/body etc suggests that you should be going to see your

doctor and sooner rather than later.



> For a long time now I've been waking up in the night with pins and needles or

completely dead hands. I tend to hang them over the side on the bed or try and

shake them until the blood circulates again then go back to sleep. However last

night it seemed to be my whole left arm and shoulder/chest area. I tried not to

panic at the thought I was having a heart attack as I logically do not think

that's the case. I moved about and the circulation started and I was ok.

> I do often wonder if waking up feeling dizzy with a tingling sensation on the

side of my face is lack of circultion too.

> Does anyone else have this and how have you remedied it please? I would go see

my gp if I thought it would not be a waste of time!

> Thanks



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This could be a form of sleep paralysis - see http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-sleep-paralysis.htm

to see if anything in this pattern fits. However, I don't want to frighten you,

but what you are describing could have been a mini stroke, though I think this

would have affected the whole of your left side and not just the upper half. I

would make an appointment with my GP to check whether this was the case or not

or if you have some other underlying disorder.

Luv - Sheila.


> For a long time now I've been waking up in the night with pins and needles

or completely dead hands. I tend to hang them over the side on the bed or try

and shake them until the blood circulates again then go back to sleep. However

last night it seemed to be my whole left arm and shoulder/chest area. I tried

not to panic at the thought I was having a heart attack as I logically do not

think that's the case. I moved about and the circulation started and I was ok.


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I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for all their suggestions.

Because of the face numbness I think I will go and see the GP but having read

everything I do think carpal tunnel sounds a big possibility.

I have low blood pressure and take magnesium. I used to take 4.5 grains armour

but am down to 2 - 2.5 because of NAX via Dr P. I do think that when I was on

'old armour' the symptom was improved so the t3 sounds a possible. The water

tablets too and vitamin E if it raises blood pressure is probably a good idea as

I've been adding salt to try and achieve this.

I did consider heart attack and stroke but because moving around eased the

sensations I did not panic about this too much.

Thank you all once again, you really are wonderful.

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Hi ,

I guess there can be many reasons for pins and needles and tingling feelings, so

it would be worth a visit to the doc to discuss what it might be, based on your

symptoms and your medical history.

I guess all I can do is speak from my own experience, which may or may not be

relevant to the things that you are experiencing right now. I am only writing

about my symptoms and my experience in case any of it sounds familiar to you &

so I can give a bit of a rationale for the tests that I had. Here goes....

In Jan last year, I had pins & needles and numbness, mainly down my left side.

My GP called for the ambulance (much to my embarrassment) and I was whisked off

to emergency. Initially I was treated as a cardiac patient and was discharged

with all of the symptoms that I had when I was admitted into hospital. Mind

you, they tested just about every cardiac thing in existence, so at least I

could cross cardiac issues off my list. They also ruled out stroke.

My symptoms persisted and then got worse. At one point my face felt very numb

and when I was purchasing new shoes I could not feel my left foot properly

because it was quite numb (probably a dumb time to buy new shoes but it was a a

major sale and I could not help myself). At one point, I was lying in bed and I

momentarily could not feel one of my feet. That was quite disconcerting. Two -

three of my fingers on both hands also joined together and then separated

without me having any control. It was as though my brain recognised 3 fingers as

1 and wouldn't let me separate them. I ended up seeing a neurologist as an

emergency case. I had a MRI, an optic nerve test and they also tested the nerves

in my arms and hands - this 'nerve' test is something that you might like to

consider doing. They did the MRI to look for demyelinating disease, mainly

because of the strange '3 fingers as 1' symptom that I had. Thankfully the MRI

was clear and there was no sign of any demyelination. They also tested my B12

and folate because the neurologist told me that sometimes pins and needles etc

can occur because of a B12 deficiency. You might want to ask your doc for a B12

test to check whether you are B12 deficient or not. In my case, when they did

the 'nerve test' they discovered I had mild carpal tunnel syndrome however they

couldn't work out why I had the other symptoms. They thought some of my symptoms

might be migraine related, but they were not sure. They told me that the

'central nervous system' does some pretty weird things sometimes. They didn't

have all the answers. I then went to see a second neurologist who also could

not explain why I had some of the symptoms. I then developed persistent

migraine aura which has stayed with me 24/7 since April last year. My migraines

changed at the same time. I remain an 'enigma' (my neurologist's words, not


So, that was a bit long winded but I wanted to write it down so I could explain

the background and mention why they gave me the tests they did, so it made more

sense and gave the rationale for the testing.



> For a long time now I've been waking up in the night with pins and needles or

completely dead hands. .....last night it seemed to be my whole left arm and

shoulder/chest area. I tried not to panic at the thought I was having a heart

attack as I logically do not think that's the case. I moved about and the

circulation started and I was ok. ....I do often wonder if waking up feeling

dizzy with a tingling sensation on the side of my face is lack of circultion

too.... Does anyone else have this and how have you remedied it please? I would

go see my gp if I thought it would not be a waste of time!

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Having experienced a similar thing myself i think you should ask the doctor to

check your b12. I have pernicious anaemia (B12 deficiency) the tingling / pins

and needles / dead arms in the night was one of the first symptoms I had, i also

developed fatigue and breathlessness on exertion which became extreme just

before my diagnosis as well as a 'woolly' head but since being on 8 weekly b12

injections the tingling / pins and needles / dead arms in the night has

practically gone (until I start to near my injection time again).

Hope this helps


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