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interesting postings re salt, iodine, thyroid

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Until people start to understand the importance of iodine supplementing and

their health...the epidemic of iodine deficiency will continue throughout the

world. The Halides....... Bromine, Floride and Chorine are doing damage to our

bodies and minds. If you've noticed the increase in dementia, *not remembering*

and memory loss, you're tapping into lack of iodine.

Salt loading is important to the iodine protocol because the salt attaches to

the bromine/bromide and carries it out through the urine. Iodine has trouble

penetrating the bromine, which means it isn't absorbed by the body. Once the

bromine is released from the body, the iodine can be absorbed. If bromine blocks

iodine, what else is it blocking? Good Question.

I put this link up a while back....a good review as well.

Thanks for this link, all the info we can share on Iodine and the Halides will

benefit humanity.




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Can you get tested in the UK for iodine deficiency? If you are deficient what

should you supplement with?






> Until people start to understand the importance of iodine supplementing and

their health...the epidemic of iodine deficiency will continue throughout the

world. The Halides....... Bromine, Floride and Chorine are doing damage to our

bodies and minds. If you've noticed the increase in dementia, *not remembering*

and memory loss, you're tapping into lack of iodine.


> Salt loading is important to the iodine protocol because the salt attaches to

the bromine/bromide and carries it out through the urine. Iodine has trouble

penetrating the bromine, which means it isn't absorbed by the body. Once the

bromine is released from the body, the iodine can be absorbed. If bromine blocks

iodine, what else is it blocking? Good Question.


> I put this link up a while back....a good review as well.


> Thanks for this link, all the info we can share on Iodine and the Halides will

benefit humanity.


> http://preventdisease.com/news/10/030910_bromine_toxicity_thyroid.shtml




> Cheers,



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Hi Isabel:

You can test with Iodine saturation strips (through urine) and take a look that

way... I'm not sure if your chemist sells them at the store or if you can

request it from your medical advisor. But you can purchase them online:


=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1295623345 & sr=8-1-fkmr0

Those of us who take iodine daily either take iodoral tablets:

http://www.amazon.com/OPTIMOX-Iodoral-180-tabs/dp/B000X843VG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & \

s=hpc & qid=1295623567 & sr=8-1

or Lugol's drops:


?ie=UTF8 & qid=1295623620 & sr=8-1

The iodine group discusses all aspects of iodine supplementation if you'd like

to learn more about it. ( Brownstein)




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This is very interesting especially where mercury and sodium are concerned. I

look back to my jaw problem that came about after having to have 8 fillings at

the age of 18, and I also have a photo showing my dark eyes at that time, so

could it have been mercury in the fillings used. I also had an infection when

these fillings were done.

Sodium also causes problems and it also matches up to what I am learning about

calcium. Sodium decreases the amount of calcium our bodies can absorb. Thyroxine

that is also a sodium causes calcium to be lost in the urine.

What sodium are they using in our medications and how refined is it and could

this also impact on the difference in Anhydrous sodium which means dried, and

could it be even more refined and useless.

Having handled photographic chemicals and ammonia in my life I will find out if

they too contained anything like mercury.

If photographic chemicals did they entered the water supply, so could we have

drunk some of it.



> http://blog.imva.info/medicine/iodine-phobia-salt-truth


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