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Is a short synacthen test the same as an ACTH test?

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Probably another dozy question but I'm seeking a company that will do

independent short synacthen tests. I've come across Medicare who offer an ACTH

test done locally with no need for a referral. Is this the same as the synacthen

test? Thanks. Best wishes Alison

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Hi Alison

The SST is done to test for 's disease, ie total failure of the adrenals

which could lead to death if left undiagnosed. It won't tell you if you have

adrenal fatigue. For that, an adrenal salivary stress index test will be more

helpful. You can get that done at Genova (in the files section).

Cortisol secretion is stimulated by ACTH from the anterior pituitary. This

evaluates the ability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol in response to

stimulation by synthetic ACTH preparation (Synacthen).

There is much debate about the most appropriate protocol for the test and about

what constitutes a normal response. A rise in cortisol to >600nmol/L is

generally taken to exclude adrenal insufficiency.

The ACTH test is used to diagnose Cushing's or other diseases. This link may

explain it better... http://www.cushings-help.com/acth.htm

My SST and Long Dose SST and 24 hour Urine Free Cortisol tests all came back

normal but when my 24hr Urine Steroid profile was done, my cortisol levels were

high, indicating Cushing's.

No single test will diagnose you. You have to keep pushing for more if you feel

it is an adrenal/pituitary issue.

If you are in the US, you'd get more information about which labs to go to on

the US Adrenal Group in their files section...




> Probably another dozy question but I'm seeking a company that will do

independent short synacthen tests. I've come across Medicare who offer an ACTH

test done locally with no need for a referral. Is this the same as the synacthen

test? Thanks. Best wishes Alison


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No they are different. If they test ACTH it's just to see how much is in the

blood. ACTH stimulates the adrenals to make cortisol.

a scynathen test is where they test your baseline cortisol levels, then give you

an injection of synthetic ACTH (hence the name synACTHen) to see how well your

adrenals respond to the stimulation by seeing how much cortisol they put out.



> Probably another dozy question but I'm seeking a company that will do

independent short synacthen tests. I've come across Medicare who offer an ACTH

test done locally with no need for a referral. Is this the same as the synacthen

test? Thanks. Best wishes Alison


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Hi Jacqui, and thanks for the help. But just to clarify - are you saying that the ACTH test is NOT the same as the short synacthen test? I'm muddled over the language. I looked it up on Wikipaedia and it said they were alternative names for the same test.I should have explained that I've already done the saliva test and this has revealed very low cortisol. Now my GP wants me to do a short synacthen test. So I feel I have to jump thru the hoop for her to show willing. I thought that one way around would be to get it done quickly privately (which I can't really afford). That's why I asked the question. Medilab advertises a ACTH test and GP is asking for a short synacthen test. I'm in the UK btw.Sheila has suggested going to A & E - a good option, I think.Best wishes, Alison>

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Thanks and all, I'm understanding it now.All best, Alison>> No they are different. If they test ACTH it's just to see how much is in the blood. ACTH stimulates the adrenals to make cortisol.

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that's good, here's a bit more info if u need it:


ACTH blood test is just one test, like when they take your TSH - it's like a

picture of what is happening at that exact moment. ACTH reveals at that moment

how much your adrenals are being stimulated to produce cortisol.

the synacthen test is more dynamic and shows how well the adrenals can perform

if given a kick by a pretty hefty dose of ACTH - they take a baseline at 0

minutes, then see how much cortisol is produced at 30 minutes, maybe 60 minutes



hope this helps , sorry if i've laboured the point a bit much



> Thanks and all, I'm understanding it now.All best, Alison

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Hi AlisonNo, they are different. The ACTH test is only valuable once a high or low cortisol has been established, either by an SST, 24hr urine cortisol profile, 8.30am blood test, 24hr steroid and cortisol profile, and there may be others I'm not aware of.The SST will have to be done to establish 's.If I were you, I'd phone all your local cab companies and ask them how much they would charge to get you to your hospital and back and pick the cheapest.Alternatively, arrange for an ambulance to get you there but be aware that they don't normally take you home, so if you are very ill, then you have to ask your GP practice how you should go about booking an ambulance to get you home.I don't understand why you would want to go privately because you will only have to do this test again as the NHS are pernickety about this. I haven't been following your posts but did glance at the last post from 's on your other thread which I thought was valuable advice, esp about the basal ACTH measurement. Link here: thyroid treatment/messages/80574?threaded=1 & m=e & var=1 & tidx=1You may want to arrange a telephone appointment with your GP to find out how long you have to wait for this test and explain that you are feeling worse, and if you get no joy, then do as Sheila says and go to A & E! Don't forget to ask her or A & E to also include the basal ACTH measurement.Keep us posted!LoveJacquie>> Hi Jacqui, and thanks for the help. But just to clarify - are you saying> that the ACTH test is NOT the same as the short synacthen test? I'm> muddled over the language. I looked it up on Wikipaedia and it said they> were alternative names for the same test.> I should have explained that I've already done the saliva test and this> has revealed very low cortisol. Now my GP wants me to do a short> synacthen test. So I feel I have to jump thru the hoop for her to show> willing. I thought that one way around would be to get it done quickly> privately (which I can't really afford). That's why I asked the> question. Medilab advertises a ACTH test and GP is asking for a short> synacthen test. I'm in the UK btw.> Sheila has suggested going to A & E - a good option, I think.> Best wishes, Alison> >>

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But just to clarify - are you saying> that the ACTH test is NOT the same as the short synacthen test? I'm> muddled over the language.> Best wishes, AlisonHi again Alison,

An SST (short synacthen test) is the same as an ACTH stimulation test - which is a 30 minute or hour long procedure . An ACTH test is just a blood test to check the level of ACTH in the blood - which is, btw, what you should ask your doctor to include on the order form for an SST - so you need an "SST plus a basal ACTH measurement" check .

Hope this helps,

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No you haven't laboured it all Chris. It's all new stuff for me so all info v

welcome. Thanks again and have a good day. alison


> hope this helps , sorry if i've laboured the point a bit much


> chris



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