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Re: The effects of Merina coil

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I had a Mirena coil about 12 years ago after my son was born. I broke out in angiomas. I can't say that this is related to the coil but I have heard that there is a relationship between cherry angiomas and progesterone.


From: Dee <clancy7777777@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Thu, 3 February, 2011 14:45:31Subject: The effects of Merina coil

Hi,I am looking for some advice? I have been self medicating with T3 and adrenal supplements for 6 years and have been doing fine, but I really need to find some form of contraception to use, in the past, synthetic hormones have made me really unwell but I am now desperate, can any body please tell me of their experiences of the Merina coil and to what degree it has affected their thyroid.Many thanks in advance.

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Any of those coils or shots are hormones. Only hormone free birth control  I know of is also anIUD (intrauterine device), but is a T-shaped plastic device. We have one here in the US that is made of soft plastic, outpatient insertion, painless and you can remove it on your own anytime.


My $0.02



On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 10:14 AM, MacGilchrist <s.macgilxrist@...> wrote:


I had a Mirena coil about 12 years ago after my son was born.  I broke out in angiomas.  I can't say that this is related to the coil but I have heard that there is a relationship between cherry angiomas and progesterone.


From: Dee <clancy7777777@...>thyroid treatment

Sent: Thu, 3 February, 2011 14:45:31Subject: The effects of Merina coil 

Hi,I am looking for some advice? I have been self medicating with T3 and adrenal supplements for 6 years and have been doing fine, but I really need to find some form of contraception to use, in the past, synthetic hormones have made me really unwell but I am now desperate, can any body please tell me of their experiences of the Merina coil and to what degree it has affected their thyroid.

Many thanks in advance.

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I cannot say how the synthetic progesterone in the Mirena coil might interact

with your thyroid hormones. Dr Lee doesn't like the use of synthetic

hormones as they can block receptors for the natural hormones.


I was fitted with a Mirena coil because of heavy periods. After 3 months of

quite a lot of pain, when I was in half a mind to have it removed, things

settled down and then it seemed fine for the 5 years of its life. The only

thing I noticed was that my moods were " ironed out " . I never felt down, but

then I never felt upbeat either. At the time it was a blessing as heavy

flooding was making my life a misery.


> I am looking for some advice? I have been self medicating with T3 and adrenal

supplements for 6 years and have been doing fine, but I really need to find some

form of contraception to use, in the past, synthetic hormones have made me

really unwell but I am now desperate, can any body please tell me of their

experiences of the Merina coil and to what degree it has affected their thyroid.

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when i went to my doc's for contraception, the nurse was insisting i have the

merina coil, in her words she said she would 'sell' it to me, i had actually

asked about the diaphram as i dont want any more interruptions to my endocrine

system. she banged on and on and i kept saying no. i asked her what she had

used and she said the diaphram!

i now have the diaphram, it took months, literally to organise the fitting etc

but it is easy to use, and hormone free, and very discreet, but i can see why

women find it easier on the pill or the coil, as how long it took my practice to

see me and fit me was a joke, but i honestly don't know why more women don't use


deb xx



> > I am looking for some advice? I have been self medicating with T3 and

adrenal supplements for 6 years and have been doing fine, but I really need to

find some form of contraception to use, in the past, synthetic hormones have

made me really unwell but I am now desperate, can any body please tell me of

their experiences of the Merina coil and to what degree it has affected their



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I have the Merina coil. It has the least amount of hormone of any of the

contraceptives, in comparison to pill, injection, implant. I decided against the

IUD because it can make your periods heavier and at the time I was suffering

very heavy periods.

I really wouldn't know if it affects my thyroid levels or not because at time of

insertion I was very ill, practically house/bed bound and un-diagnosed.

Basically I have never been on thyroid hormones without it, as a comparison.


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Yes, I think the diaphragm is good. I used it for most of my married life.

Supposedly it is " old fashioned " . I think the medical profession likes high

tech solutions.



> i now have the diaphram, it took months, literally to organise the fitting etc

but it is easy to use, and hormone free, and very discreet, but i can see why

women find it easier on the pill or the coil, as how long it took my practice to

see me and fit me was a joke, but i honestly don't know why more women don't use



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The Mirena, once it's in, and assuming it isn't ejected, has those awesome advantages of not having to remember it, and as I have Grave's disease, and take ATD's every time I have relapsed, I'm not always that person with perfect presence of mind. Also I have 3yo an 5yo and work full time, so sex is either carefully planned several days in advance or an opportunity that appears with about 3 minutes of warning!

I love my Mirena. I've had one for almost 3 years now, and I have either VERY light periods or none at all for months at a stretch. I no longer have migraines around my cycles. I used to be laid out flat for a few days from severe cramps and bleeding even when my thyroid levels were 'in range', that's all gone now. I have not gained any weight. I haven't had any urinary tract infections or yeast infections, and most importantly, I don't have to remember to use it!

I do not smoke. That's the biggest barrier against using the Mirena for many women. It's hormonal birth control so being over 35 and a smoker would be a huge risk.

I genuinely think the biggest complaint with the diaphragm as an alternative is that it's simply less effective as birth control and you have to remember. At least that's what both my ob/gyn and my primary doc both said when I was looking at a long term solution. But if you smoke, your options are more limited, and it's a very good choice for nonhormonal birth control.

From my favorite 'reliable source' wikipedia :-)


Contraceptive Technology reports that the method failure rate of the diaphragm with spermicide is 6% per year.[15]

The actual pregnancy rates among diaphragm users vary depending on the population being studied, with yearly rates of 10%[16] to 39%[17] being reported.

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Can this subject please now be continued on the chat forum.   Discussions on contraceptives is now off topic.Lilian

I love my Mirena.  I've had one for almost 3 years now, and I have either VERY light periods or none at all for months at a stretch. I no longer have migraines around my cycles.  I used to be laid out flat for a few days from severe cramps and bleeding even when my thyroid levels were 'in range', that's all gone now.  I have not gained any weight.  I haven't had any urinary tract infections or yeast infections, and most importantly, I don't have to remember to use it!

Ion being studied, with yearly rates of 10%[16] to 39%[17] being reported.



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