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Re: WANTED - Spomebody with graphic designing skills

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HI SHEILA,Would you like me to have a go with the logo again as I still have the large layers on board my computer. Is it the phoenix design.Best wishesFrom KathleenPS- What type of file do you require the logo in. KathleenFrom: SheilaT <sheila@...>thyroid treatment Sent: Monday, 24 January, 2011 7:52:22Subject: WANTED - Spomebody with graphic designing skills

Dear Member I am writing to ask if you have graphic designing skills and if so, would you be happy and willing to help us with the 'sharpening up' of our present TPA logo please? Our present logo was designed at 72 dpi and then blown up, which makes the image look fuzzy on the web site, the forum and on our stationery. We ideally need a logo of a decent size, say 3 inches square minimum 300 dpi so when it is reduced for printing and for placing on the websites, it will be very sharp and clear. Please will you contact me if you feel you are able to help. Many thanks Sheila


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Hi Sheila…I have a program specifically designed for Logo Design and may be able to help you in thisFrom: SheilaT <sheila@...>Reply- <thyroid treatment >Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 07:52:22 -0000 <thyroid treatment >Subject: WANTED - Spomebody with graphic designing skills

Dear Member I am writing to ask if you have graphic designing skills and if so, would you be happy and willing to help us with the 'sharpening up' of our present TPA logo please? Our present logo was designed at 72 dpi and then blown up, which makes the image look fuzzy on the web site, the forum and on our stationery. We ideally need a logo of a decent size, say 3 inches square minimum 300 dpi so when it is reduced for printing and for placing on the websites, it will be very sharp and clear. Please will you contact me if you feel you are able to help. Many thanks Sheilawww.tpa-uk.org.uk

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Dear Sheila,

Hello - I used to be a graphic designer, before illness struck.

I am unable to help right now as I am too ill - (bedridden and housebound most

of the time). If you are able to wait until I'm better and if nobody else can

help, please keep a note of this email, and I'd be happy to 'fix' the logo.

I'm hoping to have an appointment with Dr Peatfield soon and I would just like

to thank you for the TPA website which has been a fantastic help to me.


Alison Meadows

SheilaT [sheila@...] wrote:


> Dear Member




> I am writing to ask if you have graphic designing skills and if so,

> would you be happy and willing to help us with the 'sharpening up' of

> our present TPA logo please?




> Our present logo was designed at 72 dpi and then blown up, which makes

> the image look fuzzy on the web site, the forum and on our stationery.

> We ideally need a logo of a decent size, say 3 inches square minimum 300

> dpi so when it is reduced for printing and for placing on the websites,

> it will be very sharp and clear.




> Please will you contact me if you feel you are able to help.




> Many thanks




> Sheila


> www.tpa-uk.org.uk <http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk>




Alison Meadows

11 Place



GL52 2ET


Mobile: 07970 719 264

Email: alimeadows@...


Wippies-vallankumous on täällä! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa

ja liity Wippiesiin heti!


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Hi Sheila

From the correspondance yesterday I saw that somebody actually had

all the original material at hand. Untill I hear further, I will not

proceed. No need to reinvent the deep plate....

Else please feel free to contact me again


Den 24/01/11 8.52, SheilaT skrev:



I am

writing to ask if you have graphic designing skills and

if so, would you be happy and willing to help us with

the 'sharpening up' of our present TPA logo please?


present logo was designed at 72 dpi and then blown up, which

makes the image look fuzzy on the web site, the forum

and on our stationery. We ideally need a logo of a

decent size, say 3 inches square minimum 300 dpi so when it

is reduced for printing and for placing on the websites,

it will be very sharp and clear.


will you contact me if you feel you are able to help.





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