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Re: Help With Finding a Dr

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Can't find Dr D in Oxfordshire - Dr D in Birmingham I would

avoid if possible - there are others out there who actually care about how they

treat their patients and who have respect for them - this doctor does not. Dr S

in Birmingham, highly recommend but you would need a GP referral to see him. Dr

M in London (you will have to write to me privately to tell me which Dr M this

is [sheila@...] Let me know the doctors name in Oxfordshire too. Can't

understand why I am missing it LOL!

Luv - Sheila

I've had enough of trying to sort this out myself and I'm

now looking for a Dr. I've had a look at the list and whittled it down to four

possible ones. I know we're not supposed to mention Drs names, so I wondered if

I just use initials as clues can people e-mail me privately if they think

they've seen one of these?

My list is: Dr D. in Oxfordshire, (a different) Dr. D. in Birmingham, Dr. S. in

Birmingham and Dr. M. in London. All are private except for the Dr. D. in



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I know of a Dr D in birmingham - this may be a different Dr D to yours, but this

one was not nice, did not like me asking questions, was not clued up on things,

and didn't comment on my urine having blood and protein in it (the nurse tested

it and found these, the dr made no comment on it). Mind you've i've seen

another Dr that I found very good, but I have heard two seperate reports of him

not being so good to others. But also had 2 other reports of him being very

good. Perhaps these drs have bad days.

but if it's who i'm thinking of, you'd be better off looking elsewhere, others

opinions may vary. some doctors are sexist too i think, and seem to give more

value to male patients, others to female patients.

what are you trying to sort out? ok i know it's a thyroid forum but is it just

thyroid issues or other stuff?



> My list is: Dr D. in Oxfordshire, (a different) Dr. D. in Birmingham, Dr. S.

in Birmingham and Dr. M. in London. All are private except for the Dr. D. in



> Thanks again,

> Louise.


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> what are you trying to sort out? ok i know it's a thyroid forum but is it

just thyroid issues or other stuff?


> chris

Thanks for the info Chris. I think some Drs are sexist too, I've seen a few


I've been going downhill ever since they reformulated Armour and I really need

to get someone to help me balance the T4 & T3. Also I would like to come off the

HC at some point. At the moment I have to have private blood tests done through

the post and I'd rather have someone I can go and see who will do all that for

me too. The only blood test my NHS GP will do is ferritin.


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have you tried emailing this dr to see if he sounds helpful? i think you can

sometimes get a feel of what they're like will they support use of HC etc? mind

you some will say anything just to get you through the door then wwhen you see

them, they are different.

i would take someone with you too just in case. for some consultations, i wished

i had took someone in with me, some doctors will take advantage of someone's

illneess and resulting weakness by being very rude, that's what i've found


did you try any cellulose digesting enzymes with armour? i just wondre if the

new armour has too much cellulose in it, can u get round that by taking ennzymes

with it? u can get specific enzymes that digest cellulose....

have you tried looking on the spire or bmihealth websites to see who their

consultants are, maybe you'll find someone there? or is there anyone else

private i wonder who can help



> > what are you trying to sort out? ok i know it's a thyroid forum but is it

just thyroid issues or other stuff?

> >

> > chris


> Thanks for the info Chris. I think some Drs are sexist too, I've seen a few


> I've been going downhill ever since they reformulated Armour and I really

need to get someone to help me balance the T4 & T3. Also I would like to come

off the HC at some point. At the moment I have to have private blood tests done

through the post and I'd rather have someone I can go and see who will do all

that for me too. The only blood test my NHS GP will do is ferritin.


> Louise.


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i've been impressed with this dr's books and work, but not sure if he's still

consulting or how much he costs or if he could help. i believe he's in london

> > Thanks for the info Chris. I think some Drs are sexist too, I've seen a few


> > I've been going downhill ever since they reformulated Armour and I really

need to get someone to help me balance the T4 & T3. Also I would like to come

off the HC at some point. At the moment I have to have private blood tests done

through the post and I'd rather have someone I can go and see who will do all

that for me too. The only blood test my NHS GP will do is ferritin.

> >

> > Louise.

> >


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" And

while there are risks to treating, what I think is sometimes forgotten is that

there are risks associated with NOT treating too. Because if someone has

genuine hypothyroidism (even if blood tests are normal), then not treating can

consign them to a life of fatigue, low mood, depression and weight gain about

which they often can do very little. Make no bones about it: undiagnosed and

untreated hypothyroidism can have a devastating effect on health and quality of



still, individuals with a genuine problem can end up being persuaded that, in

the light of normal test results, their issues are all in their mind or perhaps

simply due to ‘depression’. The suggestion appears to be that the

tests can’t be wrong and that the doctors who treat such individuals must

be. Are we to believe that individuals whose symptoms strongly point to low

thyroid function improve out of sight on thyroid hormone therapy can only be

exhibiting some glorified placebo response? Or perhaps their recovery was just

a figment of their imagination. Or their doctor’s. Silly people. "

i've been impressed with this dr's books and work, but not sure if he's still

consulting or how much he costs or if he could help. i believe he's in london


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> http://www.drbriffa.com/2009/03/28/are-conventional-thyroid-function-tests-a

> s-reliable-were-led-to-believe/


Hello all...

I've been reading Dr Briffa's books and articles and following his suggestions

for nearly 10 years. Some of the members of the Bristol TPA Local Support Group

have pootled through his website and purchased his Waist Disposal book. In

fact, it was a questionnaire in one of his earlier books that indicated it was

fairly obvious I was hypothyroid. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of the TPA at

the time and when the TSH test came back and I was told I was " Normal " I didn't

have the knowledge to argue my case. I was offered anti-depressants instead -

nothing new there...

I ended up having an email conversation with him last year. Initially I

contacted him as his website had been redesigned and a particular article I

wanted to send to somebody else wasn't fully accessible and we ended up talking

about Hypothyroidism. I told him that I had got all the information to help

myself from the TPA and that if it wasn't for Sheila and the TPA forum I, and a

lot of other people, would probably be in a wheelchair. He thanked me for the

link as he wasn't aware of the TPA at that point.

He also has some interesting things to say about Vitamin D and his articles

about the statins and saturated fat will make you smile.



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Thanks I've crossed one off the list now, I've narrowed it down to three

so I just have to pick one of those and take the plunge. I'm on HC so I'm just a

bit worried about whether or not they'll be sympathetic where adrenals are


I already take supplements to get my stomach acid up as I had a test for that,

that showed mine was low and I have iron problems. I gave up on " new " Armour a

while ago now. I'm currently on a combination of Westhroid and Erfa with a bit

of T4.


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has anyone seen any of the other 3 you mention?

if you were thinkingof who i think you were, he didn't even look at my adrenal

saliva tests, didn't comment on them being 50% lower 18 months apart etc, he was

very dismissive, very rude. none of the 3 endos i saw were keen on

physiological dose HC. that said, he may be ok in your case but i would speak

to people offlist and find out exactly if he's the same person and if they found

him helpful.

what are yuou looking for them to do for you exactly?

i would contact them first to see if they think they could help and if they'd

support use of NDT etc.

i doubt very much they'll be sympathetic to adrenals, unless you've failed a

synacthen test. just my experience.

this place sounds ok tho harley st prices, i'm sure:







> Thanks I've crossed one off the list now, I've narrowed it down to

three so I just have to pick one of those and take the plunge. I'm on HC so I'm

just a bit worried about whether or not they'll be sympathetic where adrenals

are concerned.


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I'm thinking of seeing Dr. S. in Birmingham, has anyone here seen him?

I actually had high cortisol when I had an NHS synacthen test. The saliva test I

had done showed it was higher than normal in the morning but after I'd taken my

thyroid meds (I was still on T4 with a tiny amout of T3 at the time) it went

down dramatically. However, my DHEA went up as the cortisol went down. This

appeared to be in response to taking the meds.



> has anyone seen any of the other 3 you mention?


> if you were thinkingof who i think you were, he didn't even look at my adrenal

saliva tests, didn't comment on them being 50% lower 18 months apart etc, he was

very dismissive, very rude. none of the 3 endos i saw were keen on

physiological dose HC. that said, he may be ok in your case but i would speak

to people offlist and find out exactly if he's the same person and if they found

him helpful.


> what are yuou looking for them to do for you exactly?


> i would contact them first to see if they think they could help and if they'd

support use of NDT etc.


> i doubt very much they'll be sympathetic to adrenals, unless you've failed a

synacthen test. just my experience.


> this place sounds ok tho harley st prices, i'm sure:


> http://www.wimpoleskincare.com/treatments/bio-identical-hormones.html


> chris

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I should have mentioned; Dr. D. in Birmingham is the one I've crossed off the


I was hoping I could find someone to balance the T4 and T3 and hopefully I would

be able to come off the HC. It's something I don't really want to do on my own

anymore, and I can't get a lot (most) of the tests I need done by my GP.


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Just bumping this. Has anyone seen Dr.S. in Birmingham and if they have can they

e-mail me privately please?




> I'm thinking of seeing Dr. S. in Birmingham, has anyone here seen him?


> I actually had high cortisol when I had an NHS synacthen test. The saliva test

I had done showed it was higher than normal in the morning but after I'd taken

my thyroid meds (I was still on T4 with a tiny amout of T3 at the time) it went

down dramatically. However, my DHEA went up as the cortisol went down. This

appeared to be in response to taking the meds.


> Louise.

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I guess you mean Dr Skinner as I can't see anybody else. Dr

Skinner is one of the medical advisors to this forum so therefore we can

mention his name. If it is not Dr Skinner, then please write to me privately

telling me who you are thinking about.

Luv - Sheila

Just bumping this. Has anyone seen Dr.S. in

Birmingham and if they have can they e-mail me privately please?




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Yes, it's Dr. Skinner. I just wasn't sure if I should put his full name ;0)



> I guess you mean Dr Skinner as I can't see anybody else. Dr Skinner is one

> of the medical advisors to this forum so therefore we can mention his name.

> If it is not Dr Skinner, then please write to me privately telling me who

> you are thinking about.


> Luv - Sheila

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