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Have to see an EndoPrat

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I haven't posted in a long time because I think I have gone as far as I can with

my thyroid/adrenal regime. I have tested positive for XMRV the new Retrovirus

which the powers that be are doing their utmost to deny is a cause of ME/CFS

from which people don't recover. I have antibodies to it so it cannot be

contamination which is what they are trying to say.

Since December I have had a very bad time with a severe sore throat which just

won't go away. Have had to have lots of antibiotics but I am now treating it

with Propolis, Andrographis, Echinacea and an Immune tincutre. Fingers crossed

it seems to be improving a fair bit. Still looks quite inflammed with some

yellow ulcers but not so painful and I am not feeling so unwell as previous.

My new useless GP insists that I have to see an Endo because I am on 5mg

Prednisolone daily plus 5mg hydrocortisone.

He believes I probably have Sheehan's Syndrome because of my history of severe

blood loss immediately after birth so he is ok with me taking them and insists

the Endo won't make me stop them especially as I have been taking steroids for

over 8 years now. I did stop them 5 years ago but had 2 adrenal crises which I

wouldn't want to repeat (uncontrollable vomitting and diahorea until I passed

out and couldn't get off the floor until some h/c).

The problem is I take 1 grain ERFA, 25 mcg plain T3 and 25 mcg thyroxine. This

is beyond my GP's comprehension. He doesn't understand why I just cannot take

thyroxine. I explained it makes me very toxic if I take more than 25 mcg.

He is basically passing me on to an Endo even though I don't want to go. I buy

the ERFA myself and the T3.

Can anyone let me know what I am likely to experience when I tell an Endo what

my regime is? I really don't want to get into a fight but am aware of how

limited their understanding usually is.

I also take 1/2 0.5mcg fludrocortisone which I get from my GP. This together

with low dose betablocker has got rid of severe Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia

Syndrome which is great.

Thank you for any advice as to how I should deal with an Endo who I don't want

to see but whom my GP insists I go to see.


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