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Re: Feeling really low

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Dear Shell - please read the article here " Fromm Air Hunger

to Death " by Dr Lowe http://www.drlowe.com/jcl/comentry/breathingproblems.htm

- could this be you? Please go to our FILES section accessible from the home

page of this forum thyroid treatment

and on the Page that opens, scroll down to the FOLDER entitled 'Medical

Questionnaires' and answer the questions in all three and let us know how you


Ask your GP to check your levels of ferritin, vitamin B12,

vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc because if any of these levels

are low in the reference range, no amount of thyroid hormone is able to be

fully utilised at the cellular level. If your GP tells you there is no

association between low levels of these minerals and vitamins and thyroid

disease, then show him the following. Ask to be referred to an endocrinologist

if she is unable to test these:

Low iron/ferritin: Iron deficiency is shown to

significantly reduce T4 to T3 conversion, increase reverse T3 levels, and block

the thermogenic (metabolism boosting) properties of thyroid hormone (1-4).

Thus, iron deficiency, as indicated by an iron saturation below 25 or a

ferritin below 70, will result in diminished intracellular T3 levels.

Additionally, T4 should not be considered adequate thyroid replacement if iron deficiency

is present (1-4)).


Dillman E, Gale C, Green W, et al.

Hypothermia in iron deficiency due to altered triiodithyroidine metabolism.

Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 1980;239(5):377-R381.


SM, PE, Lukaski HC. In vitro

hepatic thyroid hormone deiodination in iron-deficient rats: effect of dietary

fat. Life Sci 1993;53(8):603-9.


Zimmermann MB, Köhrle J. The Impact of

Iron and Selenium Deficiencies on Iodine and Thyroid Metabolism: Biochemistry

and Relevance to Public Health. Thyroid 2002;12(10): 867-78.


Beard J, tobin B, Green W. Evidence for

Thyroid Hormone Deficiency in Iron-Deficient Anemic Rats. J. Nutr.


Low vitamin B12: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18655403

Low vitamin D3: http://www.eje-online.org/cgi/content/abstract/113/3/329

and http://www.goodhormonehealth.com/VitaminD.pdf

Low magnesium: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC292768/pdf/jcinvest00264-0105.pdf

Low folate: http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/47/9/1738

and http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/thy.1999.9.1163

Low  copper/zinc:http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/ffdbiyo/current4/07%20Iham%20AM%C4%B0R.pdf

and http://articles.webraydian.com/article1648-Role_of_Zinc_and_Copper_in_Effective_Thyroid_Function.html

Ferritin levels for women need to be between 70 and 90 (for men

around between 150 and 170)

Vitamin B12 needs to be at the top of the range.

D3 levels need to be about 50.

Magnesium levels need to be at the top of the range, it's one

thing that gets missed a great deal. Your potassium and mag need to be at the


Luv - Sheila

I wrote recently to say that I have started Armour just over a week ago. I have

been very bad with my breathing: last week waking in the night choking and

needing to walk in garden to get air in lungs then it eased for a few days then

woke in the night not able to catch my breath and took 8 puffs of inhaler in

under an hour and a half but managed to get off to sleep. next day spoke to GP

and she was concerned that I would end up in hospital cos I was so wheezy even

sat in car doing nothing so she prescribed Predisinol and antibiotics. i am

usually reluctant to take even the antibiotics but knew that i was poorly and

not able to self medicate with my breathing problems so got stuck in - what a

difference I slept for the first night like a baby and no wheezing. i am

gradually paying the price for this - nothing is for free in this life!! I have

been stripped of nearly all of my energy and am so ratty and short tempered and

got a 'couldn't care less attitude!' All not very good with 3 youngish kids

(9-14) and the Easter hols. I also have some acidopholus (good bacteria stuff)

and I know that my Armour (currently lon1 grain for another 3 weeks) will be

increased - but it is oh such a slow process.


1 of 1 File(s)


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> what were you taking before armour? perhaps it doesn't agree with you?


> chris


Hi Chris

I was taking Levo.

I am really hoping that it I am just at a low eb because of the chest infection

and because i was without meds for over a week before starting Arnmour and only

on a low dose, gradually building it up. I have looked briefly at the files

that Sheila suggested but havent actually done the different questionaires yet -

I already take NAX, iodine, eskimo high strength fish oils and nutri female and

think i will rebook to see my kineisiologist to see what she suggests too.

If no better soon, I will go back and see GP


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Hi Shell,

I hope you're feeling a little bit better today. Sounds like you're in the wars

at the moment.

I'm no doctor - but it sounds to me like the antibiotics are helping with the

chest infection and probably that it's the low dose of thyroid medication to

start with that's taking its time to do its work? Being ratty, weepy and without

energy sounds like thyroid symptoms to me.

I agree with you, though - if you're no better, go to the doctor! And stay there

until they come up with some answers!

I know this isn't breakthrough advice that I'm giving you here - but just wanted

to send you a word and a big hug. Hope you start to improve soon.

Del Cardiff.


> Hi


> I wrote recently to say that I have started Armour just over a week ago. I

have been very bad with my breathing: I have been stripped of nearly all of my

energy and am so ratty and short tempered and got a 'couldn't care less


> Just after a little support really coz when I am not ratty, I just want to sit

down and cry - i even sat down on the wall whilst waiting for the traffic lights

to change!


> Love Shell

> x


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