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Re: Thyroid/low blood sugar symptoms

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Sounds like when you get your adrenal profile test results, it

will show you have low adrenal reserve and will need to supplement this

problem. Wait and see!

Luv - Sheila

I am currently awaiting all the bloods you

suggested and will be doing the adrenal saliva test tomorrow. I wonder if any

one has any advice on the following. Went shopping with my husband today,

nothing strenuous just a walkabout for an hour, at about 12pm only 2hrs after

eating I got all the symptoms of low blood sugar very weak shakey blurred

vision etc. but my blood sugar read 5.0 (husband is diabetic so have the kit).

Feeling stayed with me until I ate my lunch. I have tried different breakfasts

and eating mid morning but this is still happening. Any help would be most


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hi Debbie

what did you eat at 12pm? What was your breakfast? Do you smoke or drink much

tea/coffee? (both affect glycemic control)

because your blood sugar was 5 but you felt bad, that could be your body sensed

falling blood sugar levels and kicked in with adrenaline to raise blood sugar-by

the time you checked, your BS was normal. i have read that it's not the drop it

self but rather the speed of the drop which panics the body into thinking it's

an emergency and releasing adrenaline. sorry, can't remember where i read that,

but google it. this may help explain it


i have read that true hypoglycemia in non diabetics is very rare, but i maybe

what people mean when they talk about hypoglycemia is this rapid drop in blood

sugar then the body overcompensating

i have this problem too.

what i've found to work for breakfast is lots of protein, moderate carbs,

however much fat you want. eg, a bacon and sausage sandwich on toast with one

or more eggs, try that and see how long that keeps you going! also, i found

digestive enzymes seem to help my hypoglycemia a bit too but it's early days

with them, also maybe hydrochloric acid?

if i ate a 'healthy' breakfast of cereals or toast or juice, i'd be on my

knees in an hour or two.

this link might help you, it's the site of barry groves


" Twenty-two grams of protein seemed to be the minimum for a breakfast to be

effective. This kept blood glucose levels up for the three hours. **Fifty-five

grams of protein was required to keep the levels high for six hours.** To put

these figures in perspective, an egg contains between 6 and 7 grams of protein;

an average rasher of bacon is about the same. Two eggs and two rashers of bacon,

therefore, give you more than your 22-gram requirement. The best breakfasts of

all were those that also included fat and a little carbohydrate. This was true

of all meals. "

Try reducing coffee or tea (or cigs, if you smoke) and see how this affects you.

i have found i need some carbs, like 2 pieces of toast with lots of protein and


barry groves writes about the diabetes diet etc, his opinions contradict

standard medical advice of more carbs etc

vitamin k deficiency is linked to hypoglycemia too - this vitamin is necessary

to convert carbohydrates into glucose

biotin is important too:

http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RaNh0pp4tAIC & pg=PA27 & lpg=PA27 & dq=vitamin+k+hy\

poglycemia & source=bl & ots=ocYJEK-afo & sig=6kFjYaDNTQtuRlv8a-aDaF_l2S4 & hl=en & ei=Lql\

qTc3YF42XhQeQw72fDw & sa=X & oi=book_result & ct=result & resnum=2 & ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ#v=one\

page & q & f=false

please advise what you've tried diet wise etc? not medically qualified but

interested in what you've tried



> I am currently awaiting all the bloods you suggested and will be doing the

adrenal saliva test tomorrow. I wonder if any one has any advice on the

following. Went shopping with my husband today, nothing strenuous just a

walkabout for an hour, at about 12pm only 2hrs after eating I got all the

symptoms of low blood sugar very weak shakey blurred vision etc. but my blood

sugar read 5.0 (husband is diabetic so have the kit). Feeling stayed with me

until I ate my lunch. I have tried different breakfasts and eating mid morning

but this is still happening. Any help would be most appreciated


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There is also " Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: Complete Guide to Achieving

Normal Blood Sugars " by K Bernstein.


> this link might help you, it's the site of barry groves

> http://www.second-opinions.co.uk/breakfast-the-most-important-meal.html

> barry groves writes about the diabetes diet etc, his opinions contradict

standard medical advice of more carbs etc

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Hi Debbie

I'm not sure if you meant to but your reply came to just me, i think you might

have clicked to reply to sender only? I am posting your message here in case

people have some input on it



This forum is so useful and supportive, than you for your time. I only read

your message after my breakfast and so was very interesting.

Yesterday morning I had a toasted teacake. at lunch time i had 2 slices brown

bread with ham and beeg and about 8 chips

At 5pm as i was doing a few jobs I remarked on how well I was feeling. Just half

an hour later I began to feel " off " and tested my bs at 4.0 just to make sure

the strip wasnt faulty I tested again 4.1. 20 mins later I tested again 5.0 .

So what you are saying is very true for me. Hubby was making my tea so didnt

eat until 6.30. Beef wellington, courgettes, carrots and potato.

I have tried eating " healthy " and last thursday ended up on my knees at the


This morning I decided to do brown bread and protein. 2 rashers of bacon, baked

beans. I think I left it a bit late 8.30 1 hr after rising as I feel a bit

jittery now. I Haven't had any alcohol since last July, have never smoked and

drink decaff tea (do you think decaff ok ?)

I have tried chronium but got diahorea (maybe a coincidence.)

My alt levels rose slowly from 50 -120 from November to January (My doc sent me

to a specialist) but are back down to 50 Liver doc says that is not what is

making me feel ill but that what is making me feel ill is affecting my liver. I

have had ultrasounds and ct all clear. Sorry for rambling and again thank you

for your time and support

Luv Debbie

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how are you doing today on more protein?

your diet doesn't sound like it's got enough protein in, you could have cheese

on toast for breakfast or sardines on toast, or eggs, etc, remember what barry

groves said about needing more protein to keep blood sugar stable. balance

carbs with protein.

>Yesterday morning I had a toasted teacake. at lunch time i had 2 slices brown

bread with ham and beeg and about 8 chips

is that beer or beef?

>At 5pm as i was doing a few jobs I remarked on how well I was feeling. Just

half an hour later I began to feel " off " and tested my bs at 4.0 just to make

sure the strip wasnt faulty I tested again 4.1. 20 mins later I tested again

5.0 . So what you are saying is very true for me. Hubby was making my tea so

didnt eat until 6.30. Beef wellington, courgettes, carrots and potato.

potato can be a hypoglycemic food? there's pastry on the beef wellington isn't

there, if you skip the potatoes and maybe have just the pastry or a bit of sweet

potato? some people say that hypoglycemia is caused by food intolerances?

there's a good book - the insulin resistance diet, which advocates eating every

couple of hours or so having 30 grams carbs with at least 15g of protein. I

think for me, it's eitehr a case of doing that or eating more protein with


>This morning I decided to do brown bread and protein. 2 rashers of bacon, baked


maybe too many carbs (bread, beans) without enough protein - only 2 rashers of

bacon (ok some in beans too but...). how about adding an egg or two and an

extra rasher or two and losing some of the carbs? have you tried experimenting

with what works? eg, 30g of carbs, 30g protein or different ratios?

>My alt levels rose slowly from 50 -120 from November to January (My doc sent me

to a specialist) but are back down to 50 Liver doc says that is not what is

making me feel ill but that what is making me feel ill is affecting my liver. I

have had ultrasounds and ct all clear. Sorry for rambling and again thank you

for your time and support

how are your kidneys,are they ok? i gatehr too much protein isn't good if

you've got kidney problems. check out dr sandra cabot's website, she's a liver

specialist and says liver problems cause hypoglcyemia etc etc. she advocates a

purer diet though, vegetables, juice etc to cleanse the liver along with milk

thistle. i am not medically qualified so take my comments with a big pinch of

sea salt and be sure to get medical advice! if you are sure there are no major

liver problems (and a specialist has confirmed this) i'd look at the liver

cleansing option



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Hi Thanks Chris

Had a better day today thanks, I even managed to drive. Ate more protein for

lunch and nuts as a snack. Glad for your suggestions. It is hard to eat a

protein breakfast but if it makes me feel better I will continue. Onwards and

upwards xx

Debbie x


> how are you doing today on more protein?


> your diet doesn't sound like it's got enough protein in, you could have cheese

on toast for breakfast or sardines on toast, or eggs, etc, remember what barry

groves said about needing more protein to keep blood sugar stable. balance

carbs with protein.


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ok let us know how you get on.

did you read the liver dr stuff?

someone sent me this about gluten sensitivity, thought it might interest you.

" In forty percent of people with gluten sensitivity, elevated liver enzymes are

found during routine blood testing. In addition, all of these individuals

respond to a gluten-free diet with normalization of liver enzymes within weeks

to months. These findings have been repeatedly verified. It is therefore

strongly recommended that all individuals with elevated liver enzymes be

evaluated for gluten sensitivity. "

Dr Vikki sen

Founder of HealthNOW Medical Center

co-author of The Gluten Effect

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I thought gluten sensitivity was just intestinal and ruled it out, obviously I

was wrong. Think I,ve missed the liver dr stuff somehow though xx


> ok let us know how you get on.


> did you read the liver dr stuff?


> someone sent me this about gluten sensitivity, thought it might interest you.


> " In forty percent of people with gluten sensitivity, elevated liver enzymes

are found during routine blood testing. In addition, all of these individuals

respond to a gluten-free diet with normalization of liver enzymes within weeks

to months. These findings have been repeatedly verified. It is therefore

strongly recommended that all individuals with elevated liver enzymes be

evaluated for gluten sensitivity. "

> Dr Vikki sen

> Founder of HealthNOW Medical Center

> co-author of The Gluten Effect


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Guest guest

If you have problems with low blood sugar it is a good idea to eat 3 meals and 2

snacks per day - of low carb foods. As says, it is good to eat little and

often. As time goes on, and your blood sugar levels stop swinging up and down

so drastically, you'll find you can go comfortably for much longer between


If you have kidney disease, then you shouldn't eat a great deal of protein.

However, eating large amounts of protein does not cause kidney disease, so no

need to worry on that score.

Eating carbohydrate foods can cause a fatty liver, as well as raising

triglyceride levels. Also bad bugs in the digestive tract thrive on

carbohydrate foods. They produce toxins, which the liver has to try and deal

with. So, all in all, for good liver health, it is best to reduce carbohydrate

foods, particularly sugars and grains.


Juicing is not a good idea as pure juice is too concentrated and tends to

provoke blood sugar spikes and dips. If you must have juice, only juice low

carb vegetables, and drink the juice diluted with plenty of water.



> there's a good book - the insulin resistance diet, which advocates eating

every couple of hours or so having 30 grams carbs with at least 15g of protein.

I think for me, it's either a case of doing that or eating more protein with


> how are your kidneys,are they ok? i gather too much protein isn't good if

you've got kidney problems.

> check out dr sandra cabot's website, she's a liver specialist and says liver

problems cause hypoglcyemia etc etc. she advocates a purer diet though,

vegetables, juice etc to cleanse the liver along with milk thistle.

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I am focusing on cutting down my carbs and upping proteins. I have been eating

nuts as a snack inbetween. My kidneys are ok. Due to have another liver test

in a few weeks but my last one was right down alt50 The doc seems to think I

have had a virus but I'm not sure. I tested my blood pressure a few times last

week averaging about 100/70 and pulse sometimes as low as 67bpm now my pulse is

up to about 90bpm leaving me with a nervous feeling.. Should get my thyroid

blood tests soon and maybe some answers. Thankyou again ladies xxx Debbie


> If you have problems with low blood sugar it is a good idea to eat 3 meals and

2 snacks per day - of low carb foods. As says, it is good to eat little

and often. As time goes on, and your blood sugar levels stop swinging up and

down so drastically, you'll find you can go comfortably for much longer between




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