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Dear Member

Just to let you know that the Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy talk/seminar has finally been scheduled for Saturday 19th February at 10 Harley Street from 14.00 to 17.00pm.

I understand that Dr Theodora Mantzourani has already emailed directly the members who expressed an interest in attending, and if you would like to attend too, please will you contact her through the following link, where you can read more information about this seminar.

http://www. drtheodoramantzourani.com/6. htmlI am sure this will be a very educational, as well as an enjoyable event.

Many thanks


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I am interested, but wouldn't have the energy to travel to London unfortunately. I hope there will be some way to fill in those of us who weren't able to get there.Thanks,MiriamFrom: SheilaT <sheila@...>Subject: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPYthyroid treatment Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 1:56 PM

Dear Member

Just to let you know that the Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy talk/seminar has finally been scheduled for Saturday 19th February at 10 Harley Street from 14.00 to 17.00pm. I understand that Dr Theodora Mantzourani has already emailed directly the members who expressed an interest in attending, and if you would like to attend too, please will you contact her through the following link, where you can read more information about this seminar.

http://www. drtheodoramantzourani.com/6. htmlI am sure this will be a very educational, as well as an enjoyable event. Many thanks Sheila

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Hi KatheenMy understanding is that BHRP can be of benefit to any woman in peri or post menopause as you are replacoing the hormones that are depleted or have disappeared completely. This includes sex hormones/thyroid/adrenals etc.Suzanne Somers, the 62 year old American actress is an advocate and spokesperson for the benefits of BHRP. She started menoause at 50 and has been on a cocktail of bio-identicals and supplements for over 10 years.Google her online and on youtube. She certainly is a good poster girl for them. Her husband is on them too!Sent using BlackBerry® from OrangeFrom: "bty94627179" <kranger1@...>Sender: thyroid treatment Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 15:49:59 -0000<thyroid treatment >Reply thyroid treatment Subject: Re: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY HI SHEILACould this be of benefit to me as I am 66, but have never been on HRT.Is it more relevent to women going into the menopause.Kathleen

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I would have gone to this, as I live just outside London, and would have gladly

shared info with others. Unfortunately it is the first weekend of half term and

we will be away, so no chance of my going :( I hope she does another date!

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It looks like it would be interesting to go this seminar, but I presume as

thyroxine is not helping me that it could be replaced by BHRP, but is it

available in UK on NHS. Having also had breast cancer I would have to look into

that too. I wonder if Chelsea and Westminster have knowledge of this as well.

could it replace Armour Thyroid as well, but I would not want to be made into a

sex fiend as I have already told my CPN, as men are OUT OUT AND OUT NEVER AGAIN.



> Hi Katheen


> My understanding is that BHRP can be of benefit to any woman in peri or post

menopause as you are replacoing the hormones that are depleted or have

disappeared completely. This includes sex hormones/thyroid/adrenals etc.

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