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Thanks so much , I have passed on your story and

photograph to the journalist together with your email address so he might get back

to you direct. let me know if he does.

Luv - Sheila

[Attachment(s) from carrie baker

included below]

Since then - September 2010 I have been to the doctors

once, firstly, I don't get ill anymore like I was, my immune system is back

up to normal, I have had 1sick day off work since then. I've got most

of my energy back and can socialise and be nearer my normal bouncy self. I am

finally able to be a normal fiancee for my other half that had to look after

me when i didn't have the energy to go to work or do anything other than


I can make it into work now rather and when I'm there I

can work without becoming so exhasuted from concentrating that I have to

leave early .

I've still got a bit of a way to go but i'm getting

there because of the help and advice of TPA and Dr P.

On an extra note - whilst I haven't informed my GP of all

Doctor Peatfields work with me for fear of their reaction (I've seen other

TPA members experiences with threats of being struck off), when I showed my

GP the results from my adrenal stress profile they said they would keep them

on file and there was nothing these would help them do, they only treat

overactive adrenals.

love xx

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Guest guest

- Barbour, the journalist, has been trying to

contact you but tells me he still can't raise you. He wants to use your story

in The Mail on Sunday, so please can you contact him as a matter of great

urgency. He wants to put this story to bed, and can't do so until you contact

him. His phone number is  0117 3737 851 (Mobile 07759 547 051 and his email

address is  [matthew.barbour@...]

Will  you let me know as soon as you have contacted him please.

Luv - Sheila

From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of carrie


Sent: 10 May 2011 15:21

thyroid treatment



[Attachment(s) from carrie baker

included below]

Hi Sheila,

My story probably isn't the most compelling and in all

honesty I'm not even sure what i'm taking but I'm on loads since meeting

with Doctor P and he's been amazing!!!

For 16months after being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism I

had my dosage increased, got told I was normal and sent to an endo who just

doubled my dose and suggested I go to a sleep clinic. I was also

pointed towards chronic fatigue.

For that entire time I like most people in these cases

became more withdrawn, or some days simply couldn't go to work or move from

the sofa, purely for being too tired. I lost my social life as I would

be asleep by 8/8:30pm and sleep for over 12hours and my relationship with my

boyfriend deteriorated as I didn't have the energy to do anything. It was

soul destroying to not be able to hold a conversation without sounding

slurred because I was so tired, having to write down everything because of my

memory being so bad and having to explain to people why I couldn't go and see

anyone or do anything because if I did I'd fall asleep wherever I went or

have to leave early or be too exhausted to get involved, it wasn't the desire

that wasn't present it was my energy levels. If I did force myself to go out

or do somethingto try and feel normal I paid for it the next week by being

worse than before.

Not only that but I was going to the doctors every month

with an illness, a simple cold or cough would develop to a chest

infection. Urine infections, asthma as well as other repeated problems,

I've never been to the doctors that much in my life.

The doctors ran loads of blood tests even when

they had diagonsed me with hypothyroidism but both GP and Endo

would do nothing more than increase my dose or sugegst sleep disorders (To

someone that sleeps 13hours a day!) or CFC.

I went to doctor Peatfield and afetr a few simple tests

and a adrenal stress profile test said because of my Thyroid I have depleted

adrenal reserves and so my body wasn't absorbing the thyroxine from my

levothyroxine. He put me on Nutri Adrenal Extract and Nutri Thyroid for an

initial 6weeks to then monitor and repeat as needed, staying in contact with

diaries, calls and visits IF necessary. I'm still taking this but tryin

gto reduce the adrenal extra a little.

Since then - September 2010 I have been to the doctors

once, firstly, I don't get ill anymore like I was, my immune system is back

up to normal, I have had 1sick day off work since then. I've got most

of my energy back and can socialise and be nearer my normal bouncy self. I am

finally able to be a normal fiancee for my other half that had to look after

me when i didn't have the energy to go to work or do anything other than


I can make it into work now rather and when I'm there I

can work without becoming so exhasuted from concentrating that I have to

leave early .

I've still got a bit of a way to go but i'm getting

there because of the help and advice of TPA and Dr P.

On an extra note - whilst I haven't informed my GP of all

Doctor Peatfields work with me for fear of their reaction (I've seen other

TPA members experiences with threats of being struck off), when I showed my

GP the results from my adrenal stress profile they said they would keep them

on file and there was nothing these would help them do, they only treat

overactive adrenals.

Since the start I have had to spend money I don't have but

I would have spent anything to feel normal again. Like most within the

TPA I've had to see a private doctor and self medicate in order to feel like

a normal 30year old rather than get help from my GP (I've seen three

different doctors at my surgery as well as an endo in total who also didn't

believe in T3 treatment).

If this is any good Sheila you are welcome to use it, it's

far from the most dramatic but it had a massive impact on my life for over a

year, and i'm sure i'm one of the more lucky ones. If you no

longer need this no problem. Anything I can do to help! If it's ok I've

attached a photo for you!

love xx

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