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Re: Register of Counterexamples to levothyroxine-only therapy

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I have tweeted this, Sheila... http://twitter.com/#!/Pheeew Perhaps if anyone

else has a Twitter account, could they please retweet.



> If you are a member of any other thyroid support forum/group, please

> will you copy this message to them.


> NOTE: (A counterexample is a situation which fits the concept or premise

> of an idea but produces a different result. To be responsible, a

> scientist who finds a counterexample to his idea, must limit or abandon

> his idea as unworkable, or not reliable.)


> Sheila


> Thyroid Patient Advocate


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I have today signed the register as this most definitely applies to me. T4 only

brought my blood results back well within normal range but made little to no

difference to my symptoms. I now take T4 and T3 rpescribed by my GP, topped up

with ERFA.


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Dear Sheila,i would like to fill out the survey but a sentence stops me:If T4-only (e.g. Levothyroxine/Synthroid/Eltroxin) failed to relieve or eliminate your symptoms of hypothyroidism, did you later have success with a T3 thyroid hormone replacement Armour, which i think is predominately t4, did not help me in spite of high doses.  I only felt better on t3.  I never took synthetic medicines like Levothyroxine.

let me know if you want me to fill it in.thanks for having helped me so muchBerny from Italy

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Thanks Jacquie - let's hope we get more new counterexamples. The

number has risen from 914 this morning to 930 this evening - so creeping up to

that magic 1000 that I need,

Luv - Sheila

I have tweeted this, Sheila... http://twitter.com/#!/Pheeew Perhaps if anyone

else has a Twitter account, could they please retweet.



> If you are a member of any other thyroid support forum/group, please

> will you copy this message to them.


> NOTE: (A counterexample is a situation which fits the concept or premise

> of an idea but produces a different result. To be responsible, a

> scientist who finds a counterexample to his idea, must limit or abandon

> his idea as unworkable, or not reliable.)


> Sheila


> Thyroid Patient Advocate


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Hi Berny,

Yes, you should fill out the survey. This refers to thyroxine

(T4) and triiodothyronine (T4). You tried Armour Thyroid which contained both

T4 and T3 and couldn't regain your normal health. You then dropped the natural

thyroid extract and used T3 only, so that makes you a counterexample to T4

therapy. There are many people unable to take any form of T4, either synthetic

or natural because they have peripheral resistance to thyroid hormone at the

cellular level - so must take T3.

Luv - Sheila

Dear Sheila,

i would like to fill out the survey but a sentence stops me:

If T4-only (e.g. Levothyroxine/Synthroid/Eltroxin) failed to relieve

or eliminate your symptoms of hypothyroidism, did you later have success with a

T3 thyroid hormone replacement

Armour, which i think is

predominately t4, did not help me in spite of high doses. I only felt

better on t3. I never took synthetic medicines like Levothyroxine.

let me know if you want me to fill it in.

thanks for having helped me so much

Berny from Italy

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I think you mean triiodothyronine (T3) in case there is any confusion.Lilian

Yes, you should fill out the survey. This refers to thyroxine

(T4) and triiodothyronine (T4). 

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Yup - yes Lilian, thanks for being so observant, as ever :o)

Luv - Sheila

I think you mean triiodothyronine (T3) in case there is any confusion.


Yes, you should fill out the survey.

This refers to thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T4).


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Hi Sheila, I've been sending out a tweet daily. I see we have several more

members. Have you reached the 1000 mark yet?




> Thanks Jacquie - let's hope we get more new counterexamples. The number has

> risen from 914 this morning to 930 this evening - so creeping up to that

> magic 1000 that I need,


> Luv - Sheila


> I have tweeted this, Sheila... http://twitter.com/# <http://twitter.com/>

> !/Pheeew Perhaps if anyone else has a Twitter account, could they please

> retweet.

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No - 942 though, so creeping up very slowly. Can you send out a

tweet about our conference too Jacquie to see if anybody would like to come.

Tell it's to be held in Skipton, Yorkshire on 11th June with 2 doctors expert

in thyroid disease and a dentist expert in mercury/metal toxins and to contact

[sheila@...] to book a place - and that it is only £10 which includes a


Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila, I've been sending out a tweet daily.

I see we have several more members. Have you reached the 1000 mark yet?




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Hi Sheila,

I hope you are having a nice weekend.

I am under the impression that uptake for your counterexamples is slow at the moment. Have you tried contacting any ME groups about it?

I cannot promise anything, but would you like me to try and get your info into the Stockport ME Group newsletter? I was thinking that as Dr Peatfield does Stockport clinics, there must be plenty of people in or near Stockport who are counterexamples. Your info would have to go via the committee first, but I am happy to ask for you, if you like.

Do let me know what you think.

Take care now

From Fiona.

Register of Counterexamples to levothyroxine-only therapy

Dear member, I am aware that there are a lot of you who have already registered your thyroid status on the Register of Counterexamples to levothyroxine-only (T4) therapy that TPA is creating. However, I am sending out this message again for those of you who have not yet done this (if you qualify) and to all those new members who are not aware of this very important project.

This short survey is applicable only to those who continued to suffer symptoms on levothyroxine -only therapy, and who found those symptoms were mitigated or disappeared once they were started on a T3 hormone containing product, whether synthetic or natural desiccated thyroid.

The existence of counterexamples to T4-only therapy prove incontrovertibly that endocrinology's stance is dangerously wrong. Their continuance of practising in line with the T4-only therapy dictat for all sufferers of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is pernicious.

It is long overdue for endocrinologists to recognise that the symptoms of hypothyroidism can result from

(a) insufficient secretion by the thyroid gland or

(B) insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the body, associated with peripheral metabolism and peripheral cellular hormone reception.

The several 'flawed' studies (900 participants) concluded that T4/T3 combination worked no better than T4-only therapy, but already, our Register (to date) shows 914 counterexamples to T4 only.Our aim is to find at least 1000 counterexamples in order for us to challenge those flawed results.

The objective of this Register of Counterexamples to T4-only therapy is to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout the world, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing protocol for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of hypothyroidism , and YOU can help us do this.

If you fit this category, please will you complete the 3 questions with either 'YES', 'NO' or N/A here http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/register_of_counterexamples.php . All responses will be collated online, and your email address (if you provide one) will be used ONLY to contact you at a later date should this be becomes necessary.

If you are a member of any other thyroid support forum/group, please will you copy this message to them.

NOTE: (A counterexample is a situation which fits the concept or premise of an idea but produces a different result. To be responsible, a scientist who finds a counterexample to his idea, must limit or abandon his idea as unworkable, or not reliable.)


Thyroid Patient Advocate

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Hi Fiona, yes, I am having a nice weekend as the forum is very

quiet so taking advantage of this and finishing a couple of paintings, but keep

popping on to the group to see if anything is going on. BTW - are you coming to

our TPA Jamboree again on 11th June?

Yes please, it would be great to get some more names for our

Register of Counterexamples. Would you believe I am only 57 off getting that

wonderful figure I have been aiming at of 1000.

The following is the message I send out, so see what the ME

committee think and hopefully, I will see the numbers start to rise again.

" The

Charity, Thyroid Patient Advocacy www.tpa-uk.org.uk is in

the process of creating a World Register of Counterexamples to

levothyroxine-only (T4) therapy. This short survey is applicable only to those

who continued to suffer symptoms on T4-only therapy, and who found those

symptoms were mitigated or disappeared once they were started on a T3 hormone

containing product, whether synthetic or natural desiccated thyroid.


existence of counterexamples to T4-only therapy prove incontrovertibly that

endocrinology's stance is dangerously wrong. Their continuance of practising in

line with the T4-only treatment dictat for all sufferers of the symptoms of

hypothyroidism is pernicious.


is long overdue for endocrinologists to recognise that the symptoms of

hypothyroidism can result from (a) insufficient secretion by the thyroid gland

or (B) insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the body, associated with

peripheral metabolism and peripheral cellular hormone reception.


studies (900 participants) concluded that T4/T3 combination worked no

better than T4-only therapy, but already, our Register shows 865

counterexamples (to date) to T4 only therapy. Our aim is to find at least

1000 counterexamples in order for us to challenge those flawed

results. The objective of this Register of Counterexamples to T4-only

therapy is to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout

the world, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing protocol

for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of hypothyroidism.


you fit this category, please will you complete the 3 questions with either

'YES', 'NO' or N/A here


.. All responses will be collated online, and your email address (if you provide

one) will be used ONLY to contact you at a later date should this be becomes



(A counterexample is a

situation which fits the concept or premise of an idea but produces a different

result. To be responsible, a scientist who finds a counterexample to his

idea, must limit or abandon his idea as unworkable, or not reliable.)


(Thyroid Patient Advocate)




hope you are having a nice weekend.


am under the impression that uptake for your counterexamples is slow at the

moment. Have you tried contacting any ME groups about it?


cannot promise anything, but would you like me to try and get your info into

the Stockport ME Group newsletter? I was thinking that as Dr Peatfield

does Stockport clinics, there must be plenty of people in or near Stockport who

are counterexamples. Your info would have to go via the committee first,

but I am happy to ask for you, if you like.


let me know what you think.


care now



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Just sent out two tweets re TPA conference and register of counterexamples!




> No - 942 though, so creeping up very slowly. Can you send out a tweet about

> our conference too Jacquie to see if anybody would like to come. Tell it's

> to be held in Skipton, Yorkshire on 11th June with 2 doctors expert in

> thyroid disease and a dentist expert in mercury/metal toxins and to contact

> [sheila@...] to book a place - and that it is only £10 which includes

> a meal.


> Luv - Sheila

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  • 1 month later...
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FAO: WENDY ROBERTS... this will answer your question. Love Jacquie



> Dear member, I am aware that there are a lot of you who have already

> registered your thyroid status on the Register of Counterexamples to

> levothyroxine-only (T4) therapy that TPA is creating. However, I am

> sending out this message again for those of you who have not yet done

> this (if you qualify) and to all those new members who are not aware of

> this very important project.


> This short survey is applicable only to those who continued to suffer

> symptoms on levothyroxine -only therapy, and who found those symptoms

> were mitigated or disappeared once they were started on a T3 hormone

> containing product, whether synthetic or natural desiccated thyroid.


> The existence of counterexamples to T4-only therapy prove

> incontrovertibly that endocrinology's stance is dangerously wrong. Their

> continuance of practising in line with the T4-only therapy dictat for

> all sufferers of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is pernicious.


> It is long overdue for endocrinologists to recognise that the symptoms

> of hypothyroidism can result from


> * (a) insufficient secretion by the thyroid gland or

> * (B) insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the body, associated

> with peripheral metabolism and peripheral cellular hormone reception.


> The several 'flawed' studies (900 participants) concluded that T4/T3

> combination worked no better than T4-only therapy, but already, our

> Register (to date) shows 914 counterexamples to T4 only.Our aim is to

> find at least 1000 counterexamples in order for us to challenge those

> flawed results.


> The objective of this Register of Counterexamples to T4-only therapy is

> to draw to the attention of those responsible authorities throughout the

> world, the dire need for an urgent re-examination of the existing

> protocol for the diagnosis and management of the symptoms of

> hypothyroidism , and YOU can help us do this.


> If you fit this category, please will you complete the 3 questions with

> either 'YES', 'NO' or N/A here

> http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/register_of_counterexamples.php

> <http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/register_of_counterexamples.php> . All

> responses will be collated online, and your email address (if you

> provide one) will be used ONLY to contact you at a later date should

> this be becomes necessary.


> If you are a member of any other thyroid support forum/group, please

> will you copy this message to them.


> NOTE: (A counterexample is a situation which fits the concept or premise

> of an idea but produces a different result. To be responsible, a

> scientist who finds a counterexample to his idea, must limit or abandon

> his idea as unworkable, or not reliable.)


> Sheila


> Thyroid Patient Advocate


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