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RE: An update and MASSIVE thanks

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Hi Lesney, I am so sorry not to have responded to your post and

found it still unopened in my Inbox buried in a mound of others (but they had

been opened, responded to and not deleted). Yours stuck out.

I am really pleased that at last you have found a possible cause

for all your symptoms and ill health and I wondered whether you had yet been

given the results of any of the other tests that had been done yet. If so, do

post them here so we can help if they need interpretation!

Did you manage to get on with writing your complaint yet? I know

what a pain that can be, but we really MUST complain when our doctors treat us

so terribly badly, because if we don't, they will go on to repeat their

dreadful mistakes on other patients and put them through misery too. I would

first write a letter of complaint to the doctor in question and send a copy to

the Head of Practice and make sure you write this at the bottom of the letter.

Give the GP no longer than 10 days in which to respond (in writing) and ask for

the Head of Practice to respond too. Depending on what they say in their

response, if it is something you are not happy with and feel your complaint is

not being taken seriously, then report the matter 9with copies of your

letter and their response) to your local Primary Care Trust.

If we can help in any way, please do let us know, and I

sincerely hope your headaches are much better. What treatment have they started

you on?

Luv - Sheila

I got the MRI results just after Christmas and they showed I have `Empty Sella

Syndrome'. My pituitary gland is being put under pressure by an increased

volume of spinal fluid. Bingo? I hope so. Obviously I would rather have nothing

wrong but it does explain a lot of my symptoms and I know that it can be


I am now waiting for the results of another blood test to see how the pituitary

is functioning and when I see the GP he will be able to tell me if I need to

see a neurologist or an endocrinologist or both. I am also really looking

forward to feeling human again. I know a lot of you can sympathise and have suffered

more than me, but a year of feeling crap really does take it's toll.

I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for all the advice you have

given me because without you and TPA I am sure I would have taken my old GP's

word as gospel and be suffering for a hell of a lot longer.

My headaches are constant and only just tolerable but now I actually see a

light at the end of the tunnel. Also now I can focus on constructing a letter

of complaint about my previous surgery and the GPs who treated me in the hope

that they won't treat anyone else the same way they treated me.


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