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beta glucan dosing question

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Hi, Sheila,I'm sorry for my delay in getting back to you! This is the product I use, and it says " 3 mg. " http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=beta+glucan & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & cid=11818493356197277525 & ei=zU80TaOnCoycgQfU7tGmCw & sa=X & oi=product_catalog_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ved=0CI8BEPMCMAY# The " extra-strength " is 10mg. I don't take beta glucan every day. Just, when I notice people around me starting to come down with flu, I'll begin taking it. I know that's a reactive rather than a proactive way of operating, and it doesn't guarantee protection because I might already be infected with the flu virus by the time I begin taking it. But I already take so many supplements, and they are expensive altogether, so I try to save $$$ where I can. Cherwyn

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Thanks for this info. Cherwyn. We are now taking Sambucol and

high doses of Vit C to try to ward off the ugly beast and so far, doing OK, but

there is no way of knowing whether we have been anywhere we could have been

exposed to 'flu or not. We are just taking precautions as this particular

variety sounds pretty evil. I will look into Beta Glucan.

Luv - Sheila




sorry for my delay in getting back to you!


is the product I use, and it says " 3 mg. " http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=beta+glucan & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & cid=11818493356197277525 & ei=zU80TaOnCoycgQfU7tGmCw & sa=X & oi=product_catalog_result & ct=result & resnum=7 & ved=0CI8BEPMCMAY#

The " extra-strength " is 10mg. I don't take beta glucan every day.

Just, when I notice people around me starting to come down with flu, I'll begin

taking it. I know that's a reactive rather than a proactive way of operating,

and it doesn't guarantee protection because I might already be infected with

the flu virus by the time I begin taking it. But I already take so many

supplements, and they are expensive altogether, so I try to save $$$ where I



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