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Stressful GP visit

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Hi everyone,

I haven't been on the site for ages.I am in the process of moving, so feeling

a bit stressed at the moment.I recently visited the GP's with a view to being

referred for smoking cessation.However because of being overweight, I'm

concerned about putting on anymore.I have tried but nothing happens except I

feel sick with hunger.I mentioned to him that I have been diagnosed with

hypothyroid, by Dr Peatfield.He nearly had a heart attack about Armour and it

not being a " real " doc who diagnosed me.

I returned to have a blood test with the nurse and a day later had a panic

call from receptionist telling me to stop taking meds immediately, and I had an

urgent appointment this morning,5 days after call.Needless to say I did not stop

taking meds, as the difference between where I was 3 years ago and am now are

worlds apart.However I've been very stressed leading up to this mornings


I was told that I was putting my health at risk,and I was to stop taking meds

immediately, have a blood test in 2 months, and if my results were low, they may

put me on Thyroxine (woo hoo).I tried to explain that my TSH would be suppressed

due to the Armour, but no way was she going to listen.She eventually gave me the

results which were as follows:

TSH 1.38

T3 3.5

T4 3.5

Free T4 6

I am due to leave this practice due to moving house in 2 weeks time, but I

still feel quite upset with GP, for making me feel guilty.They implied that I am

just depressed, and need mood stabilising drugs.I should point out I am a

pychiatric nurse with 19 years experience in that field, but nursed for 26

years.I am not a complete idiot, though that's how they've made me feel.Since

being on Armour I have lost a brother to cancer, my mum has had breast and

uterine cancer and my dad has been unwell for past 2 months.If I was just

depressed, coping with all these things would have sent me nose-diving into a

black hole.

If only I'd kept my mouth shut about it all, and to add to this in my upset I

forgot to ask for referral to smoking cessation clinic.Sorry to be a moan but

feel very let down by Drs at the moment.

Love Val 2

Sorry I posted this on chat insted of this site.xx

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Don't worry about it, I have the same problems with my endo - who ought to know

better!! Every year round about the end of March beginning of April he tells me

to reduce my meds, when I say NO! he threatens to discharge me.

I wouldn't mind if it was my health he was concerned with but its not, he just

wants to reduce his drugs bill!!

I've seen 6 different endos at 3 different hospitals and most of them have been

told in no uncertain terms to stop talking to me like I'm a naughty 5 year old!!

(Its unrepeatable what I said to the others!!)

I told the head of endocrinology of a large teaching hospital that he was a

moron and he should be ashamed of the way he was teaching new endos and gp's to

disrespect patients and ignore their concerns.

Oh for an easy life!!

I go to the gp as little as possible, NEVER let them do blood tests and recently

I've refused to go to their 'Healthy Heart' clinic as I'm fed up of the repeated

mantra of 'eat less and exercise more' as if it makes a difference!! Plus why

should I go for an unnecessary check up that they get paid for when they won't

prescribe the meds I need to stay alive?

You rant away, got to let off steam somewhere!!

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> Don't worry about it, I have the same problems with my endo - who ought to

know better!! Every year round about the end of March beginning of April he

tells me to reduce my meds, when I say NO! he threatens to discharge me.

> I wouldn't mind if it was my health he was concerned with but its not, he just

wants to reduce his drugs bill!!


> I've seen 6 different endos at 3 different hospitals and most of them have

been told in no uncertain terms to stop talking to me like I'm a naughty 5 year

old!! (Its unrepeatable what I said to the others!!)


> I told the head of endocrinology of a large teaching hospital that he was a

moron and he should be ashamed of the way he was teaching new endos and gp's to

disrespect patients and ignore their concerns.


> Oh for an easy life!!

> I go to the gp as little as possible, NEVER let them do blood tests and

recently I've refused to go to their 'Healthy Heart' clinic as I'm fed up of the

repeated mantra of 'eat less and exercise more' as if it makes a difference!!

Plus why should I go for an unnecessary check up that they get paid for when

they won't prescribe the meds I need to stay alive?


> You rant away, got to let off steam somewhere!!


Sorry, meant to say I used to be a smoker, I went to a hypnotherapist, stopped

smoking and I was fine until a double emotional crisis sent my thyroid wonky!!

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Hi there..... do you mind me asking why you never let your GP surgery carry out blood tests?

Gill x

> I go to the gp as little as possible, NEVER let them do blood tests and recently I've refused to go to their 'Healthy Heart' clinic as I'm fed up of the repeated mantra of 'eat less and exercise more' as if it makes a difference!!

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Hi Gill,

I never let them do blood tests because I am on Armour and the doctor doesn't

know how to read the results. The reception staff freak at the slightest

difference in test results, plus they only ever do TSH.

I once went to get my cholesterol results and the receptionists went into

hysterics and demanded that I stay to see a doctor as my cholesterol was 5.4!!

Needless to say I walked out!!



> Hi there..... do you mind me asking why you never let your GP surgery

> carry out blood tests?


> Gill x



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Hi Glynis.... thanks for replying. I'm having some blood tests done next week, and I just wondered if there was anything I should be aware of.

Gill x

> Hi Gill,> I never let them do blood tests because I am on Armour and the doctor doesn't know how to read the results. The reception staff freak at the slightest difference in test results, plus they only ever do TSH. > Glynis

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i'm sorry you're having such a difficult time... you've had some very powerful

emotional experiences from what you say so bravo to you for still being compas

mentis! please try to brush off the idea of being made to feel guilty for

trying to do the very best you can for your body! don't let other people's

ignorance affect you ...easier said than done i know but worh remembering i


if you want to stop smoking then i can heartily recommend allan carr's book *the

easy way to stop smoking*. i smoked for 40 years and convinced myself that i

would never ever be able to stop but within the first few pages of his book i

knew i was an ex smoker. his message gets direct to our intelligence, his book

made me laugh and stopping smoking is the best thing i have ever done for

myself. (i didn' put on any weight but food tasted even more ymuuy!)

try and takes some good deep breaths because that might help calm the mind

during everything you've got going on.

> not being a " real " doc who diagnosed me.

how very dare they!!! how stupid for them to say that lol!

good wishes for your move.



> Hi everyone,

> I haven't been on the site for ages.I am in the process of moving, so feeling

> a bit stressed at the moment.I recently visited the GP's with a view to being

> referred for smoking cessation.However because of being overweight, I'm

> concerned about putting on anymore.I have tried but nothing happens except I

> feel sick with hunger.I mentioned to him that I have been diagnosed with

> hypothyroid, by Dr Peatfield.He nearly had a heart attack about Armour and it

> not being a " real " doc who diagnosed me.

> I returned to have a blood test with the nurse and a day later had a panic

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> Hi everyone,

> I haven't been on the site for ages.I am in the process of moving, so feeling

> a bit stressed at the moment.I recently visited the GP's with a view to being

> referred for smoking cessation.However because of being overweight, I'm

> concerned about putting on anymore.I have tried but nothing happens except I

> feel sick with hunger.I mentioned to him that I have been diagnosed with

> hypothyroid, by Dr Peatfield.He nearly had a heart attack about Armour and it

> not being a " real " doc who diagnosed me.

> I returned to have a blood test with the nurse and a day later had a panic

> call from receptionist telling me to stop taking meds immediately, and I had


> urgent appointment this morning,5 days after call.Needless to say I did not


> taking meds, as the difference between where I was 3 years ago and am now are

> worlds apart.However I've been very stressed leading up to this mornings

> appointment.

> I was told that I was putting my health at risk,and I was to stop taking meds

> immediately, have a blood test in 2 months, and if my results were low, they


> put me on Thyroxine (woo hoo).I tried to explain that my TSH would be


> due to the Armour, but no way was she going to listen.She eventually gave me


> results which were as follows:


> TSH 1.38

> T3 3.5

> T4 3.5

> Free T4 6


> I am due to leave this practice due to moving house in 2 weeks time, but I

> still feel quite upset with GP, for making me feel guilty.They implied that I


> just depressed, and need mood stabilising drugs.I should point out I am a

> pychiatric nurse with 19 years experience in that field, but nursed for 26

> years.I am not a complete idiot, though that's how they've made me feel.Since

> being on Armour I have lost a brother to cancer, my mum has had breast and

> uterine cancer and my dad has been unwell for past 2 months.If I was just

> depressed, coping with all these things would have sent me nose-diving into a

> black hole.

> If only I'd kept my mouth shut about it all, and to add to this in my upset I

> forgot to ask for referral to smoking cessation clinic.Sorry to be a moan but

> feel very let down by Drs at the moment.

> Love Val 2



> Sorry I posted this on chat insted of this site.xx


Yes my GP when I told her about the nutri and cortisol pills I was taking to

stop and she said the 24 hour urine she had researched on line was unreliable, I

told her she was obviously looking at the wrong sites then, it's ok for her to

keep offering me anti depressants though, they like to shove chemicals at you a

lot, I've noticed, and none of them did me a bit of good in fact I was worse on

them than ever.

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