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Re: New with Test Results - Long

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Hi Mandi

Are you Mandi of mandimart? :) welcome to tpa

Hope someone helps soon.


Ps sorry I forgot to To send your book back. Will send it soon in time for

cutler conf



> History - 3 years of high stress activity, 52 year old single parent of 3

> boys 16,15, 14, Dx with IBS and DD, self employed, growing business, carepr

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Hi Mandi, attached are two documents, one about some of

the causes why thyroid hormone cannot be properly utilised at the cellular

level and the other about the scientific studies done showing the connection

between low levels of specific minerals and vitamins, which must be

supplemented for thyroid hormone to work as it should. Read through these and

see if anything rings a bell. Get all the tests you can from your GP and be

sure to get the results yourself, together with the reference range for each

test done so we can help with any interpretation, and NEVER allow a doctor to

tell you " they are all within the range - therefore you don't have a

problem " . Doctors are not taught how to properly interpret such results.

Have you considered that after trying so many adrenal

supplements without getting to the root of your problem, it might be that you

need a course of hydrocortisone? Your poor nights sleep would suggest that your

cortisol level is high at night, when it should be at it's lowest during the

day. Your 'over-reaction' to your accountants questioning also could be an

indication of your need for HC. Have you tried liquorice tincture and

Siberian Ginseng and you should be taking high doses of Vitamin C (up to bowel

tolerance to help with absorption).

When you get a racing heart, try 500mgs Magnesium


Also, check out our FILES section (accessible from the

Home Page of this forum web site thyroid treatment

) (Click on FILES). Read all the information there in the 'CANDIDA'

folder. If you didn't crack this one on the head, you really need to have

another go and see if our recommendations can help. The reaction you

experienced with 'die-off' shows that you had Candida pretty bad, but did you

stop it too soon. Such a reaction is not unexpected.

You don't say how much of the different supplements you

were taking, and it would help to know this. For instance, some say they are

taking CoEnzymeQ10 and you think " Good " , but then find out they are

taking 30mgs only, which is nothing when you are suffering with thyroid

problems plus all the related conditions that go alongside - you should be

taking at least 100mgs and quite probably a lot more. My husband takes 300mgs


When you had your TFT's done, had you taken any thyroid

hormone replacement on the morning of the blood draw? Ask your GP to contact

the laboratory to get your blood tested for thyroid antibodies - the laboratory

has no right to refuse to do this. Especially if you have members of your

family who have a thyroid or autoimmune disease. If this was done in the last

couple of weeks, they should still have your blood sample. If not, get another

sample to the laboratory and just get tested for TPO and TgAb ONLY.

For your low aldosterone, it would help if you buy either

Celtic or Himalayan Pink Salt as these salts are unrefined and still contain up

to 87 minerals in them. You can make a solution of 'Sole' where you dissolve

either 'rocks' of the salt until the water becomes fully saturated (i.e. no

more salt can be dissolved and it remains undisturbed at the bottom of the

glass). Bottle this, and every morning when you wake, take a good teaspoon (I

just supp it from the bottle). It works like a miracle.

With your high WBC, have you had a recent infection? How

did you use the Celtic sea salt that made you feel nauseous?

The Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) test measures the amount

of the enzyme ALP in the blood. ALP is made mostly in the liver and in bone

with some made in the intestines and kidneys. The liver makes more ALP than the

other organs or the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the

blood. These conditions include bone disease (osteomalacia or Paget's disease),

or a disease that affects how much calcium is in the blood

(hyperparathyroidism), vitamin D deficiency, or damaged liver cells. If the ALP

level is high, more tests may be done to find the cause.

Your doctor may want to check for liver disease or damage

to the liver. Symptoms of liver disease can include jaundice, belly pain,

nausea, and vomiting. An ALP test may also be used to check the liver when

medicines that can damage the liver are being taken. Your GP may also want to

check bone problems (sometimes found on X-rays), osteomalacia, bone tumors,

Paget's disease, or too much of the hormone that controls bone growth

(parathyroid hormone)). The ALP level can be used to check how well treatment

for Paget's disease or a vitamin D deficiency is working. What did your GP say

when he saw this test result?

You say you left a message for Dr P - was this a

telephone or an Email message. If Email, it is very unlikely you will get a

response as he no longer uses Email. He was inundated with hundreds of emails

and could no longer keep up. The best way to contact him is to telephone and if

he is not available, leave your name and telephone number with a message to say

you would like an appointment and he will get back to you. Alternatively, if

you have a FAX machine, send him a FAX with that information - or write him a

short letter. His telephone no. is 01883 623 125. Wednesdays is his 'Telephone

Day' when he spends the whole day talking to his patients, so if the phone is

always engaged, that is why, but you just might be lucky and manage to get in

between calls.

You will have seen that I have already sent you a list of

'friendly' endo's . privately.

Luv - Sheila


High pulse rate remains, one of the sites I read I had

all the symptoms of low Aldosterone. I know biomeds and supps for autism but

clueless about this.

Naturopath wants Vit D levels, RBC Magnesium and

something else I forgot. Happy to take tests advised here, left message for Dr

Peatfield about telephone or in person consult but not heard back yet. Started

E-Lyte Electrolyte Balance on Saturday, have celtic sea salt but made me feel


I've lost a stone which is a good thing, skin not dry,

hair not dry, sleep in afternoons 1.5 - 2 hours

The End

Mandi in Dorset (any friendly endo's this way?)

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> Hi Mandi, attached are two documents, one about some of the causes why

> thyroid hormone cannot be properly utilised at the cellular level and the

> other about the scientific studies done showing the connection between low

> levels of specific minerals and vitamins, which must be supplemented for

> thyroid hormone to work as it should. Read through these and see if anything

> rings a bell. Get all the tests you can from your GP and be sure to get the

> results yourself, together with the reference range for each test done so we

> can help with any interpretation, and NEVER allow a doctor to tell you " they

> are all within the range - therefore you don't have a problem " . Doctors are

> not taught how to properly interpret such results.

>>I think I may have low minerals. I do have all the test results printed out

from G, there were just so many I didn't put them all in the mail which was so

long anyways

Mandi in Dorset

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> Have you considered that after trying so many adrenal supplements without

> getting to the root of your problem, it might be that you need a course of

> hydrocortisone? Your poor nights sleep would suggest that your cortisol

> level is high at night, when it should be at it's lowest during the day.

> Your 'over-reaction' to your accountants questioning also could be an

> indication of your need for HC.

>>>Yes I have thought about it but with most Endo's thinking a 9.00am Serum

Cortisol proves I don't have AF then how might I get them. A GP I had look over

the NHS results AND the Genova ASP said categorically that I don't have AF (but

he always was an arrogant SOB - used to be his practice manager)and only that

the high Alk Phos needed follow up


Mandi in Dorset

Have you tried liquorice tincture and

> Siberian Ginseng and you should be taking high doses of Vitamin C (up to

> bowel tolerance to help with absorption).


> When you get a racing heart, try 500mgs Magnesium Citrate.



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Have you tried liquorice tincture and

> Siberian Ginseng and you should be taking high doses of Vitamin C (up to

> bowel tolerance to help with absorption).

>>Not tried Liquorice ever, took Ginseng many moons ago, I should try them both

again and yes to Vitamin C which I have kept up, I take in the form of Mineral

Ascorbates, 5 grams per day regularly

> When you get a racing heart, try 500mgs Magnesium Citrate.

>>I have many types of Mag but not Citrate, I have been taking Mag Glycinate,

felt with my dodgy bowels and its use in Autism for constipation that I should

avoid it. Is there a particular reason for the citrate form?

The high pulse rate is a constant thing, it doesn't come and go but does seem

better today since I tried again with sea salt in water last night and today

Thanks so much

Mandi in Dorset

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> You don't say how much of the different supplements you were taking, and it

> would help to know this. For instance, some say they are taking CoEnzymeQ10

> and you think " Good " , but then find out they are taking 30mgs only, which is

> nothing when you are suffering with thyroid problems plus all the related

> conditions that go alongside - you should be taking at least 100mgs and

> quite probably a lot more. My husband takes 300mgs CoQ10.

>>>>I don't take any Co Q10, tried it once before at only 25mg and it gave me

the headache from hell, clean brand used for ASD kids - should I try just a tiny

bit from a capsule, I have some 100mgs ones here (I sell supps specific for

autism) ?

> With your high WBC, have you had a recent infection?

>>>>Not that I know of but did read that it can also be caused by high


How did you use the

> Celtic sea salt that made you feel nauseous?

>>>>My friend said to put half teaspoon in 500mls of water, stir well and sip

throughout the day. Since I mailed yesterday I have been doing 1/4 teaspoon in

300mls and managing it OK and I think its making me feel better

> The Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) test measures the amount of the enzyme ALP in

> the blood. ALP is made mostly in the liver and in bone with some made in the

> intestines and kidneys. The liver makes more ALP than the other organs or

> the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the blood. These

> conditions include bone disease (osteomalacia or Paget's disease), or a

> disease that affects how much calcium is in the blood (hyperparathyroidism),

> vitamin D deficiency, or damaged liver cells. If the ALP level is high, more

> tests may be done to find the cause.

>>Yes, GP is away but was told when I picked up results That needed follow up


> You say you left a message for Dr P - was this a telephone or an Email

> message. If Email, it is very unlikely you will get a response as he no

> longer uses Email.

>>I rang and left a message after hours

> You will have seen that I have already sent you a list of 'friendly' endo's

> . privately.

>>>>Thanks Sheila - so did my TFT's look OK to you? Or do I need to get adrenals

sorted before we get an accurate picture?

Thanks again

Mandi in Dorset


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Problem is that NHS medical practitioners ONLY recognise adrenal

fatigue or low adrenal reserve as 's Disease (too little or no cortisol

secretion) or Cushing's syndrome (too high a level of cortisol secretion) and

they refuse to recognise any of the STEPS or STAGES of adrenal fatigue that

lead up to either of these conditions. If only they recognised these at the

early stages, they would stop their patients developing 's or Cushing's.

I am afraid this is something you will have to decide whether or not to treat

yourself. Many of our members have been left with no option but to do this.

Check out the Adrenal Folder in our FILES section. Read Dr Peatfield's paper on

the adrenal/thyroid connection and how to treat it. Read also Dr Thierry Hertoghe's

paper on the different dosages of the different brands of HC. You can also buy

HC from the different Internet Pharmacies listed in our FILE 'Internet

Pharmacies' where it shows where you can buy all the different thyroid hormones

plus hydrocortisone without prescription.

Luv - Sheila

> Have you considered that after trying so many adrenal supplements without

> getting to the root of your problem, it might be that you need a course of

> hydrocortisone? Your poor nights sleep would suggest that your cortisol

> level is high at night, when it should be at it's lowest during the day.

> Your 'over-reaction' to your accountants questioning also could be an

> indication of your need for HC.

>>>Yes I have thought about it but with most Endo's thinking a 9.00am

Serum Cortisol proves I don't have AF then how might I get them. A GP I had

look over the NHS results AND the Genova ASP said categorically that I don't

have AF (but he always was an arrogant SOB - used to be his practice

manager)and only that the high Alk Phos needed follow up


Mandi in Dorset

Have you tried liquorice tincture and

> Siberian Ginseng and you should be taking high doses of Vitamin C (up to

> bowel tolerance to help with absorption).


> When you get a racing heart, try 500mgs Magnesium Citrate.



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>>Not tried Liquorice ever, took Ginseng

many moons ago, I should try them both again and yes to Vitamin C which I have

kept up, I take in the form of Mineral Ascorbates, 5 grams per day regularly

You can buy Liquorice Tincture from Nutri Ltd. Check out our

FILE entitled 'Discounts on Tests and Supplements' and then open the document

entitled 'Nutri Ltd' and follow the instructions there in order to claim 33%

discount. Remember to quote the TPA reference number.

> When you get a racing heart, try 500mgs

Magnesium Citrate.

>>I have many types of Mag but not Citrate, I have been taking Mag

Glycinate, felt with my dodgy bowels and its use in Autism for constipation

that I should avoid it. Is there a particular reason for the citrate form

Magnesium Citrate helps relax

muscles and aids in fighting depression. It is essential for the maintenance of

RNA & DNA. Promotes cardiovascular health. Works with Vitamin B6 in

alleviating PMS. Aids in tissue respiration. Assists in the utilisation of

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E.

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Ask your GP to test for

antibodies to your thyroid. These are called TPO and TgAb. These are especially

important if you have members of your family who have a thyroid or autoimmune

disease. Your TSH looks fine, free T4 is on the high side and free T3 is also

well within the upper third of the reference range. However, these blood

results do not show whether the thyroid hormone that is in the blood is being

properly utilised at the cellular level.

You DO need to get any low

adrenal reserve sorted out, and as you have been on what appears to be

everything under the sun, you should consider a course of hydrocortisone. Any

chance you can see our Dr Peatfield?

Luv - Sheila

>Serum free triiodothyronine

level 5.2 pmol/L (3.1-6.8) listed as normal

Serum Free T4 19 pmol/L

(10-22) listed as normal

Serum TSH 1.2 mu/L (0.30 - 5.50)

listed as normal

>>>>Thanks Sheila - so did my TFT's look OK

to you? Or do I need to get adrenals sorted before we get an accurate picture?

Thanks again

Mandi in Dorset


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HI SHEILA and all

You mention that Magnesium Citrate relaxes the muscles, but it caused my muscle

pain to worsen. Could it be that it is not good to relax muscle pain caused by

POLYMYALGIA. It can also be worse in the mornings after relaxing muscles

overnight, and neither does heat ease the pain either. I have been taking

CHELATED MAGNESIUM 150MG at 300mg a day from H & B, but even with this increasing

the dose can worsen the pain overnight.Too much activity in the day can also get

worse relaxing in bed overnight.

The licorice tincture you mention from NUTRI has this had the GLYCYRRHIZIN

compound that is associated with high BP removed. My BP needs to go down not up,

but some have low BP and need to raise it.

I have been having LICO SOOTHE as I lately find it helps with indigestion, and

sometimes I have Charcoal tablets.



> Magnesium Citrate helps relax muscles and aids in fighting depression.

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Dear Kathleen, we are all different (not sure whether that is

good or bad), and how one supplement works for one individual will not

necessarily work the same for the next person. You appear to have a complex

history and intolerances to various supplements - so you really are a rather

special case.

Luv - Sheila

You mention that Magnesium Citrate relaxes the muscles, but it caused my muscle

pain to worsen. Could it be that it is not good to relax muscle pain caused by

POLYMYALGIA. It can also be worse in the mornings after relaxing muscles

overnight, and neither does heat ease the pain either. I have been taking

CHELATED MAGNESIUM 150MG at 300mg a day from H & B, but even with this increasing

the dose can worsen the pain overnight.Too much activity in the day can also

get worse relaxing in bed overnight.

The licorice tincture you mention from NUTRI has this had the GLYCYRRHIZIN

compound that is associated with high BP removed. My BP needs to go down not

up, but some have low BP and need to raise it.

I have been having LICO SOOTHE as I lately find it helps with indigestion, and

sometimes I have Charcoal tablets.



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Hi Mandi

what were the actual results of your adrenal saliva test?

what did you find when you did the hertoghe questionnaire? did that point to

anything else?

> Started SSRI's which I had felt I needed for about 8 months on the Sunday

are you still on the ssri's ?


> Very poor sleep, profuse sweating at night (and sometimes in day epecially

> after high protein meal),

what are you eating? Could it be a food intolerance maybe?

have you been checked for sleep apnoea?

have you tried taurine for anxiety? (it helps me), or l-theanine?

did you have fasting glucose done?

> Serum Glucose

> 8.6 mmol/L no range given - listed as normal


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