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Test Results

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Hello again,

I posted quite a while ago, and it's taken me this long to get tested and get my


Brief summary, I have struggled with Chronic Fatigue for 7/8 years and that's

basically my main complaint.

I've had a number of tests done now, all which have come back as 'normal' - so

would be grateful for any opinions. The ferritin and B12 a much higher than

previous tests because I was taking a large dose of iron (and vit. c) and B12. I

have since stopped them.

I have been to see a nutritionist and we're working on balancing my blood sugar

and she reakons it's that that is causing my problems.

Test Results:

17th January 2011


Anti-tTG 1.5 U/ml (0.0-10.0)

FSH 14.9 U/L

Luteinising Hormone 65.5 U/L

Prolactin 316 mU/L (59-620)

Thyroid Ab (TPO) 33.1 iu/ml

Free T4 17 pmol/L (9-23)

Thyroid Stim. Hor. 1.0 mu/L (0.55-4.78)

Vit. B12 700 ng/L (260-911)

Ferritin 108 ug/L (20-291)

Glucose 7.1 mmol/L

C. Reactive Protein <5 mg/L (0-5)

ESR 5 mm/hr (1-15)

Haemoglobin 135 g/L (115-165)

White Cell Count 6.3 x10^9/L (4.0-11.0)

Platelets 228 x10^9/L (150-400)

RBC 4.22 x10^12/L (4.20-5.40)

MCV 91 fL (77-99)

PCV 0.385 L/L (0.370-0.470)

MCH 32.0 pg (27.0-32.0)

MCHC 35.1 g/dL (30.0-37.0)

Neutrophils 4.1 x10^9/L (2.0-7.5)

Lymphocytes 1.8 x10^p/L (1.0-4.5)

Monocytes 0.3 x10^9/L (0.2-1.2)

Eosinophils 0.1 x10^9/L (0.1-0.6)

Basophils 0.0 x10^9/L (0.0-0.2)

Synacthen Test

Time Cortisol nmol/L

09.15 473

09.45 644

10.15 709

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