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Re: cant tollerate ndt?

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have you looked at low progesterone?? maybe that is why you can't tolerate it?


Estrogen Dominance (too much estrogen) causes hypothyroid by lowering the

thyroid receptor sensitivity, NOT by lowering the thyroid blood levels. Taking

progesterone cream and avoiding xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens wakes up the

thyroid receptor after 3-6 months and the hypothyroid goes away. Weight falls

off without dieting or exercise. Sugar cravings go away. Hair begins to thicken

for most people.


> could anyone share with me wheather they couldnt tollerate any thyroid

treatment,then found out what was stopping it working and going on to tollerate


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- take it from me that there are a great number of people

who have found that thyroid hormone replacement wasn't working for them - and

after investigating the possible reasons why this was - found the answer

through a process of elimination - testing all those minerals/vitamins/low

adrenal reserve/systemic candidiasis/mercury poisoning etc etc etc. I have been

running this forum now for many years, and many such members never knew of the

association between these and their thyroid medication not working. Even GP's

and a number of endocrinologists also don't know of the association. No doubt

somebody will come and tell you their experience, but please don't doubt the information

we give here to our members - we have worked long and hard and done a load of

research to find some answers to the problems we have had to face and we would

not be giving out such information if had not been proven to work.


could anyone share with me wheather they

couldnt tollerate any thyroid treatment,then found out what was stopping it

working and going on to tollerate it?

ive read the list of conditions which are said to stop treatment working but

never read anyone who have tackled it.

does that make sence,? brain fog.


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--- somebody will come and tell you their experience, but please don't

> doubt the information we give here to our members - we have worked long and

> hard and done a load of research to find some answers to the problems we

> have had to face and we would not be giving out such information if had not

> been proven to work.


> Sheila








> could anyone share with me wheather they couldnt tollerate any thyroid

> treatment,then found out what was stopping it working and going on to

> tollerate it?


> ive read the list of conditions which are said to stop treatment working but

> never read anyone who have tackled it.

> does that make sence,? brain fog.

> .x


oh gosh sheila,i wasnt doughting youre advice for one min,i was just asking for

some personal experiences, that would help me no end.i wont ask for such help in

future as i dont want to offend you and dont like to be TOLD OFF when im trying

desperately to find help and hope.x

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Please be assured that I was not telling you off - that is not

why TPA is here! I was not offended by any remark you made. I agree that others

discussing their personal experience is always a great help - this is the whole

idea behind running this forum and such discussions take place all the time. I

was only trying to reassure you that the information we give members concerning

the many associated conditions that go along with the symptoms of

hypothyroidism have been well researched and found to work well. I try to help members

in whatever way I can, quite voluntarily I would add, spending hours of every

day doing what I can because I know exactly what suffering you, and they, are

going through, having been there myself.

Also, if I felt offended about anything that a member had written,

I would not tell them off on the public forum, I would write to them privately.

Luv - Sheila

--- somebody will come and tell you their experience, but please don't

> doubt the information we give here to our members - we have worked long


> hard and done a load of research to find some answers to the problems we

> have had to face and we would not be giving out such information if had


> been proven to work.


> Sheila


oh gosh sheila,i wasnt doughting youre advice for one min,i was just asking for

some personal experiences, that would help me no end.i wont ask for such help

in future as i dont want to offend you and dont like to be TOLD OFF when im

trying desperately to find help and hope.x

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I think sometimes that it's easy to misunderstand emails and take things the

wrong way. Not only that I also find – with me at least – that things written

can upset me farmore than the spoken word, even when they're not meant to, it's

easy for a phrase or sentence to push the wrong buttons so to speak.

If we say something in a face to face or phone conversation, then we can sense

the person's mood, by what they say and how they say it, but then in writing

this can be lost and we can take offence at something that wasn't meant, and

before you know it people are upset over nothing.

Moving forward, I hope there are some positive experiences to help . I

think sometimes though that people tend to post only when they are not well,

then whey get well/better (or try a different approach) they don't tend to post

anymore and move on, that's maybe why we don't hear as many success stories



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I just wanted to add to Chris's point (which is absolutely bang on) that one inevitable issue with a forum such as this is that really poorly people are often at their lowest ebb & perhaps a bit more sensitive because they are so desperate for help. I also agree that when people are feeling better they tend to 'move on', this really accentuates just how lucky we are to have knowledgeable volunteers that are feeling better but committed to helping others feel well.

, I hope you continue to use the forum as everyone on here is really keen to help you return to wellness. You will get there, it's just a very confusing journey.Kerry x

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