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Re: Candida test results - Anyone know what they mean?!

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> I've received the results of my Candida antibodies saliva test from Genova & wanted to see if anyone knew what they actually mean? I think it might be good news but I'm not sure!> Candida antibodies IgG - 1.2 (normal range = < 10 U/ml)> Candida antibodies IgA - 9.6 (normal range = < 10 U/ml)

Hi Kerry,

Yes, you are in the clear - but only just. Your IgA readong is pretty close to the upper limit, so cutting out sugar, alcohol and grains as much as possible and adding fresh garlic, olive oil and other natural antifungals to your diet would be helpful for your system. It won't take much to tip the balance though - taking a good probiotic every day would also help keeping the bad guys in check.

Well done,

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Thanks ,Good news but like you say, I need to be careful. Could you just clarify what you mean by limiting 'grains' in this instance? Does this just mean things like white rice & white bread or do you mean brown rice also?

Thanks for your help!Kerry

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Good news but like you say, I need to be careful. Could you just clarify what you mean by limiting 'grains' in this instance? Does this just mean things like white rice & white bread or do you mean brown rice also?

Hello Kerry,

In this instance I meant all grains that will be milled into flours and everything that is made from flour like bread, cakes, cereals, biscuits etc .... obviously, to avoid all grains is a lot to ask (but necessary when someone tests positive for Candida), but it would help to keep your Candida antibody count down if you were to avoid highly refined grains totally (like wheat, for instance – which would cut out most cakes L). The more refined a flour is, the less the body's system has to work at it and the carbs turn straight into sugar. There is truth in the old saying: the whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead..... sugar is a slow poison, but a poison nonetheless and a very powerful one as such.

White rice should be reduced too in favour of brown rice – for the same reasons as above ... it's too refined and will in the body turn straight into starch – and starch is basically sugar. The same goes for potatoes btw.

Since your test was not positive, you won't have to give it all up, just be conscious of everything that either is sugar or will easily turn into sugar and cut down or try to avoid those foods and drinks. Something that is helping me whenever I am tempted by a piece of cake or some yummy bread is the thought that it is grains that make us fat – not fat L

Good luck,

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